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Everything posted by Mrp1

  1. Shantie is coming Oct 11 defiantly worth the wait IMO
  2. I had Nuru at a couple of AMPs in Dallas . Betwen that and the Table shower in the beginning I don’t know which was better .
  3. Hope this is ok . Traveling to Us any one know of a Us site like Lyla would appreciate a PM .The one I was using was shut down not sure if any new ones opened up ? Thanks
  4. https://dirtyblondestephan.wixsite.com/stephanie She has for me a couple of times ... Even if she doesn't you will be happy .. Remember YMMV it wasn't till my 2 visit that she did !
  5. https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_a_y_aye_the_one_and_only_incall-3859646 she he has in call today is she GFE ?
  6. Check the review section .. I have not done a review as I didn't ask if it was ok however I do have permission now but haven't had a chance it is hard to put it into words ... she is the whole package .. all rapped up in to one soft bundle of passion ! Treat her well !
  7. Awesome girl Reviews are spot on .. She's a super soak-er !
  8. Please let me know how it goes ... any info be appreciated
  9. Is this the Jade https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_half_100_real_great_reviews_incalls-3597248
  10. I secound that awesome lady ! We talked about the difference between the two services in-depth after a session it did seem intriguing!
  11. Saw Karina Yesterday very beautiful cute accent was very big turn on as well Beautiful blue eyes that made me feel as though I was her BF . Lots of kissing something else I like in an encounter ! She will be a definite repeat for me !
  12. A must see unless you don't like beautiful passionate women !
  13. Still here till 13th Additional Comments: TOFTT Was a great experience she is very enthusiastic ! Told her Body Language should put her add here so no one would question her authenticity ! will write a review when I get a chance ! PS she squirted 3 times ! Be good to her .
  14. Did you go see her ? She is with Body Language Ent
  15. Pics are real was a while ago I believe no gfe pretty basic .. She is very hott ! Additional Comments: Pics are real was a while ago I believe no gfe pretty basic .. She is very hott !
  16. http://www.atlantisexotica.com/A_site_files/gallery_female.htm If all you want is Dancers !
  17. http://www.kijiji.ca/v-health-beauty/dartmouth/full-body-relaxation-massage-therapy/1246091020?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true Is this Jess? You Speak of ?
  18. Can any one else give any info ?
  19. Sophie Lee http://sophielee.callgirlfiles.com/home http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/member.php?u=100719
  20. http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/member.php?u=78991 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=S&t=120450 Hope this helps
  21. Yup can't go wrong she rocking a new set of Man Maids Purrrfect !
  22. Seirra is very easy to talk to and is on here Kyle Jane ,Charlotte Quinn you may want to get these two as a Duo and have Charlotte tell you what to do and how to do it I believe she is a dom others will have others to ad to the list ... Who ever you go with make sure you have enough for 1.5 - 2 hrs so you can take your time an hr goes by so quick ..
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