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Everything posted by dunkinsailor

  1. I have raid, but also use Acronis True Image scheduled backups to run unattended; uses shadow copying so the drive can still be used. Fairly fast, especially when using Incremental mode. Dunno if this info is useful, but it gives me an extra layer of protection.
  2. Her physical description and age are very similar to a former banned cerb member Ashley - be sure to take due diligence to doublecheck if they are/aren't the same. See http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/announcement.php?f=35
  3. sure wish you were too FineWineDiva. Your pic is breath-taking.
  4. as a newbie, this discussion has helped me immensely. I've discovered stuff that hadn't really occurred to me before, including: - social time can be more challenging emotionally and mentally for her if the chemistry isn't right - there's still significant getting-ready work for her to go out - keeping the lines from getting blurred would actually detract from the experience for me So if I want to include a movie, p;icnic, etc., I'll look for someone who offers a multi-hour package that seems to have a mixture of public/private time already built in. I'll also discuss the things I'd like to do on the date more fully beforehand, so that there are as few unexpected awkward surprises once we get together. Thanks to all that helped me learn from their experience.
  5. I've gotten many a good dunkin during my sailing trips:) I was thinking about the 'helps-to-have-a-history" factor myself after I posted the last one. You're right Carrie, there is the risk in a first date that the chemistry might not work in any social part. Etasman, I was thinking along similar lines, but wasn't sure until you mentioned it about substituting a different activity for "dinner". Never hurts to ask I guess. I was debating about asking a local sp if a walk and picnic in a park would be ok instead of a restaurant, but it had the risk of sounding like a "lesser" alternative.
  6. I've thought about how nice it would be to take an sp to a movie or go swimming at the beach, like a first date. There's something magical about enjoying an activity in a public setting where touches, laughter, talking, and fun tingle ALL the senses. There's a delicious ongoing "hope she likes me" teenage-type of giddiness that happens, and then the anticipation of "will she want more of me" after the date. As I write this, an image of going to an amusement park and riding the roller coaster and other rides flashes thru my head - another "neat" date. If I end up exploring this further, I'd hope to find an SP that had "social" rates, where having social time before the more intimate time (at GFE rates) became an attractive choice. Please, I don't want to offend anyone thinking I'm mainly looking for a cut rate. That said, I also realize that many multi-hour packages sorta have this mixture almost built-in, including the rate structure. I think "social" rates - when an sp chooses to have them - help give some additional options for someone interested in a partial-day get together, with a "lets get out and do something fun" part to it. Would any sp reading this be offended if a client asked them "I'd like to spend some time at the beach/movie with an sp - do you have social rates for this type of outing?" 2 more notes: - the way this thread expoded reminds me of something that's been an albatross around my neck most of my life - I've lost count of the number of times someone got mad at me for saying the "wrong thing" - i.e., the words I used offended them, but I was just trying to say things best I could, will no ill intent. I've got a thicker skin now, but I still revert back to stuttering when that fear comes washing back before I catch it. - Carrie Moon, I think you're an absolute doll, and if I ever get to your fair city, I can think of nothing I'd rather do than snuggle up and get to know you better. GFE time:)
  7. I was going to make that point earlier - about LMS not saying she had a virus in her original post. Symptom was that an avast scan was locking up the laptop. I eat and breathe computers as part of my living. Here's my Columbo list of possible suspects, in order of likelihood: - a corrupted avast file. Treatment: re-install avast (no need to uninstall) - a failing hard drive sector. Treatment: do a scandisk, and check the fix/repair and scan sectors checkboxes. See if any errors are reported. Caveat: I've had hard drive bad sectors that scandisk won't repair properly, or block off. - a bug in avast, introduced in a recent update, that causes it to misbehave/conflict with some other software on your computer. Treatment: uninstall avast, download and install avg free. See if it can complete a scan. - virus/trojan, etc. Treatment: download and install Malabytes anti-malware free edition (I run this just fine concurrently with my av program Symantec Endpoint). Do a scan, and see if it finds anything bad. If so, get it to quarantine infections, reboot, do a second scan to ensure it got everything, and then see if avast will run ok. Btw, I've never done a voluntary clean reinstall to clear up virus probs. I have too many apps that would need reinstallation. I use a suite of antivirus and system tools to track down and clean out the offending files and registry entries. I also do full system backups regularly. If your computer uses a seagate or maxtor hard drive, Seagate has a disk imaging program called Maxblast that's free. Lil.miss.summers, don't let all the geek talk get to you. Print out the posts when you audition a repair shop, and let the techie read them, and highlight which ones he agrees with. That will at least give you some comfort that he/she's in harmony with some unbiased advice from cerb.
  8. I agree with Incognito. I've had issues with various antivirus programs that misbehaved. Highly recommend Malwarebytes Anti-Malware free edition - it's been the most dependable antivirus/anti-malware program among the different brands I've used.
  9. Looks like the RCMP make another "wonderful" communications call. I'm still shaking my head.
  10. cheating, like beauty, tends to be in the eye of the beholder. if you had been my therapist Annessa, I think I'd have discovered all sorts of deep-rooted problems in me that would require many, MANY hours of intense therapy.:)
  11. cause, effect. The less of a "pick from column A, B, and C" feeling I get in looking at an sp's rates/services, the less time she'll need to spend setting me at ease. Based on my latest experiences, I'm getting close to drawing up a questionaire type sheet for future attempts, so I don't get surprised again. KISS - the more an sp employs that principle in her rates/services pages, the more likely I am to skip the witness box, and leave my calculator in the glove box.
  12. My thoughts: A note of caution: when we want absolutes in a relationship, we increase our chances of being hurt and disappointed. I'd suggest taking the monogamy concept apart, and be more specific about what what we want, and what priorities we put on them. Points to ponder: - fidelity: do we expect our so to be "faithful", or instead explore with us what outside exporation we'd both like to try, and work with each other to get a solid handle on what the risks/benefits are, and explore any worthwhile options carefully. Eg., a visit to Hedonism, where both experiment with non-intercourse sensuality but always as a couple together. - honesty: if we really value honesty, do we reaffirm it even when it's honesty that hurts more than an initial lie? - trust: are we asking our so to meet our "gold bar", or do we tell them we need to feel safe, and that any outside sexual choices have a big impact on our emotional safety. I think monogamy, to a certain extent, is definitely the main groove for any great relationship. And after a couple has "been there, done that" with outside fantasies or desires, there's a unique deliciousness in making love to someone who gets you at a level no one else does. The more monogamy is the cream, instead of a restriction (even when its made voluntarily at first), the more its likely to become a non-issue. I think the hottest sex is between 2 people who truly want each other to "be all they can be", and trust that our inate desire to love and be fully loved are good enough compasses that, if we use them right, will let us be just fine in whatever part of the relationship playground we want to explore together. In other words, damn hard to put it into words, but the strongest relationships are always ones made, and maintained by the desire for win-win in every facet possible. Course, what the hell do I know?:)
  13. I've found in ANY business where the primary product service is emotion-based, having "packages" with package pricing tends to result in fewer misunderstandings/lost customers than having an extras menu where each extra has its own price tag. Examples are cruises, honeymoons, weekend getaways, etc. The more analyzing the client needs to do in calculating just what extras they want and how much it will cost, the more blood flows to the analytical part of the brain, and the more the emotional parts begin to feel slighted. Which I think is why so many travel destinations are all-inclusive - the more involvement the emotional side of the brain has in the decisions, the more money they make. When the pricing structure seems common sense and easy-going, I feel more at ease believing those characteristics are also part of the sp's personality.
  14. i use mailwasher (the older free edition, can't speak for the most recent releases). I use it for one account that is almost completely spam (100+ msgs / day), plus I have spam assassin enabled on my pop server account. The main reason I prefer it over gmail for that account is it's more configurable, and in practice, takes me less time to run and manage. For less than 50 spams/per day, I find gmail quicker and easier.
  15. The business I work at had a growing spam problem, and we pretty well solved it by using gmail to handle all of our email domains. If you're not a techie, it's a bit daunting to figure out; in that case, find (and hire if needed) a capable techie to set it up for you. Gmail does a super job of filtering spam, and bandwidth is no longer an issue. You can also customize what email address(es) gmail shows in outgoing email, so to the person on the outside, there's no visible indication you're using gmail.
  16. a woman eating something with cinamon adds a nice touch to daty later
  17. I may have created a misconception about my physiology. The type of thing explained in the wiki article http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_pre-cum is what happened to me, which seems the norm. In my case, I don't find I need a "short rest" after if I'm thoroughly aroused mind. body, soul - the rest period it happens more when I've reached that point mainly thru physical stimulation. My hunch is that many men my age/health can identify. Ironically, I was watching some hot porn last nite, and climbed the mountain twice within a half-hour (without any little blue pill!). Not that I need MSOG, but it would be really sweet to have that much arousal happen in a real encounter just once before the plumbing gets really rusty.:)
  18. wow. I really appreciate all the comments and feedback. Lemme see if I can catch up. JoyfulC: yup, definitely no repeat businesses from me. I tried to frame the post to focus on the SSOG/multi-hour question as a whole, more than whether I was ok with this experience. The reason I mentioned the precum was that usually happens when my body starts shifting into 3rd, and if I coast for about 5 mins after to catch my breath, getting to the fireworks doesn't usually take much longer. So if ANY "wet signs of happiness" means I've had my SSOG with sps who have the SSOG policy, then there are a lot more newbies like me that are going to have some rude awakenings. As it is, I tried to explain the sequence to her, but just "having to have" that discussion pretty well kicked the turtle back into the shell. fortunateone: Couldn't help thinking these guys need to remember hockey rules: you can take a many shots as you want in a 60 minute game, but you don't get to go into overtime just cause you wanna. Tracie: awwwww, now you're making my eyes do MSOG. Seriously, I agree it would be REALLY helpful to newbies if maybe we could set up something like a "big brother" (or sister) thingee during the training wheels stage. ........................ Many thanks to all those above, and emma, angela, and the guys for your feedback. For me, common sense is: if I have an explosion, I'm happy - small or large one (But at least the real release, not the prelub part). The sp I visited some days after was a sweetheart, and even tho I didn't have ANY release with her, it wasn't anything she did "wrong" - I was just more focussed on the sensual parts of our date, and time ran out. I'm a fan of multi-hour dates because of this, even tho I haven't had an extended one yet. If I have one top-of-the-mountain rapture, and a lot of skin touching, cuddling, kissing during the time, I'm a VERY happy camper. Maybe sometime in the future, cerb or another well-respected site will set up stuff like the following: - a "TrustVerified" membership (for both hobbiests and sps), that has codified standards the member agrees to uphold as part of membership. - a rating system that has a positive spin (friend types such as: (in ascending order) recent, solid, exceptional, dear-to-my-heart, etc. - that would give newbies insight into just how well-liked/respected a provider is, and also give sps insight into the same about new clients. Now I'm rambling. It just sucks for a few fleeting moments here and there to be a newbie. You can bet your buns I'm going to give a lot of thought to what I need to do to make my next time the "one I'll always remember". Like your first real kiss.
  19. MAN'S BRAIN: "hmm, roll-up-the-rim-to-win ...damn, gotta call my sp!"
  20. Ahh, that would make some sense. Soooo do I emma. But this wasn't even that - it was more tug-bam. And the bam didn't even have the "a" and the "m":) Believe u me, I'm now firmly in the camp of only considering sp's who truly have a trustworthy record and love what they do - my "trial and error" piggy bank is broke. I smashed it to smithereens.
  21. had my second experience with an sp lately (found her on cerb), with an original booking for a few hours which changed to a one-hour encounter before the actual date. The service was listed as gfe, but msog wasn't specified. About 40 min into the session, I had some precum, which she interpreted as my final release (don't get me started on that issue), and told me a session only included one release, and that we were done. Ok, my bad, I shoulda dblchecked if MSOG was part of her services. Thinking about it after, it occurred to me. Aren't multiple hour rates and SSOG policies like an irresistable force and an immovable object; for all intensive purposes, a multi-hour session with a single shot is next to impossible for most mortal men, unless the main sexual stimulation is saved for the tail end? This might have been covered in another thread. But as a fairly new member of this hobby, I almost paid out a bunch of extra $$$ for extra hours that I would have never been able to use. Lesson learned, but I wonder how many other newbies are caught in this near-paradox?
  22. Very highly likely the 20 yo Brooke has assumed a new nick for the former Ashley of Dylan's finest. See the last post in the Atlantic warnings section for more info. Tread carefully.
  23. I'm experienced in tantrum sex. It can delay an orgasm for weeks.
  24. the last 2 posters seem like great candidates. Also Stacey, maybe let them know whether the quality you're looking for is like Emma Alexandra's (good focus and lighting), or Victoria Jolie's (glamour shots, exquisite lighting and posing).
  25. I used to do pro photography; still have my lighting equip. Bringing gear into a hotel won't be a problem for a pro - portable gear is bundled up in suitcase-type cases, otherwise it's too cumbersome. Lighting and posing are the biggest differences between the pros from the non-pros. A pro using an SLR digital camera will alsobe able to give better color saturation in the pics (more like "magazine" quality), plus more condensed field of focus (puts background out of focus while subject is in sharp focus).
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