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Everything posted by daddio

  1. You are right Angela - sorry for that - the real Olympics ain't fun any more. In the meantime - let the games begin!!
  2. Sorry, but the olympics leave me cold. I used to love the Olympics - but it's no longer about sporting achievement, it's about corporate greed and money and commercialism. I admire the athletes but I despise the Olympic corporate police (OOc and VOOC) who clamp down on everything that may in the slightest way infringe on what they claim to be to Olympic copyright. Fuck them.
  3. I suppose that this might be considered to be a reply from me on behalf of Emily (in toronto). Emily has always replied to my pms, and not just by acknowledging them in an automatic kind of way. She takes the time to respond to what I actually say in my e-mails. As anyone will know from my posts about Emily, I am a big fan of hers and there is a good reason for it. For me it includes the way she responds to my pms.
  4. Don't do this to me KF. I'm pre-TV, at least in my infancy. Mind you, that was in the UK, so you can deduct a few years when you're trying to calculate my age. LOL And I remember where I was when Kennedy was assassinated. Oh yeah, and it was hell growing up in a shoe box at the bottom of a lake ... Gotta keep a sense of humour about this!!!
  5. Holy Jeez - these posts about not being allowed MSOG have me worried!! I'm going to have to get that UN weapons inspector to check me out. I'm closer to playing Russian roulette so I'm glad I don't have a hair trigger.
  6. Great idea - it is literally decades since I saw that movie. Love Peter Sellers.
  7. sorry about that KF It's a reference to Dr. Strangelove. But I have to admit it didn't fit the context of your post - trying too hard!!! LOL
  8. All the very best birthday wishes to you Emma - and may all your dreams come true.
  9. Hey, Kubrickfan: I'm guessing that you base your judgment on who best drains your vital bodily fluids.
  10. The Concise Oxford Dictionary: Kiss - "touch with the lips, esp. as a sign of love, affection, greeting or reverence." Well, we gents perhaps shouldn't delude ourselves about 'love' (and there are many threads on that subject). But, to be 'greeted' with a kiss, and to show and be shown affection with kissing; isn't that what we want? And there are certainly SPs I have met I revere, and want to show my reverence with kissing. And bless them, they reciprocate, although they may not revere me. I mean, reverence is a pretty big ask!! lol
  11. Good advice fortunateone, particularly the use of the eyeball example. The cerb gents are fortunate to have the benefit of your wisdom. The eyeball comment reminded me of something I read about Sir Isaac Newton, he who "discovered" gravity. He wasn't just a person who was a scientist, he WAS a scientist. The story, as I recall it, is that he was curious to find out what would happen if you stuck a needle into your head around your eye-socket. Because he WAS a scientist he experimented on himself. For the purpose of this post the results of the experiment are not important (truth to tell, I can't recall that part of the story - lol) but you would have to assume that he was careful and gentle and guided in what he was doing by the physical sensations he experienced. So the point is the one you made. We gents should be careful and gentle and be guided by what our partner tells us of the sensations she is experiencing.
  12. "Right at the front door" - Peachy, I love it, you must be one wild woman. Mind you, I guess if your x-rated play was set in winter in Ottawa the front door scene might have a problem with shrinkage. lol But if you're up for it I'll try hard to be up for that scene as well - he said, heaving a thigh. lol
  13. First off, I want to paraphrase Professor Higgins from My Fair Lady: "I think I've got it." - as far as me starting a new thread is concerned. As long as I don't forget it. Anyway, we all, SPs and hobbyists, go through all the preliminary exchange of e-mails and phone contact and we arrive at the door, perhaps nervous and excited. The door opens and you look at each other and everything is cooool. So, what do you prefer as the "instrument" for the first interaction? And I'm putting this in terms of furniture - and these questions apply to SPs and Hobbyists. 1. A couch/sofa/loveseat? 2. A bed? 3. The shower/bath? 4. An office desk? 5. A closet? 6. The kitchen counter? 7, The patio? 6. A bed of nails? My mind is in hyperdrive at the moment just to imagine scenes but even so, I may have missed something e.g. the roof or the dog kennel. See, imagination has no bounds. And if I didn't get it as far as starting a new thread is concerned I'm going to lie down on a bed of thumbtacks I just took out my bulletin board. LOL But remember - it's the first encounter between two special people who don't know each other.
  14. E.D Man You should enjoy your meds. My grandfather's recipe for preventing colds - A "wee" dram, Scotch of course, taken nightly. My grandfather's recipe for a cold once you have it - A "wee" dram, Scotch of course, taken nightly with boiling water and, for this purpose only, a slice of lemon, He lived to be in his 80s despite working in a chemical factory all his life and rarely had a cold. Me, on the other hand, until I was old enough to drink, I had colds all the time. But when I had a cold I was given the hot toddy, hot water, lemon recipe. Born and bred Bluenosers tell me that rum works just as well.
  15. Congrats Monk - after your 100th post do you have to hie thee to a monastery?? ha ha Willie's great - apart from his choice of t-shirts - lol My question is - who has the better hair as between Willie and Julio???
  16. What if you don't have a S/O and Emma is out of town??? Aaaagh!!! Back to Star Wars & Hands Solo
  17. I can hardly imagine a situation when I would give an SP my work no. To me, that is just asking for trouble, without any malicious intent on the part of the SP. As I said in another post, I try to establish some kind of relationship beforehand by way of exchanging e-mails. So far, I haven't been asked for a reference, but then I haven't been around cerb very long. I do recall a time last year when I had arranged to meet an out-of-town SP and she asked me for my cell phone no to confirm and finalise the arrangements. I told her that I don't have a cell phone and gave her my home no. She was very surprised that I did that and took it as a sign of trust that I did so. Who knows what is to be taken from that? It may take a philosopher to figure that one out. What I can tell you is that is has led to a very enjoyable, trusting relationship. Human nature being what it is there is a risk in everything we do and there are more risks associated with human relations than anything else in life. I have to say that I have been very fortunate in my throws of the dice. Probably more fortunate than I deserve to be. So it goes. p.s. Erin will get that!!! Maybe some time Erin, we would read Kurt Vonnegut to each other. That would be very sexy!!!
  18. OMG Belladonna: Why did you post this thread? Why are you doing this to me? Anxiety? Ha! - I laugh in the face of anxiety ..... except ... I'm like The Fonz, who couldn't say "... uh, so ... sor ... sorr." lol My an ... anx ... is cyclical, which has nothing to do with the fact that I get around on a bicycle. What I need is to lie on your couch. But you are in Ottawa, so I can't. Which makes me an... anx... sheesh, I can't even begin to tell you how that makes me feel. How did you know my middle name is Janus??? Mmmm? How DID you know?? That makes me a... an ...
  19. The short answer is yes, I read, and view, everything available. Some day I may regret this tendency but I tend to go for longer answers. So here we go. Being pretty new to the cerb ladies and their ads I think Emily's ad last year may have been the first I answered. So, I read what her ad said. And I visited her site and read everything there and viewed her portfolio. And, yeah, I figured out pretty quickly (I can be reasonably smart sometimes - not often, but sometimes) that I would like to meet her. One of the main things about her ad that attracted me was that she offered a GFE. To tell you the truth I really did not know what a GFE was, I just reckoned it would be nice and friendly and we might hold hands and talk for a while; but it should not be a slam bam thank you daddio experience. Since replying to that ad I've figured out that there is a kind of shorthand, or code, in these ads. Part of the ad was along the lines of "Tell me something about yourself and what you like ..." I enthusiastically wrote half of my life time personal biography before it occurred to me that this was perhaps not what was wanted. I checked more cerb material for appropriate language and ended up replying with what appears to be standard cerb code/shorthand - "mature, professional, respectful ... blah, blah..." It seems to work, but I suspect that there is still an element of chance in the whole exercise. It certainly worked with my reply to Emily as I think we have developed a degree of trust with each other and I'm certainly a big fan of hers. As to the part of the ad - "what I like ..."; I'm still not really sure about that in the first reply. Is it "I'm a huge fan of Neil Young." Or is it "I like to take long walks on the beach and get it off in the sand as the sun goes down and the tide comes in." Caution - don't do that at the Bay of Fundy lol I think the answer is that you should not expect too much from the first exchange of e-mail information. If you hit the right tone, chances are that a comfortable relationship will develop. The last first contact e-mail I sent (actually the first first contact e-mail I've sent in quite a while as I'm very happy with the relationships I've already established) was along the lines that I would like to exchange a few e-mails before committing to meeting. It was very well received. That's my long answer.
  20. It's a love - hate thing. For me it makes the experience so much more INTENSSSSSE
  21. There's nothing new I can add. Both Emma and Emily are exceptionally caring and considerate ladies (I mention them by name only because I've met them) and, in my naivety, I am stunned that anyone, man or woman, would slag anyone as has been reported in this thread. I read what WIT has written and he makes perfect sense except that the possible identity of the culprit is a complete mystery to me and so I'm left feeling helpless to do anything that may help remedy the situation.
  22. Hey there Young Stud: Daddio says his 2 x 4 is Grade "A" hardwood, not kiln dried, but matured in the open air (from wearing the kilt). And it will withSTAND vibrations and tremors that may cause less mature 2 x 4s to fold. lol. All the best for the next 30 years YS - see you when you get there because I plan to be still around and an upstanding member of cerb. All without steroids. If you want Daddio's secret - send me your credit card no. hehe.
  23. Great initiative in bringing this forward Cato. Hopefully the force (for respect)will be with us and will prevail
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