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otto erotik

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Everything posted by otto erotik

  1. I wonder if any of the S.P.s would paint themselves completely in blue and attach prostetic tail ,,exploit a whole new niche among certain hobbiests llol ,,just teasing not being nasty
  2. Moneymart sells mastercard titanium c.c. ,costs about $20 ,you put money on card as you need it,up to 5000 at moneymart or online and no statements in youre mail ,,no paper trail . Just a n idea not sure if motels or hotels accept but I couldnt see why not.
  3. You look fantastic Willow . Petty jealousy from people sometimes provokes nasty comments ,,especially if they struggle to keep weight down. Do you ever come to Ottawa?
  4. I dont think there is any real advantage for S.P's or hobbyists ,,just another invasion of privacy, anything that leaves a electronic or cyberfootprint or paper-trail in the long run means trouble ,,hackers ,,taxman ,,the law etc.. It sounds cool when you 1st hear about it , until you consider the implications .
  5. I'm game if it doesnt involve pain or getting snot kicked out of me lol,,but then again I'm middle-aged ,,,I would think the:cooter: ladies are more into young studs for this kind thing
  6. I've been out of the loop so to speak,,for a while ,,going out and all ,,so I decided to check out strip club scene ,as I havent been in one for a while . I trekked to the club in Aylmer . First shock $7.50 for a Corona ? I had a couple of dances from a nice enough girl ,usual touch but not too much at $20 a pop, all in all spent 140 for my evening ,,it was ok but I'll be smarter next time ,,stick to regular pubs and clubs and SP'S for a much more pleasurable experience .:bowdown:
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