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Everything posted by Metalsmith

  1. There's a couple of recommendations for her...I have not managed to work my sched to get over to visit her, but the recommendations read VERY well!
  2. Nothing wrong with any of the above options, from a landing strip to a bush to a smoothie...
  3. Body armour....peeling it off and dumping it in a pile/puddle after a hot day...
  4. Stress? Yup. Got that. In spades. Paperwork? Yup. Personnel? Yup. Operations? Yup. Training? Yup. Public Speaking? Yup. You name it...what's the #1 thing I do to manage? 1. Breathe & Relax 2. Focus. Get your tasks done one at a time. My biggest problem is jumping from one task to another, and having my attention drawn away prevents me from completing a task properly, and end up with poor results, which can mean a re-do, and certainly means extra work. Pick a task, bring it to completion. Pause, breathe/relax then focus on the next task. Getting things *done* is a very good thing. I actually had a day last week where I got every one of the items on my daily "to do" list DONE. It was a damn good feeling to attain that. Get a manageable list of short-term items you know you can complete, and do them. Then with some positive feelings under your belt for your little successes, you can tackle something bigger. YMMV, but that's kind of what I try to do. MS
  5. I screwed up once, and didn't confirm....tried calling on the way to her location and the fine lady was, well, understandably *incensed* with me. I rebooked with her another day, and made sure I left a suitable recompense....I believe it was the complete amount owed for the first visit. We've gotten along well since!
  6. I love cameltoes....it's a glimpse of what's hidden, and frees the imagination while still giving a clear picture of what awaits...
  7. I sent a can of this to a buddy in A-stan a while back...along with bacon mints, and bacon bandaids. :-) Truly, the only thing better than bacon (other than sex) is Costco Maple Bacon. Even comes in 1.8 Kg two packs...that way there's enough for more than 1 person! MS
  8. Maya at Pigales...is she older, black hair...? If so, she has my vote!
  9. If I'm not showered within the hour or two before I show up, I'll ask for a shower before we start...yes, takes time out, but worth it. As for deodorant...all I can ask is really? There's guys that don't use it? I cannot imagine!
  10. Yes Cato, That IS a redhead...Thanks for sharing, and I hope all have a great day, and a great new year! MS
  11. Metalsmith

    Unwrap me

    Trying to decide who's been naughty? Probably me....definitely thinking naughty things!
  12. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=160765 I think this is the same lady...? http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=G&t=158207 Haven't visited, but put 2 + 2 and am hoping I got 4! MS
  13. I run around visiting...sober.... Found this though:
  14. Metalsmith


    Derringers....hmmm...short barrel, but pretty damn effective in close quarters!
  15. Metalsmith


    I like your thigh rig!
  16. J is for....jerking....something I don't like to do with my trigger. (I prefer a nice, slow, smooth, steady squeeze, since it tends not to shift the sights as I fire the shot...)
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