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Posts posted by Metalsmith

  1. If/when/should the zombies come, I'll be well equipped. I just picked up a new shotgun for a 3-gun match the other day (shoulder's still sore after the slug stage). I don't need to visit an Army base (of note, planning to break into a place to get guns, that's full of people who are well trained in the use of said guns is not such a great plan....) so the issue becomes figuring out if the current homestead is defendable or not....I suspect that the answer is yes in the short term, but no in the long-term, so consideration would be given to displacing, but that's not something for the faint of heart in the midst of a zombie apocalypse.


    If you have to survive a zombie-ism outbreak, I suggest two things:


    1. Bring lots of guns.

    2. Bring lots of friends with guns.


    The real problem though is the necessity (according to movie/book lore) that a headshot is necessary to kill a zombie. The ability to do this is not (contrary to popular belief) imbued to people by interacting with a game-boy, PSP, Wii, or other gaming console. You might be an "Uber-l33t commando-ninja-sniper-assassin" on a computer, but completely incapable of actually successfully hitting anything besides the ground in real life.


    There is a very short list of people who fit into item "2" above (from my perspective) but when choosing those people, consider this. (I think Clint Eastwood may have mumbled it at some point) Don't worry about the guy with lots of guns. Worry about the guy with just 1 gun. He'll know how to use it REALLY well.


    If you fit into that description, you may be welcomed to come to my zombie free area....(so long as you're not a zombie.)


    Back to the real world though....shotguns are fun, but happiness is a warm belt-fed weapon....



  2. Hi folks!


    I'm going to be up in the Nation's Capital for the next couple of weeks, and will probably find myself looking for somewhere to go and enjoy a relaxing massage.


    I'm going to be in the West End, near Shirley's Bay, and am wondering if there's any recommended/popular-ish locations out that way?


    I've seen kennedi before down in the south end (last time I was up in Ottawa) but while the drive would be worth it, I'm looking for something closer.


    Thanks in advance!



  3. I had the opportunity to meet Katherine at last today, and I enjoyed the pleasure of her company for a massage.


    I was met at the door with a smile, and I felt quite comfortable as we got to know each other a bit. She carries the conversation well, and as her worked out the kinks in my shoulder/back, she pretty near put me to sleep it felt so good. VERY relaxing, and very enjoyable.


    Katherine has high ratings here, and they are well deserved. I'll simply echo them, and suggest you find the time to pay her a visit yourself to find out exactly why!

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