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Posts posted by Metalsmith

  1. I had an absolutely delightful time meeting with Savannah the other day.


    The location was easy to find, and extremely discrete. Handy parking, and a great view as well!


    Once in her company, Savannah and I chatted to set ourselves at ease, and to get to know each other a bit. We've exchanged e-mails and messages since the last time she was in Halifax, when our schedules didn't quite mesh, and I've been looking forward to meeting her in person ever since.


    The conversation led to additional relaxing activities, including one I've never experienced before. It was a delightful time that was, all too soon, at a close, but there was no rush as I grabbed a quick shower, and then said our good-byes. I do intend to repeat, and look forward with distinct pleasure to any future visits she may make to Halifax!





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