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Posts posted by Metalsmith

  1. Met Ashley for an entirely too brief visit last month, and have been trying to synch my schedule with hers to arrange a more relaxed investigation of the pleasures that she offers. A great communicator, and great personality. When our schedules mesh, so will we!

  2. A grower....I will leave the details of ratio aside, but it's enough growth to keep me happy, and for the most part, the initial introduction and excitement building up to the meeting is enough to ensure that the growth portion is a short period of time...generally unobserved due to the presence of clothing...

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  3. I just wish that people in the show actually knew how to handle a rifle and shoot...


    Using the sights is a good step towards actually hitting your target:
















    Although this one has him using the rifle right handed, but operating it with his left for some reason...?




    I guess I shouldn't hope that they'd teach actors how to shoot, but it does bug me a bit....I see this stuff and it genuinely detracts from my enjoyment of watching these shows.


    I tend to prefer the book version to the movie version. I can imagine the characters using proper handling drills, rather than being distracted by the poor handling, inaccurate shooting, and then there's stuff like this...the infinite shotgun magazine:


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