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Posts posted by Metalsmith

  1. I'd be pissed too. My old house had no water access, but a neighbour across the road did, so I cleared occasional access to the water with him before I'd do it.


    He had a similar occurrence with another neighbour....2 kids showing up on his beach, no parental supervision, playing/etc....ended up with surveys and lawyers and registered letters.


    Hope it doesn't come to that for you.



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  2. I don't mind the message....it's a "hey! I caught ya peeking!" but not in a bad way at all!


    As for frequency, well, I admit, I do enjoy window shopping here, and when money (and time dammit!) allow, I find some time to enjoy the company.


    cristy, I've enjoyed looking at your profile, and if my time wasn't so short in the near term, I'd follow up on our PM chain, but alas, I'm bound for sea soon, so it'll have to wait!



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  3. Some (in mind amusing) thoughts stolen from another website on this:


    "Legalize it.


    Setup a Crown Corporation modelled on the post office to deliver the service.


    Get CUPE to organize the labor force with full seniority rights.


    Problem solved, social obligations met, worker's rights respected."




    "I say, legalise it and tax it. Legal gambling has a horrible effect on society. On the contrary, legal prostitution would reduce unwanted pregnancies, not to mention unwanted marriages. Is this whole 'Blame the John" agenda pushed by ugly feminists who realize once prostitution is legalized they will never again have a boyfriend?"

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