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Anyone know of any excorts (or MAs) that are in Portage? I am back here for a few days and would possibly be interested as its a place that has lots of memories for me, why not make more? Know its a long shot!
ps. (sorry for triple post, kept reading new replies) thank you to anyone who was able to see my intent, and verbalize it better then i was able to i thank you. Sorry if my post wasn't eloquent, upon re reading my original post it was horrible blunt. New here and didnt mean to stir any issues./
I really dont know how to fully answer that. I've known 20-30 jewish women as good friends. Ive been to the midle east and israel. Out of that id say 90% of jewish women who are under 30ish who i have met have had "it" What is it? I dont know. from the ones i know, its something to do with there modesty, yet depth. They tended to not be the head turning girls, but every time you looked at them you realized more and more how intriquite and something more just caught my eye. Like id post a picture but that is highly uncalled for, and she doesnt desrve that. of the jewish girls i knew there personality was also something that every single time you talked to her ud just realize how warm and sweet they are. Every jewish chick i went to school went wasnt curvey or have a rocking body... could have been the way they dressed... but every time i saw different aspect of there body that made me loose my breath for a second. When i went to Israel the majority of women my age had the same carateristics. When i was in Palestine it wasn't the same. Yes of course there are girls who turn ur head, and make u gasp for breath. But it wasnt a majority. In fact the only women i got to know there was beautiful (friend of a friend) and turned out to actually be jewish. Is it a mental thing? I know they are jewish and i relate them to the two girls i fell for in highschool time? Maybe. Is it something about them that tends to be different in a majority? Maybe as well. Its something that would speak to me... maybe just knowing would make it mean that much more to me. If that is so bad, im a bad person. I tend to think im not but its something that interests me and id like to experience. Is it a sterotype? Maybe... but if so its subconcious and not what my intent was. I know i didnt describe that well what it was. But its hard sometimes. And i apologize to any offence this thread brought.
All right. No not practicing. Practicing has nothing to do with it. And i know Jews, Arabs, and a lot of religions/races from that area are similar. However that being said Judaism is generally one difficult to convert to. It is a religion largely passed on from generation to the other. Jews are more likely (dont know where the study is ill find it later) to marry another jew, then catholics are to marry another catholic. The result of this; they generally have a higher likely hood of carrying many similar physical traits. I don't disrespect jews, personally i dont like any religion at all, and find religion a bad thing. I just tend to find the majority of jewish girls i know share some similar traits which i find VERY attractive. And concidering how many jewish chicks i have had crushes on, if i were to get married and be in a monogomous relationship with someone id always be wondering. I just wanted to explore that for fucks sake. Nothing derogatory. I appreciate them, and there features. Yes you can find an arab who looks the same as a jew standing side by side, but its something that I want to do. Again if you find this is bad taste PM me. Im a new member, my posts have to be reviewed so it appears the mods think its ok. If i offend anyone for this let me know, i will personally delete it. It was something i was interested in exploring, and didnt mean for it to be offencive. I was hoping wehn i posted this noone would make derogatory comments (rich, etc.) but unforunatly i cannot control them. Most are made in jest, but its a touchey subject and not something i would joke about, unless i knew the person well and they knew i was not serious. This thread was not meant ot be discriminatory or rude. Im seriously looking for something for me. And it has nothing to do with religion...., just the traits alot of time they share. Sorry, PM me if u want it removed. Ill see if i can do it.
TBH for me it has nothing to do with that... in general (yes im stereotyping sorry) i love there face, eyes, and normally there nose. Most of the jewish chicks i know arent "sexy" or "hot" but are more stunning and there beauty has more depth... If this is problematic feel free to close this thread. Just my preference. Judaism is one that traditionally is difficult to convert to so it is almost an ethnicity.
Yes judaism is a religion...l but its one thats largely segregated themselves from the rest. So jewish girls have there own traits that is rare to find elsewhere... it might have something to do with my 2 biggest crushes that never materialized were on jewish chicks. Some guys like ruissian chicks.... some like swedish chicks.... i like jewish chicks. I dont know why... i find them rediculously gorgeous. It may be a stereotype but 9/10 jewish girls ive met are beautiful and stunning.l
I have a thing for jewish SPs.... anyone know of any out there?