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Everything posted by bucken

  1. bucken

    tanis 20100118 001

    Love that view - brings all sorts of thoughts to mind
  2. I'll second Cato - airport is really out of the way...
  3. Wow - this sort of sh*t really disgusts me. Emma, we are all with you. Have a great day....
  4. And to continue in the Traffic Circle vein, they have actually built new ones in Gatineau and Hull. It wouldn't be too bad if people actually knew how to drive in them. I've seen people in the Circle come to a complete stop because someone was approaching the circle. I don't know how we haven't had more accidents. Learn to drive people...... My rant for the day.
  5. While on business, I had the opportunity to meet with Alley in Halifax. It was a great experience. Alley has a great sense of humour, looks great and absolutely makes the time spent with her truly enjoyable. She is open to many things and loves to make you laugh. If you have the chance to see her when she is in your town, take the plunge. She will make it worth your while. :-D Thanks Alley.
  6. I have had the Opportunity to spend time with Monica both in Montreal and Ottawa - luckily, I travel there on business - all I can say is she is amazing. She is beautiful, well-endowed, smart and funny. She dresses to please, and man, does she dress well. We usually end up laughing at something during our time together. She has a great sense of humor. Best of all, she simply exudes sexuality. I won't get into any details, but if you have the opportunity to meet with Monica, it is well worth your time. Thanks Monica....:D
  7. bucken


    Just enough room to squeesze in there..
  8. Split it three-ways??? Or was that three-some????:rolleyes: Happy New Year Emma...
  9. It also depends on the definition of cool - everybody has their own idea of cool....
  10. bucken

    pin up pic

    Looks fabulous - can't wait for the rest.
  11. bucken

    Naughty Angel

    I love this pic - great pose, beautiful lips.... yearning to be kissed...
  12. May all receive their wishes and desires and I hope everybody has a safe and Merry Christmas. Until the New Year.
  13. Happy Holidays to Mod and the team. Thanks for all the hard work. As well, I hope everybody enjoys the Holiday Season and has some well earned relaxation.
  14. Would like to be the 'two' with these two.
  15. I can think of a few things more than jail. Our system of justice is so screwed up these days they wouldn't get what they deserve. How about removal of the ability, pure and simple....
  16. Excellent Mod - had noticed the My Notes before I saw this thread. Keep up the good work.
  17. I would just like to add my own thoughts. I have had the opportunity to spend some time with Megan. While I am new to this community, I found Megan to be kind, caring and very attentive. She really knows how to take care of herself (very cute and shapely). She is playful, listens well and allows you the opportunity to express yourself. My time spent with her was very intoxicating.... I have already repeated and will continue... She is well worth a visit... Thanks Meg...;-)
  18. Makes me think of the line from the movie Swat.... 'I treat my body like an amusement park'... Yeee haaaa.. :mrgreen:
  19. Cato, thanks for all the research..... Must be 'hard' to find them all. If only there was more time in the day.
  20. bucken


    Love this pose - I know where I'd like to be...
  21. Wigs are okay - could add some spice too... Shoulder is always available... :???:
  22. Mine is not nearly so well thought out as some of the others listed here. It was spur of the moment when signing-up and didn't really think that 'hard' about it. ;)
  23. BN, hope you do well on this bet, but you may have picked the impossible task.... :)
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