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Everything posted by bucken

  1. I'd like to throw CATO into the mix. Then realized he had it.... My bad :( So I'll throw in WrinkledinTime. Go WIT.
  2. Congrats CK. Thanks for all the hard work on the Diary and for your contributions on CERB.
  3. I prefer PM and email as well. I find it is easier to communicate this way as we are not always in the position to be able to make a phone call. As well, it lets the lady have time to think and consider, and just maybe check us out on CERB as well. We do our research, but so does the lady.
  4. Completely Mirrored? Just a thought...
  5. Happy Birthday Boner. Have a great one, and many happy returns.
  6. Thanks Spike - been racking my brain all day trying to remember her name.
  7. Hey Superlift, keep it coming. No controversy here. If only everybody was willing to contribute without reservation. Lache pas mon ami....
  8. Party, where's the party??? Congrats Grass Hopper.
  9. Peronally I pick up a favorite book and lose myself in the story.... Works for me. :)
  10. Congrats WIT - always enjoy reading your posts....
  11. When I first read this thread, nothing came to mind. After thinking about it a bit, there is one thing that was lost and I have no chance of getting it back again..... and it was my Mom that lost it. I had a bookmark made of silk ribbon with my family tartan. Gold clip to hook to the book, tassles on the end. It was really nice and had been around for a while. To top it all off, it was left to me by my Aunt when she passed away, about 18 years ago. She also left me a 110 year old Gaelic Bible and a 70 year old hymn book my grandfather found in the rubble of a building during the Blitz. Those are both intact, thank goodness. My mother asked to borrow the bookmark when my sister got married 15 years ago (can't remember why) and somehow managed to lose it. She felt horrible, I felt bad, but what can you do.... No malice was intended. So, it was a reminder of my Aunt and very special to me...
  12. I know that sometimes it is simply the conversation that makes me love the lady I am seeing. One visit in particlar comes to mind, 6-7 weeks ago. I was seeing a special lady (you kjnow who you are), and we must have spent more than half our time talking. Needless to say, the time went a bit over and nothing was said. When I got about half-way home (40 minute drive) I realized how much lighter I felt (no pun intended). We didn't really talk about too much substantial, but it just felt greatand I =felt really unburdened. Needless to say I emailed the special lady to say thanks again. And this is one of the many reasons why I love our ladies. Thanks.... :) Good thread MO
  13. Sounds fabulous Cato - glad everybody enjoyed themselves.
  14. Hmmmm - mental note for next visit to Meg... :)
  15. Here is a toast I have heard 2-3 times from a good friend. I will probably screw it up. Drinking good Scotch was involved, so memory is questionable ;) May you never Lie, Cheat, Steal or Drink.... Unless If You Lie, Lie with the One you Love If you Cheat, Cheat Time If you Steal, Steal your Heart's Together If you Drink, Drink amongst us, your friends....
  16. My first time was with an agency in Ottawa. It was a last minute, spur of the moment thing. Thankfully, the lovely lady I met made it very fun, and I actually saw her a second time months later. And yes, heart was pounding, nervous, almost couldn't talk. In short, it was exhilerating.
  17. You could always just take it as a backwards compliment. :) You are really cute after all....
  18. For me, I guess it would be the combination of the following: 1. More interest at home 2. I stopped getting what I am currently getting from the time spent with the lovely ladies of CERB (talking more than the physical side here). Great question Meg.
  19. Thanks for chiming in Spud. More or less what I was trying to say as well. Have a good one.....
  20. When you phrase it the way the 'Dr' did as the most memorable, that comes across a bit better. I guess it was just the way it initally sounded to me. When you say who was the best, it implies the others were not good or not as good. And yes, I agree, it is a personal opinion, but it just seemed demeaning (maybe too harsh a word, but nothing else comes to mind) to the other ladies you may have seen. Just my opinion. Have a great day all. :)
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