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belladonna last won the day on December 20 2009

belladonna had the most liked content!

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279 Excellent

About belladonna

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    Suspended User

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  1. the jade spa on Bank street seems to be open all the time.. I walk by there during late hours of the night.
  2. ugh what I said was a bit rude lol... i guess I was kinda pissed off for no reason.. :P
  3. Let's show a sense of discretion and respect for women. Just because they're service providers, doesn't mean that they need to be eroticized at every moment possible.
  4. Oh you will find them. However, when they are written about you, that's when it becomes cringe worthy. I should add that some girls might find it exciting. Everything is relative in the end....
  5. I think play by play is repulsive. My opinion has nothing to do with being decent, polite and it has nothing to with freedom of speech. I am not trying to censor anyone by saying that I find it rude. I still have hope that some people stay true to the word intimacy. Not everything has to be exploitative and pornographic. When it comes to grammar and spelling : nothing has to be perfect, but it's nice to see that some people try to demonstrate that they actually care. I'll never forget that essay I read about the devolution of the English language in correlation with texting/forums/emails.
  6. recommendation. you didn't spell it properly. lol. Kind of defeats the purpose of your argument. -Typo Nazi. (just kidding, I do agree with what you're saying. I also hate the overly descriptive recommendations. I find them extremely distasteful and indiscreet.)
  7. Might I add that the more horror there is, the more we notice it. We need to start noticing what's going on outside of our own spaces, countries, cubicles.... If only I knew what I could do to help.
  8. belladonna

    Very sad.

    The issue of female self immolation is increasing in prevalence in the region close to the border with Iran, as tensions rise between the traditional subordinate role of women and the increased awareness of women's rights in the wider world. http://www.gettyimages.com/Search/Search.aspx?EventId=97967452&EditorialProduct=News
  9. the best I've ever had was with someone I hated. Hated so much I thought about killing him. yup.
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