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Everything posted by silverado17

  1. Happy Birthday Rebecca have a good one
  2. happy birthday Zoe Zee have a good one
  3. happy birthday Mod have a good one maybe take the day off and enjoy it
  4. happy birthday waterrat have a good one
  5. congrats Bianca well done keep them coming
  6. happy birthday Lady Lace have a good one
  7. when i have lots of left over turkey i'll freeze it freezer bags enough for a meal and take it out when i feel for some turkey clubhouse have gravy mixes that are pretty good so i make gravy like that
  8. happy birthday NotchJohnson have a good one
  9. Happy Birthday Tianna have a good one
  10. Happy Birthday Miss Jessica Lee have a good one
  11. Happy Birthday MsManda have a good one
  12. silverado17


    very nice ass i like the red hair
  13. ok now that the jealousey gone because i couldn't go i'll reply lol now that's 2 in a row i missed but next one it will be planned well in advance loneskater and mistert always put on a awesome social great work
  14. Happy Birthday Lanalee have a good one
  15. yep going to miss it myself had my ticket and hotel room booked had to cancell booo well not really boo f..........
  16. as it happens things come up so i won't be going to the social i know there are people looking for a ticket so my ticket is available.You have to contact organisers for it have a good time i know i'll be missing a good time
  17. Happy Birthday MissEva have a good one
  18. silverado17


    i like poutine with cheese curds but on a plate not a container
  19. hope it's not you on your motorbike lol kinda cold for that lol
  20. silverado17

    image (8)

    wow they look awesome
  21. like who care's about hockey with all these lovely ladies to meet don't matter how much traffic....just saying
  22. i've paid a few times and ended up couldn't make it i didn't exspect my money back...just saying
  23. the e-cig works to but now there going to ban useing them in places where you can't smoke
  24. i've smoked for years quit a few times but always started again last time i quit for 9 weeks lol had some issues to deal with but i'll quit again. You feel alot better when you quit i only found it hard for the first couple days hard not to have a smoke with a beer they go together. Good luck with the quitting keep us posted try chewing toothpicks lol works for me
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