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Everything posted by silverado17

  1. happy birthday Nicolette have a good one
  2. silverado17


    very nice ass
  3. like really who gives a shit about alot they put on MSN they should put stuff on there that people really care about
  4. ummmm very nice nipple
  5. maybe he wants to keep her all to himself but i think he should share her
  6. looking forward to it should be a great time lots of sexy ladies going
  7. going to try and make this one couldn't make the last one but it got cancelled not enough men so guy's dig deep in your pockets lots of nice ladies to meet
  8. wow unreal he could make you laugh at time's when you didn't want to
  9. i'll say most of the men that see sp's are married and the to me can't see it bothering an sp because they wouldn't be in the biz if it bothered them
  10. welcome to cerb Alexa you will find alot of nice people here enjoy
  11. congrats MN2 on the new addition to your family hope all are doing well
  12. Happy Birthday mrnice2 have a good one
  13. Good Luck hope you found what you were looking for
  14. Happy Birthday Mandy66 have a good one
  15. there are ladies older than 37 that look good look at Cher she's 68 and she look better than some young ones no offense to young ones
  16. Happy Birthday Trish have a good one
  17. Happy Biirthday Andrea have a good one
  18. Happy Birthday Malika have a good one
  19. Happy Birthday Midnite Massage have a good one
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