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Everything posted by silverado17

  1. silverado17

    awesome boobs
  2. silverado17

    very nice ass
  3. nothing worse than bad odour male or female don't blame u a bit for backing out they shouldn't even of went to see anyone i'm sure they could smell it themselves
  4. congrats OLD DOG you know how to keep us reading great job
  5. silverado17


    awesome boobs
  6. welcome lil' chris you'll have a great time here lots of friendly people
  7. welcome Brittany you'll enjoy it here it's a great place look forward to chatting with you
  8. silverado17


    wow very sexy
  9. congrats MsManda on the 100 post looking forward to lots more
  10. Welcome Athena you'll enjoy yourself here and make lots of friends
  11. silverado17

    May 2013

    very sexy looking
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