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Everything posted by silverado17

  1. going to be a quiet Easter for me will be spending it alone no plans so far for the first time in years
  2. silverado17

    very nice ass
  3. welcome and enjoy yourself if your in ottawa there's a social in MAY check it out
  4. i live alone also and at times it's lonely but i'll turn on the computer and on cerb is the chatroom and chatting in there it's not so bad then but holidays not to many around so that's when it's really lonely the worse time is winter when everyone is hiding inside but when the weather warms up lots of people around so not to bad then ethier
  5. Happy Birthday Berlin hope you have an awesome day
  6. Happy Birthday Vanessa hope you have an awesome day
  7. congrats Phaedrus gabriella and also to Notch keep them coming
  8. i've been on hotmail for years lately been getting lots of junk mail from my contacts that i know didn't send them i think time for a change to
  9. silverado17


    wow awesome ass
  10. silverado17

    very nice ass
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