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Everything posted by silverado17

  1. happy birthday Cindy hope u have an awesome day
  2. don't mind the smell of a good perfume but can't stand the smell of that cheap stuff but u mostly smell that cheap stuff after christmas (lol)
  3. happy birthday Miss Athana hope u have a great day
  4. the social was great again as it always is the great job nicolette and angela and shortcake the door lady did was awesome thanks ladies for making another great party looking forward to the next one
  5. guess we'll have to get the ruler from angela and bend u over the table lmao never mind the table my knee will do
  6. but is he dead they haven't shown any proof yet just what there saying
  7. now with all the rules coming out i was just woundering if anyone will be walking around with a ruler making sure that people are not sitting to close (lol)
  8. happy birthday Angeltbay hope you have a great one
  9. or maybe sometimes when they book they don't plan on keeping the appointment so she can't book someone else it all comes down to if u don't want to give your cerb handle i guess you'll have to look else where, if the lady wants your handle and i don't blame the lady for asking for it if she feels safer that way
  10. the best way is to keep busy then u don't think about smoking i know it worked for me the hardest was in the morning with the first coffee
  11. this true the only way they would know that it's your true cerb handle is by a pm and if they don't use a pm they could use anyones name from cerb which i think is not good if the lady wants to know who they are from cerb she should tell them to send a pm and if they don't want to do that she shouldn't book them just like it was said before if the lady can trust the guy to tell where she lives the guy should be able to send a pm
  12. i have gone to this dr. he's a chiropractor no massage with happy ending but always felt good when i came out of there this guy would put u in a postion then jump on u (lol) but it works when i get sore i go see him a few times then good for awhile
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