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Everything posted by silverado17

  1. congrats meg love reading them because i get to check out your sexy pics lol keep them coming
  2. congrats mistert keep them coming and yes the cooking ones to
  3. i've been up there a few times no sp's there sudbury is the closest that was last year but might be some now i noticed massage places in the paper but don't now what kind of service they give
  4. there's one on sympatico home page saying gas is going to soar up 30 cents tonight says click on the red button to see how much it will go up where you live april fools it says lol
  5. i would just leave it be you must to better yourself so i wouldn't worry about anything he says must be jealous you left
  6. i didn't go to a catholic school but it's funny that people you hear about they drank like fish and then all of a sudden guess they got hit by lightning they quit drinking and go to church not a catholic church i'll say a cult church (lol) and they walk around always saying praise the lord like wtf who are they kidding now they think there going to heaven were all going the same place no matter what life you lead
  7. silverado17


    something missing is this pic....me behind you
  8. i like pepsi but both in the morning will take the scum out of your mouth after drinking the night before
  9. silverado17


    very nice in that pic
  10. i'm surprised that etasman2000 wasn't in on that he loves to cook
  11. to risky haveing a drink then driving or if you have more than 1 so i don't drink
  12. best to check reco's and pics and go from there and if anything looks interesting send her a pm
  13. just the thoughts of a car date i feel the pain already lol
  14. i agree people should stay home with colds and the flu not nice giving other people your germs and making them sick some people don't even know how to cough in public they never cover there mouth
  15. i always have something to eat before going to bed seems to work a bit......and the pickle juice i use that in making ceacars there awesome with it
  16. well if the sens got some cheerleader and they were the ladies from cerb i would be interested in going to a game
  17. nope don't think we do i'll say u do and i bet everyone agrees with me lol
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