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Everything posted by milfhunter1967

  1. you should have gone to Regina, she was just there!
  2. Best description of Foxy ever !!!! lol For a tiny little thing she had more sexual energy than most! I remember staggering away from a session with her, completely drained many times!:icon_eek:
  3. It would be easier to recommend someone if some idea of what he's looking for as well, such as age etc!
  4. Actually our sun will expand into a red giant as it uses up it's hydrogen fuel, Mercury,Venus and Earth will be consumed and Mars will be fried to a crisp.The outer gas giants will only be a shadow of what they are now as there atmospheres boil away!
  5. Soliel would be a great choice for a first time! check out her profile and her website, that should help you make a decision!:biggrin:
  6. If you check out Soliel's recommendation there's a very positive comment about her and a MMF encounter :icon_smile: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15487&page=6
  7. Travelodge by the airport is nice, and convenient to everything and everywhere:biggrin:
  8. A fake add on BP, say it isn't so!:icon_rolleyes:
  9. There's Zoe and I believe shedevil does as well, there both members here!:icon_mrgreen:
  10. Holland advertises as 34 he's looking for somebody younger. You might want to check Kaylee Kisses, she's in her twenty's, she advertises here and is in the recommendation section!
  11. I imagine you excel at everything you do!:icon_biggrin:
  12. I have no trouble believing that:icon_mrgreen::icon_wink:
  13. I had my second encounter with Soliel yesterday and she is such a wonderful person I decided it was time to bump up her recommendation thread! Soliel is sporting a new hairstyle which makes her look even more sexy! Seriously this woman has got to be one of the most relaxing, fun SP's to be around, time spent with Soliel is quality time indeed!:shehot:
  14. I also recommend Soliel, she's great with first timers and loves being on top:biggrin:
  15. I agree calling from a blocked number is just rude ans time wasting! On the other hand technology can fail you to, those throw away cell phones may be convenient but if your not calling from your local area they can show as "unknown caller" I had a lot of problems with an MTS throw away in Vancouver but once I switched to Virgin it wasn't so bad. Even with my iPhone if I call from the boonies the number doesn't always show up but then cell phones were invented to drive us crazy anyway!
  16. I saw her once and then she just disappeared which was to bad, tried e mailing her and never got an answer!
  17. Have to agree with LNC Soliel would be an excellent choice for a first timer!:icon_cool:
  18. Savannah George would also be a good choice, she's thin with fake one's
  19. Is you phone a 3G or a 3GS? if it's the S then you might want to do the IOS5 update, it takes a while but it fixed a lot of problems when I did it for my 3GS phone, As for the sound just pick a louder one in the settings. If it's just a 3G then your pretty much out of luck!
  20. Soliel's are natural and very soft:icon_cool:
  21. You were close it's KZ Devil and Mystique would also fill the bill! Had a session with KZ a few years ago, great lady! never done a session with Mystique but met her once and she seems lot's of fun! :biggrin:
  22. Stay away from BP and just take your chances, you never know you might get "lucky" and don't even think about the local agency's!
  23. Can't go wrong with Soliel or Zoe:icon_mrgreen:
  24. When it misses can I take my repentance back? Still lot's of great SP's to see:icon_rolleyes:
  25. nothing weird about it lot's of people have different handles on different boards, I do :biggrin:
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