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Everything posted by lipualipua

  1. Miss/Sir : Check out the meaning of the word "generally". So, do you imply that more than half of the black male population hang out around strip clubs? Do you imply that any black male you meet on the street is likely to hang out around strip clubs? Let us draw analogies : generally, male cerbites are wretched losers who can't find dates or generally, female cerbites are drug-addicted psychologically maladjusted ladies. Caution, my friend, caution for words carelessly used can have unintended consequences. Cheers.
  2. Not sure whether pics are stolen but google images refer to same pics in Texas and Las Vegas.
  3. So true, Curiousm7. The case eliciting one's scorn may diverge from what society accepts as the norm. In a lartger context, the world would be an infinitely better place if people could get rid of their sense of "better-than-other-ness". Cheers.
  4. Why call someone cheap because he asks for change? Do you know his financial circumstance? As long as he has paid the agreed-to amount, he has done fine. What he does with any money left over is his business. Biblical "scholars" may be familiar with this case which, even if fictional, has a lesson to teach us: workmen were hired at the start of the day to till a field for an agreed amount of money. A few hours to closing time another batch was hired to join the first batch in the work. At closing time, all workers were paid the same amolunt of money. The first group complained and the employer asked them whether they had not been paid the agreed-to amount, concludig that he is free to do as he pleases with his money after having met his contractual obligations. Could the first group have called the employer names, in efect judging him? Same here. Client has paid the agreed-to amount; asking for change must not invite name calling.
  5. You are careful reader who pays attention to detail!. To Emily J, race and ethnicity are interchangeable but clearly they are not. Kudos, riverrat.
  6. My piece concerned racial diversity, NOT ethnic/cultural diversity. According to Statscan , non-whites formed about 23% of the Canadian population in 2011. In the US, blacks and latinos alone accounted for about 27% of the US population in 2010. Of course one could argue that the 23% for Canada contains more diversity than the 27% for the US. Countering this idea is the fact that in 2006 ( the latest year I could find where such a comparison is made), the non-white share of the populations, with blacks and latinos not considered, are 7.6% for Canada and 8.9% for the US.
  7. Whenever I see pics of ladies with such body type- rounded hips and full buttocks, especially with dark skin), I think, USA and so pics likely to be stolen. US has much more racial diversity than Canada and so such body types are more likely to be found there than here. Canada, being mostly white has an abundance of ladies with slim bodies and thin buttocks (lol)
  8. I remember reading somewhere that the Trudeau Liberals experimented on a small town in Manitoba ( or Sasketchewan) some time in the 60s. While it lasted, results were so good that nearby towns wanted the same "treatment". The experiment stopped because hard times hit Canada and also bureaucrats in charge of the program never accepted the idea of doling out "free" money. The government shelved the program and stored its results without analyzing them to see pros and cons. I read a prof in the country is currently trying to have access to the results to see what impact it had on the town. Has any CERBite heard or read of this program? Be it as it may, I am of the view that poverty holds the whole world back. This is because the poor are shut out of the life of the community in which they exist. Geniuses in all walks of life most likely exist among the poor also but these cannot contribute their talents to their communities due to their daily struggles to make a living.
  9. I always tell a prospective provider that I am black. It is her RIGHT to refuse to see a black person. Disclosing my race serves two purposes : (1) it allows her to come up with a good excuse (for example, emergency in the family) to cancel the date and (2) avoids placing her in an uncomfortable position should she honour the appointment only to meet a black man. Brother, why are you confused? Don't you have confidence in yourself? NEVER allow any one to make you feel inadequate. If you are turned down, find another date. Cheers.
  10. @Canuckhooker : it is good you pointed out how flawed the poll is. I had noticed it the instant I saw it but just imagine the chorus of "here we go again" that would have greeted my criticism had I offered it. Someone has even labelled me "quasi intelligent". On this thread I have had occasion to point out another flaw in a conclusion that someone also made from "polling". Really Statistics 101 stuff. Thank you. As regards your second point, I have nothing more to add. Cheers.
  11. @Cristycurves: You wrote : but I've since learned that its a much better idea to read his posts, recos, and search to see who he's visited with to decide if a meeting would be a good idea. This saves great disappointments and awkward moments. Oh, yes, it does save disappointments and awkward moments. I give to a prospective date certain physical info about myself - race, weight, and height. There are times ( if the lady is from out of town) that I even go further and send a face pic. I also mention interests, in case we share the same which can then be a conversation topic when we meet. By so doing, the lady can have some idea of who she is meeting. When reality doesn't meet expectations, the encounter can be awkward or even unpleasant for both.
  12. @Phaedrus:at 10:07pm yesterday you wrote : "Unless I've missed something, your definition appears to be concerned solely with the maximization of income. But... there's a lot more to life than money" At 6:49pm the same day, I had written :"The problem with my adversaries, if I may call those who hold a view contrary to mine, is that they are thinking only of providers maximizing money earned" We seem to agree then, that although money is very important it is not the sole determinant of how a lady goes about her business. Please see post #279 for the details of what I wrote.
  13. @Mod: You wrote :......"anyone prices themselves out of a market they will move to a better market or they will lower rates... But... That has nothing to do with negotiating" Okay Mod, You do have a point - the lady can move to a better market or reduce her prices. But wouldn't a provider unilaterally reducing her prices make her appear vulnerable to hobbyists(who may think she is not getting enough clients) and so perversely seek to take advantage of such a provider? Why wouldn't she approach each potential encounter bearing in mind its own set of conditions, even if it should be necessary to negotiate? And remember, Mod, moving away may not be an option for everyone. Additional Comments: @nlwoodchuck: am I to blame if Gabriella made an error, even if only a typo, in her post? I can only go on what has been written as I have no way of getting into her head. As for your attempts to belittle me please chill. Though I have defended my position vigorously, I have been courteous to all.
  14. @nlwoodchuck: You wrote : "You chose to stick your neck out and promote a perspective that's extremely unpopular on a very emotionally charged topic. You were bound to get beat up on." Yes, beat up on unfairly because people have totally missed my message. The key word in my message is the word "optimum" which, for a reason unknown to me, has been disregarded by almost all of those who have contributed to this thread. The problem with my adversaries, if I may call those who hold a view contrary to mine, is that they are thinking only of providers maximizing money earned. This is why the mention of negotiations is anathema to them. "Cyclo" wrote a very pertinent post today and though no mention of the word "optimum" was made, its desirability was affirmed. The fact is attempting to maximize your earnings by having high donations can backfire in the sense that you can price yourself out of the market. Going too low too will mean that your business will not be profitable or will only become so at considerable physical and emotional costs. So, my message is that each provider take a close look at how she can optimize her financial returns and if this at times involves negotiating with a potential client, so be it. Apparently this is a wrong viewpoint to hold.
  15. @cyclo : I agree with what you have written - and that is why my posts scream the word OPTIMUM. For example as far back as post #152, I wrote : "optimum simply means the most favourable conditions or levels for GROWTH or SUCCESS." I ask readers to go back and read the penultimate paragraph of your post and that as they read this, think of my use of the word optimum as implying all of what is therein contained. Once again, I can't help but express my profound amazement at how people have overlooked this word in my posts.
  16. "Again, why do you think someones rate is excessive." I believe I have answered you already. Please read my post that responded to your previous one.
  17. @meaghanmcleod ; you wrote : ........"no choice but to take that low ball call, because they are desperate enough to see you." Who or what gives you the right to characterize someone going about her business the way she sees fit as desperate? Please do not disrespect your fellow providers. As regard your additional comment, yes, I, the buyer of a service or a product get to decide whether the price is excessive based on certain factors like cost of similar products/services.
  18. @gabriella : please see my last sentence in my immediately-previous post.
  19. @Phaedrus : in a response to a post of mine, you made some observations that contained two questions. By answering your post , I was answering your questions. You then come back and tell me that your question remains. Well, my response also remains. Talk of going in circles! I am busy at other things right now so at the appropriate time I will respond to your other comments.
  20. @EvaAdore : words are potent. It is therefore important to use them with care. A word wrongly used can lead to disastrous results. I don't believe I am "flinging shit".
  21. @realnicehat : the meaning I have given you is the original one. At times people substitute a wrong idiom for the original, correct one. For example : People often say : you can't have your cake and eat it instead of the correct "you can't eat your cake and have it". The second form is the correct of the two as it is logical - after you have eaten your cake, it is gone. Thus one cannot enjoy two opposite conditions at the same time, which is the meaning of the idiom. The mere fact that the erroneous one is at times said does not make it correct. By the way, I am not lecturing you on idioms, just using an example to prove my point. Check out "beating a dead horse" for yourself.
  22. @realnicehat : man, English is my second language but please give me some credit. What do you understand by the idiom "beating a dead horse"? The meaning I am ascribing to it is this: the futility in continuing with something whose outcome is already decided. Check out this meaning yourself. So, when roamingguy likens the thread to beating a dead horse, he means continuing with it is futile because the outcome has been decided already. Which naturally elicits the reaction: decided how? Perhaps he should have communicated what he meant clearly.
  23. @peregrine : pray, tell, how am I chasing my tail?
  24. @peregrine : please take your avowed tactlessness somewhere else. No one is compelling you to participate on the thread.
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