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Everything posted by lipualipua

  1. ".............It doesn't take much to remind me of that trauma. " JG: very funny post.
  2. Count me in as member of the small lovers' group. In and of themselves small boobs are desirable but when coupled with big round buttocks, as they often are, the woman who possesses them is absolutely irrestisible.
  3. I can't believe what I a reading! How can some men be so devoid of common decency? To all ladies, do not be shy to ask for the donation should a client intentionally or unintentionally ignore to provide it without being asked.
  4. Miel : I am so sorry. It is incredible the depths to which some people can sink in how they treat others. I am glad you say that many of the clients you have met have been honourable. Please do not let that scumbag dampen your enthusiasm for waht you do.
  5. Working fine -I am writing this at 5:56 am ,EST just as it is on the thread.
  6. I circumcised very late in life (at age 35 y) and so can, with some authority,compare both states. Speaking only for me, the circ state feels much, much better especially in the area of hygiene. Also contrary to popular belief, the circ penis, at least mine, is more sensitive than my uncirc penis was.
  7. I too, find unshaven ( thick but neatly trimmed) very attractive and arousing though not necessarily as fetish. To me, the razor industry is responsible for pushing "shaved is best" on people - in order to reap vast profits. This is no different from drug companies "medicalizing" conditions that are normal. It is so sad that our womenfolk have bought into this, and have to spend yet more money to buy and load themselves with anti-histamines to counter the itch that occurs when hair is growing back.
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