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Everything posted by omehgosh

  1. Congrats buddy! You're a huge part of cerb and I'm thankful for it! I look forward to your next 2500 posts! Keep it up bro! :smile:
  2. I'm in agreement - music is not such a good idea... I keep the volume on my computer up so that I can hear notifications such as reminders and incoming email... I don't think to turn it down before going to an SP's site - it's really bad when I visit a lady's site and suddenly music starts blaring... Not cool to say the least. Stated so eloquently by WIT - lol -
  3. I go to the group section every 1-3 days... I can't let it alone much longer than that or Cato and Seymour will have amassed far too many pages of incredibly hot pictures for me to go through without suffering a massive little-brain overload and messing up all of my extra shorts in front of everybody here at work!.. whew! that was a seriously long sentence, let me catch my breath... - Okay, I'm good - No really, I enjoy the social groups (RHAG for me)... admittedly I don't (can't) post as much as Cato and Seymour (who can!?! you guys are super-human!)... but I like to contribute sometimes... I agree with Cato's comment on virtual friendships too... RHAG is like a little pub, or club or something... You're always welcome to pop in and say hi, see what's going on with the regulars, share a pint or two... It's nice to know I'm not the only guy who likes Doctor Who (Tom Baker is still the only REAL doctor! lol) and thinks Karen Alloy, or Mythbusters' Carrie are incredibly freaking hot! I dunno, I like 'em! Thanks for you guys (you know who you are!) for working so hard to keep them going and making them a nice place to stop in for a visit! I think I'm just about due for some contribution myself too... Where in the hell am I going to find a hot redhead that Cato doesn't already know about though?!? :lol:
  4. Nice Pete! The second one really makes me wanna shake my thang... and theirs!!! HOLY HOTNESS Pete-man!
  5. omehgosh


    OMG! Check out that waist and those hips - incredible! Absolutely gorgeous. This picture is VERY hot!
  6. Ha ha ha! Do you think that was set up, or he really bailed on the police? Too funny if he really made a run for it! :lol:
  7. Good for you Emma! You can do it! I've been smoke-free for three years now. After many attempts at quitting, I was finally successful. It's not easy, but once you've actually made up your mind to do it, it's doable. You can totally do it if you want to! * the crowd chants "Emm-a, Emm-a, Emm-a..." * WIT mentions the brain re-wiring itself for the addicition - absolutely, your brain has been "customized" for smoking. There are many ideas on how long it takes for someone to get over the nicotine addiction, but I think Superlift's take on being a "smoker that chooses not to smoke" is very accurate. I don't believe that your brain heals itself in a matter of weeks or months. I believe the changes to your brain are permanent (or at least, very, very, very long-lasting). My urges are less and less, and for the most part a lot easier to cope with than when I first quit, but I still get very strong cravings. I don't believe these cravings will ever completely go away. I think I still have to take one day at a time, and be consciously aware that I can NEVER, EVER have even a single drag from a cigarette (no more cigars either... oh man, they smell so good sometimes!!!) I don't believe that I will never be a non-smoker again - I will only be an ex-smoker and I need to remain vigilant. First, I would recommend that you quit smoking because YOU WANT to quit smoking, and for no other reason... When I quit smoking I didn't throw away all of the cigarettes in my house - I did not smoke because I chose not to smoke, not because I couldn't. The decision to quit was all my own, with no onus on any external elements. That being said - I did avoid things that I might associate with the habit... I stopped drinking coffee for a while. WIT is right about nicotine helping to metabolize caffeine - I used to be able to drink coffee right before bed and fall asleep - not anymore! Too much caffeine causes me a lot of anxiety now. It's common to experience a lot of anxiety when you quit smoking (for a year or more even!), the anxiety can increase the urge to smoke too... maybe cutting back on caffeine altogether for a little while would be helpful for you. I stopped hanging out with people who smoked (only for a couple of months). Smelling the smoke (I'm assuming getting a bit of nicotine as well!) really made me crave. Even seeing people smoking on television was difficult - change the channel right away if it bothers you. Wash all of your clothes (especially if you smoked in your house or apartment!), eliminate the cigarette smell as much as you can. Don't make it harder on yourself while you're trying to quit. You're still quiting because you want to, but be fair to yourself and remember that quitting is hard, you don't have to torture yourself - your smoker friends will understand if you take a little break from them (most of them probably want to quit too). There are a ton of little habits that go along with smoking - try to figure out what they are and change them when they cause a craving. I always smoked when I drove - chain-smoked almost - so I stocked up on gum and chewed it like crazy when I was driving (I still do!). I carried bags full of Scottish mints with me everywhere - whenever I had a craving I'd pop one of those little suckers. Don't worry about gaining weight, you can lose it after you quit - concentrate on quitting smoking. It's a lot easier to give up Scottish mints than cigarettes, trust me. Mint flavour, brushing your teeth a lot - I can't explain it, but it helps, really. Take everything one little step at a time... At first, you'll get cravings every ten minutes, then every twenty... every few hours, every five hours... eventually it will be days, then weeks (I'm into months now)... All you have to do is get between those cravings. When you get a craving do something, get up run around, yell, sing, go for a walk - whatever you need to do to forget about the cigarette. When it's gone you'll have complete peace of mind for a while... it may only last for an hour at first, but it will keep getting longer every day. Don't ever, even hold a cigarette, don't take a drag, don't pick any up for a friend on your way over to their place. You're not avoiding cigarettes because you have to, you are choosing not to needlessly tempt yourself - again, don't make it harder on yourself. Reward yourself at milestones... take the money you've not been spending on cigarettes and treat yourself to something when you get through a certain amount of time. Take what you've saved when you get through a week and buy yourself something nice with it - you deserve it! Set the next reward at 2 weeks, then a month - whatever you want. You're working hard, and making it a week without a cigarette is awesome - pat yourself on the back, you really do deserve it. Finally, if you do slip up, don't stress yourself about it. Move on - just don't do it again. Don't give up if you cave in once, one weak moment doesn't mean defeat! Again, you can do it! Okay, well, that's one helluva a long-winded post huh? Okay, I'll shut up now. Good luck Emma! I really wish you the best. Quitting smoking was very hard for me, but I am so happy I did - I can't express to you how nice it is not to be chained to that pack of cigarettes... No more standing outside in -30 for my fix!
  8. omehgosh

    Awesome abs!

    AWESOME!!! :shock: . deep breaths... deep breaths .
  9. Congratulations on the 1000th post Scott! I enjoy reading your posts very much. Looking forward to more insight, wisdom and wit from you!
  10. I'm really sorry about that Megan... I really should have included those options in the poll. Originally I was thinking there were would be too many choices, so I left them out... almost as soon as I finished posting the thread I wished I had included the other choices, but it was too late. :sad: Sorry - my bad :oops: I'm really hoping that the lack of choices in the poll itself won't stop everyone from going ahead and sharing in the thread anyhow (like you! thanks!) :smile:
  11. I'm already seeing more guys who like to spank than don't, and wondering, at least a little, if I'm missing out! T'storm, WIT and Sara - Great point about ladies giving and guys receiving too - The fact that some ladies like to spank and some guys like to be spanked hadn't escaped me, but I was worried the poll might be too cumbersome if I put in the role reversals... It's too bad I can't go back and add that into the poll now... I should've included those too... :sad: Hopefully others will follow your lead and mention their preferences regardless of the options in the poll...
  12. NOTE: the pole is anonymous - no one will see how you voted. Recently I saw an image (can't remember if it was a video clip, or a picture) of a woman's bottom with a huge red hand print on one of her buttocks and was reminded of something I'm curious about. I've often wondered about spanking. For starters, I want to make it perfectly clear, than I'm not against it or anything, I'm not making any judgements (well, not against others - obviously I have to make judgements to form an opinion). I'm all for the "everybody's different" thing - to each his/her own (as long as all participants are willing and in agreement). I'm the guy who has a fantasy about growing a nice beautiful set of ladies' breasts for a day so I could spend 24 hours fondling them and masturbating! - LOL - Seriously, who am to judge?!? (Mmm, breasts...) I'm just curious, that's all... because I don't understand it and like to learn things. Even if I don't end up sharing someone's point of view in the end, perhaps I can at least see where she/he is coming from... I don't understand spanking. I believe that in order for a woman to end up with a honkin' red hand print on her butt, someone must have smacked her really hard, and it must have hurt like a son-of-a-bitch :shock:. 1. I personally don't enjoy pain - at all. I try my best to avoid pain actually. 2. It really bothers me to cause others pain (an empathy thing I think). I really don't like hurting others, especially if it's someone I'm making love with. 1 & 2 = spanking isn't for me, and I don't understand why others enjoy it. That being said, greek isn't for me either, but I completely get it - the potential pleasure for both parties doesn't escape me at all (I poo just like everybody else!) - It's not my thing, but I "get it". That's about it, I thought it'd be interesting to hear what others think and maybe I could learn a little more about some stuff... :smile:
  13. Bwah ha ha! That shot of the cat with its mouth open is perfect! :lol:
  14. For those of you who like True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Lost Girl, Being Human... I'd recommend Fringe too if you haven't already checked it out. It's similar to X Files, but still unique. More sci-fi than fantasy/horror/monsters but I still really love it. Season 3 starts next Thursday (September 23) night on Fox. Also, some of you might enjoy Eureka. It's a quirky sci-fi sorta show on Space. Season 4 premieres either September 28th or October 5th (the Space Channel site has 2 different dates mentioned on it). I'm totally hooked on True Blood, but Fringe is my absolute favourite, and Eureka has me hooked too.
  15. Happy birthday shymale! Hope it's awesome! :smile:
  16. Agreed mrgreen760! Breasts are wonderful. If I had breasts I'd fondle them all day. I would spend so much time fondling them, I might forget to masturbate. Actually, I could fondle them with one hand and masturbate with the other... sweet!!! I wish I had breasts. There would be much fondling and masturbation.
  17. Congrats stevecurious! I love reading what you have to say, and look forward to reading more! :smile:
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