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Everything posted by Newton

  1. There're overlaps and there're also distinctions. One liners: To lust is to possess the other, to love is to share oneself. Lust makes you bored and boring quickly, love makes you interested and interesting over an extended period of time. Posted via Mobile Device
  2. Vanessa, you asked good questions. I noticed offerings are indeed expanded. Personally I prefer safe gfe. I mostly see girls offering it. I also see other girls if they are well recommended. On a couple of occasions I wasn't allowed to do things on the menu. It was okay with me. I respect a girl's preference any time. But I moved on. Posted via Mobile Device
  3. I'm easy like most ppl are. Posted via Mobile Device
  4. I think you can still report his email address. Posted via Mobile Device
  5. I'll put my two cents in here. There're simple concepts and composite ones. Lust is a simple one because it's a chemical reaction. It's all in the brain. Love is a composite concept. Half chemical and half social but mutually reenforcing. We say fall in love on first glance. Is it chemical? Yes. But social too because we already have built social constructs in our mind what lovers we are searching in a crowd. Therefore, a first glance isn't a simple glance. It's fitting a person with our mental consructs. It's like Eureka. We say grow apart even though were perfect match in the beginning. Again it's both physical and social. One person might not take care of their body as much as the other. Or one person didn't grow as intellectuall as the other. Therefore the person no longer fits the construct the other has in his or her mind. Posted via Mobile Device
  6. It's crazy on the 7 no shows with 7 different people. I begin to think maybe it's more than jealous competitions. Is it possible a group of people plotting together to mess with touring ladies? Jasmine, I'm very saddened by this, like other cerb members.
  7. I've been drinking corona extra for a few years. But willing to try new ones. Posted via Mobile Device
  8. Men are creatures of comfort or comfortable habits. My routines kinda like: drink coffee watch a bit of tv recorded the prevous night check out cerb go to work. Posted via Mobile Device
  9. Check Cowboy Kenny's diary: http://www.cowboysdiary.info/wordpress/?p=749 Posted via Mobile Device
  10. Gold Canada Gold! Congrats to the team & everyone! Posted via Mobile Device
  11. I'm kinda new to the hobby. I visited a few ladies in the last months and some a few times and all went well. If someone someday pulled no show on me, I wouldn't be in the right mood trying another lady right then. I'd probably go to a bar and have a drink and book a SP on another day. ;) Posted via Mobile Device
  12. I prefer client, too. It's a neutral label, legally, socially and emotionally. The concept of hobbyist is subsumed under that of client. Posted via Mobile Device
  13. Is Trish from Calgary? Her pics looked familiar: http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=1179 Posted via Mobile Device
  14. Thank you, insidevoice, for the recommendation and additional info. Annika is in my plans. Hopefully my schedule and hers would align during her upcoming tour.
  15. I'll cross the bridge to see my favourite SPs and well reviewed ladies. Cindy, you're on my to see list. I'll cross the bridge to see you. Posted via Mobile Device
  16. I had another visit with Jazy last week. This is a composite review based on this and a previous visit. .. Jazy is a beautiful blonde spinner, with a hot, fit and tanned body. She has small but not too small and firm boobs and a very sexy round bum.. Jazy warms me up with her lap dances. She is very athletic on her pole and grinding on my lap. After a few songs, I'm ready for action in the bedroom next door.. Jazy is very responsive, to kissing, touching and fingering. Her muscles contract and her body moves as she is aroused or in heightened expectations.. Jazy has the best cowgirl skill I have experienced, but doggie is her favorite position, while she.is most relaxed in mish. Jazy is an amazing girl and I enjoy my visits with her greatly. Thank you, Jazy, always!. Posted via Mobile Device
  17. A promise of free sex, but is the service of a lawyer provided free too? ;) Posted via Mobile Device
  18. Happy birthday, Cato! Have a great one! ;) Posted via Mobile Device
  19. Newton


    Very sexy pic.
  20. Newton

    recent 2

    Very hot body, Jewel!
  21. Very sweet and sexy! Happy Valentine's, Eva! Posted via Mobile Device
  22. Here is my take. MILF is obviously a mom and thus must have kids. Since most women of adult age have kids, MILF locates in a certain age range. So what is a mom in the context of escorting? I think a mom is a loving person in the sense of tolerating small mistakes. A mom also has openness since she has passed from girlhood to womanhood. A woman is comfortable with her own sexuality and need for pleasure. Finally a mom is firm in terms of her likes and dislikes because she is no longer on her own. She has daily responsibilities. Then how to place MILF's age range? I would try the following: 18-25: girl 26-35: woman, when no kids / MILF, when with kids 36-49: mature 50+ : golden girl .
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