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Everything posted by onesquared

  1. Please - are they still there. What shift and what days.
  2. Haven't seen these lassies for some time. Perhaps 5 or 10 years at Pigale for Chanel and Jewel maybe 2 or 3 years at the mate. Thought they had retired. Will have to drop in and say hello. By the way - anyone else having trouble with logins. Everytime I click the mouse i have to login again. A real pain
  3. I have not been to the Playmate for quite some time so I dropped in last week for a few hours. Had a very pleasant time with 2 dancers, one old standby aon one very accomplished newbie. Marissa has worked at the mate for many years now but has not lost her very pleasant demeanor and always gives a pleasing dance when treated kindly ............-? is a new Phillipine dancer from Montreal that works only Friday and Saturday. What a sweetie. No disappointments there.
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