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theliquor (Lost but not fo

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Everything posted by theliquor (Lost but not fo

  1. homemade pizza dough previously homemade, hot shredded cheese, mushrooms, pineapple chunks, proscuito, bacon will take an hour to put together, normally about 15 minutes bake 18 minutes yum!
  2. Grilled, then under the broiler! My first "real" meal since surgery, p;us arugula and mixed berries on the side.
  3. thx for the kind words and support sorry for all lower case, keyboarding...hunt and peck with one hand doc took out about one inch of bone,2 inches of muscle and scraped the tendons and ligaments believe they got the "hot"spot, fingers crossed in sling for six weeks, then physiotherapy ??more chemo?? coming off pain meds, damn! lots of ice, no single malt until off the heavy duty meds take care! theliquor
  4. Pick me Peachy! Am told I speak in tongues!!!! One of the best sites I have found on-line is the Al-Jazerra news site, RCMP won't be happy but it gives a very good view of the world. BBC world is another good one.
  5. A big thank you to you and the others helping to make the Social a GREAT event. My healthcare provider (T xoxo) has told me if I show up she will take the stitches out in front of everybody. So to ensure I don't dirty the floor with my passed out body, blood and other detritus left from the operation, I will sadly not attend. I will however be thinking of all of you having fun without me, so I will grab an extra pain pill, lay back and dream about all the HOT ladies that will be attending. Have a great time folks. Miss you all!!!! TL
  6. These two ladies are absolutely EXCELLANT! Ottawa is lucky to have them and there are others who are in Ottawa full time and visiting.
  7. Well not really, just new with my left hand!!!! Figured that since the right hand will be either immobilized for a while, or gone, better figure out how to play with the left!!!!!
  8. Absolutely stunning, hot and erotic!!!
  9. So yes they will "do" my shoulder (wish it was the sexy ladies of Cerb "doing" something else to me) on Tuesday. Pre-op went fine, got another tour of this "laser-knife" gadget, very cool, although they did not take my suggestion that it would be perfect for de-boning chicken. Pick up the new, high tech black sling today, does that mean I get to growl like a pirate.....no wait, that's an eye patch, damn, always wanted to fit that into a conversation. Later folks!!!
  10. VERY spankable, and definitely kissable!!!
  11. You are the best! I have two sirloins, cut into 1 inch thick strips, (will be blackened, cooked rare) to go on top of a big spinach salad with pomegranate seeds, and a black pepper dressing. Red wine from Mike Weir's winery (since he is playing decent golf again....excuse yesterday's round!), a friend has brought me Kona coffee direct from Hawaii, and a nice Glenlivet 18 year old for pre and post dinner!!
  12. Greetings all! First, thanx again for the continued good wishes, prayers and support, it is REALLY appreciated. Thought the game was won.....but the "big C" made an unexpected comeback. So, after having the "pic line" taken out last week, was called on Monday and told "not so fast go back to the plate as we need to pitch again". Basically, the bone cancer has not receded as originally thought, the chemo has probably created a delaying action. Sooooooo, back in they go. All things being equal, they will cut me again on Feb 6, using this "laser knife" to try and carve out the beast like they did with my jaw in 2011. I was told there seemed to be a glut of one-armed paper hangers, so they are going this route. I'll keep my hair this time, every grey strand. So onward and upward, always better than the alternative!!!! My posts after Feb 6 will be done by the hunt and peck method of keyboarding so will be less prolific and probably utilizing single syllables!!! Bring on the beast, let's kick it's ass. I want to be three-putting by August! Thanx again all. TL
  13. Many more! Good health as well. Enjoy your day and the holidays! Liquor
  14. One of my most favourite pics on Cerb!!! Thanx for sharing!!!!
  15. stunning breast and nipple!!!
  16. I apologize, I also forgot to say thanx to those who supported me with many of not-for-profit activities that I was involved in. For the prizes for auction, gifts for battered women and children, money to help out directly. I thank you. A special thank you to those who supported the various children charities over the Christmas season from coats to toys!! Way to go!!!! To all of you, you are the best! Happy holidays.
  17. Since I am at the house waiting for the neighbourhood lad to come over and shovel the driveway, thought I would post a few thoughts I have regarding the folks on Cerb. By and large, this community of hobbyists, sp's and ma's have been amazing in providing support through comments, prayers and good wishes on my Strike 1, Strike 2 thread, on my profile page and in private messages. It is truly is appreciated. The kindness is not just for me, when I posted about one of our Cerb ladies who was down, lost her companion and access to her child, the outpouring of support for her was wide-spread. When others have been hit with an illness or loss, the folks of Cerb are always quick to let the person know they are being thought of. So folks, as we all travel through our own individual journeys, please continue to look out for and support those who are not doing well. Thanx for everything, enjoy your family and friends throughout this holiday and in 2013. Hugs, kisses and lots of licks, always. The Liquor
  18. An easy, tasty and don't get a hangover drink that ladies and men love! Bottle of bubbly, can be either champagne or sparkling white. 1 mickey of good gin 1 mickey of cointreau 1 can of no pulp orange juice lots of ice serve in fluted glasses, minus the ice cubes Yummy!!! PS: has also been known to be a panty remover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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