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theliquor (Lost but not fo

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Everything posted by theliquor (Lost but not fo

  1. Hope you have a GREAT day, filled with hugs, kisses and of course, lots and lots of licks from your favourite playmate(s)!!
  2. Wish me luck, round 3 starts early tomorrow in Toronto. So if you don't see me on, just means that I am feeling crappy, not that I have abandoned all the good folks on Cerb! Thank in advance for any and all best wishes, good feelings, prayers, etc, I have been told this round is brutal. Anyway, my golf game needs a break, I am hitting the ball long and hard (hmmm, remember when that was how I described my....) and putting like a gorilla on steroids. The not for profit org supporting the kids of fallen and wounded soldiers is moving along and now planning a fall "bash". We had 600 kids at the camp this summer!! Hugs, kisses and lots of licks to all the Ladies of Cerb.
  3. Just my opinion, but when done correctly, with patience, receiving is very erotic. It is also, if not more erotic, to be the giver, to see your hand slowly disappear, your partner groaning in pleasure. Yum and YUM. Your comments, suggestions and reco's please!
  4. spankable, definitely kissable and certainly lick able!!!
  5. Stunning, absolutely fucking stunning!
  6. theliquor (Lost but not fo

    such lovely breasts and nipples!!
  7. I LOVE the crop!!! Please come and play in Ottawa!
  8. Here is a question for the SP's: Would it be okay to ask for a session of DATY, DATY & more DATY??? With some hugs and kisses thrown in?? What do you think?
  9. How about death bed wishes, or my hand is to callused to jerk off day, or the sun is making my eyes water day, or the sun is drying out my contacts day. Give me a break, the Ladies should not, could not give away freebies, this is a business. Wait, I just heard Loblaws was giving away free steaks for every three putt you make in a round! The way I am putting, I am eating steak for the rest of the season!!!!
  10. A Quick Update!! Last week's round of chemo hit me as hard as the previous one. Haven't lost any hair (weird), much tougher time getting a hard on (very weird) and caused me to black out (mucho weird....chemo aftermath, not a hard on) as I was going up the stairs. Good news was my looks were improved.....broke my nose, cranked my head on the stairs and ended up with a concussion. Bad news....still having a tougher time getting a hard on! But wait, it could have been worse, having a hard on, falling, having the little head getting a concussion or put in a splint!!! Oh well, surviving ugly, but still surviving. The golf tournament supporting military families goes off on Saturday in London, and we are sold out, have some great prizes and have already raised $18,000 in profits going to the military family fund. Thanks to all who continue to wish me well, I appreciate it on those crappy days!
  11. Morning. I would be concerned for you on two items: -first and foremost is the safety factor, as the history of agencies here and around the world is not great, normally associated with gangs and drugs and are more easily targeted by law enforcement -second, what happens if they change owners, bring new owners in, etc. So bottom line is what makes you comfortable short and long term?
  12. Other than the obvious, I am a true meat eater, especially when feeling down. Steak is number one, rubbed with a good olive oil and fresh garlic, number two is spare ribs (the prep time is a mental break) rubbed, baked then bbq'd. and then there is the obvious!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. spankable, kissable and definitely lick able!
  14. OMG What a stunning, spankable, lickable ass
  15. One more treatment today then back to Ottawa! Not too bad today, hope for the best next week! I need to play with the Ottawa Ladies!!!
  16. Round 3 starts Monday. Hope I feel better than the underside of a snail trying to cross the hot pavement!! Wishing for more "good days" than "feel like death days" with this round!! I need to play golf in another charity tournament in two weeks, so hope to feel better by then. Thanx again for all the kind wishes and prayers of support. Hugs, kisses and of course lots of licks to all!!!! Enjoy the hot weather, winter is only five months away!
  17. Pick me, Pick me for your crop!!!
  18. such a cute bum, kissable, spankable and of course very lick able!!!!
  19. OMG What a STUNNING ASS!!!!
  20. Stunning and VERY yummy!!
  21. I am on my hands and knees (again) for you (again)!! Hope you had a wonderful day where all your toys gave you much pleasure!!!
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