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theliquor (Lost but not fo

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Everything posted by theliquor (Lost but not fo

  1. Just great news that you are feeling well and having fun with the bun in the oven!! hugs, kisses to you!!
  2. Way to go VJ!! Always fun to read your ads and comments. Instead of a tiara, how about a necklace??????????? Or a massage!!!!! Hugs
  3. Round 2 set up for tomorrow! Going to enjoy the sun today, play some golf, take a few strokes off my ...... putter???? Play in the garden. Played at Paradise Wednesday to take help me "relax" and get ready mentally. Have a great weekend folks, thank you again for all the kind wishes!!! Hugs, Kisses and of course lots of licks!
  4. Want to thank all of you who have forwarded their positive thoughts, reco's on food, and prayers for me. It is greatly appreciated. Had my first "dose" (no really, not that dose, the other dose) this morning. Other than generally yucky, hanging in and hosting a golf tourney for autism research tomorrow and one supporting military families on Saturday. Plugging on! Thanx again TL
  5. Well, as many know, I had a bout with cancer last year, surgery and drugs were thought to have taken care of that. NOT!! While they have been treating my shoulder for and old sports injury (or jerking off too much before I met the ladies on CERB), someone had the bright idea to have an MRI done. Guess what? Yes indeed, a new spot of bone cancer looks like the reason the socket in the shoulder was not responding. So, will go under the knife again, hopefully by the fall. Until then, they tell me to keep on stroking, I mean physio, damn stroking is so much more fulfilling!!! will keep on golfing and doing the work with the not-for-profits in the meantime. Thanx for you well wishes. The Liquor!
  6. Morning! I prefer daytime as well for the majority of play. Would love something out in the west end. As long as it is clean, safe and nice is my choice.
  7. Really sorry I am missing this one, the first ones were FANTASTIC!!! Have to be in Toronto, ..... not happy!
  8. Awesome response, well thought out and articulated. Pretty good for a Tiger fan!!!!
  9. OMG I love this view, I keep on coming back to it!!!!
  10. Still one of the hottest pics on Cerb!! Hugs, kisses and lots of licks to you!!!
  11. Good morning. One of our Cerb Ladies, Jennigurl27, is hurting, physically, mentally and in her heart. Jenni lost her husband a little over a month ago, has been quite ill over the last six months, and has some other "stuff" breaking her heart. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers. If you know her number, give her a call to say hi, send her a note to say you are thinking of her. She needs our support, and I know that the folks in Cerb are so good at that. Thanx all. the liquor
  12. Hey Jabba call Ms.Samantha, who has a well equipped dungeon and Madison who has a dungeon and also travels sometimes with all the "toys"
  13. Congrats Malika proliferate and a gifted writer, as well as very pretty!
  14. Morning! Knowing you, it WAS a misunderstanding. These things happen, I would not worry about it. You are one of the best! As always, you will always get my hugs, kisses and of course, lots of licks!!!
  15. Better yet, the two of you should offer duo's, that would be truly outstanding!!!!!!
  16. I am lucky!.....to be around, to be able to play with all the stunning ladies like Meg!
  17. Just heard this song again, think it was Crosby, Stills and Nash. Anyway, the words gave me pause, after getting whacked by CA last year, and then t-boned yesterday (when a driver blew through a stop sign) I thought, crap, I was supposed to meet one of the great ladies at Cerb in the afternoon. Well, that went out the window as I spent close to 4 hours in ER getting checked out. The good news, dodged another one, the bad news, was stiff (and not in a good way) and sore. However, still survived, the car is a car, and that is why we pay insurance, and I am still able to give lots of hugs, kisses and licks. Whomever you decide you want to play with today or tomorrow or after that, play like it is the last thing you might do!! Love the One You're With!
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