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Chanel Reign

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Everything posted by Chanel Reign

  1. Chanel Reign

    Back in Black

    LOVE the shot!
  2. You attitude is amazing and strong. Fight the good fight! But allow others to help when you need to. Do not be afraid to ask. My friend was lost last week and he looked for everything to help. But it beat him in the end. Don't let that happen. I don't want you to go anywhere. You are a vital part of CERB and while there have been changes, you are a one constant. As I suspect you are in your real life. Be well my friend. Chanel
  3. Need a hug. BF still not home from being hit by a car last year. And now my sweet little furbaby has allergies and is suffering. She's on meds now. Hopefully they'll work! :cry:
  4. I wont be looking at these photos as they are really none of my business. If these people wanted them out there they would have posted them, tweeted them or otherwise made them for public consumption themselves. I think it would leave me with a really bad feeling and feel sorry for them.
  5. Tom, Your strength has touched my soul. You are a man of heroic attitude and I am thinking about you as inspiration. It's always a good day when you can smile and be you. Don't let this beat you down. It wins then. Don't let that happen. If ever you need to talk...
  6. I wouldn't know what to do without it! Those orgasms are special and explosively mind blowing!!
  7. I always always ask a Gent to was his hands after donation has been given, before play. I love a well stroked g-spot, but your hands must be clean and gentle, especially with some tongue action. I fail to understand where this rough in and out as fast as you can activity came from. I do believe it does nothing for a woman, other than hurt. It happened once a long time ago...never again!
  8. Very impressive. I am looking forward to playing catch-up!
  9. Please take care, and yes this is your wake up call!
  10. Chocolate dipped nipples, but I'm a boobie lover. Baileys Irish Cream being licked off your body, or cherries being nibbled off?
  11. I celebrate Christmas with my family because it is a tradition I grew up with. It makes my Mother happy. No effort or obligation there. She's an important part of my life. But I observe Festivus and I also celebrate Hogmanay. I don't observe Halloween, but I do participate in Samhain (no Im not Pagan). I choose to celebrate other traditions because of the commercialism of the big ones. (I find it rather sickening) The Christmas I see today is a rushed, debt laden, spat of a few days of harried activity that isnt really much fun. What happened to and afternoon of baking of cookies with children? Parties that are relaxed and not forced entertainment with an exhausted host(ess)? Taking the time to do something to pay it forward? So I say Merry Christmas and if I'm not sure I say nothing.
  12. Ummm having myself shaved. So intimate with someone who knows what they're doing! The Sens or the Loafs...errrr Leafs?
  13. Pout. Due to personal reasons I could not attend. Another Social and another success from what I see! I know how hard folks work to put these together and kudos go to our coordinators from what Im reading! I am truly looking forward to the next one. My new dress is still hanging there looking lonely and wanting to be worn. I am glad that everyone had a wonderful time. To connect with people that you only read is a special thing and, I think, rather unique to O-Town. I love the CERB community and will make a special effort to come to the next one to meet old friends and make new ones.
  14. Shocker, you just have to look. Many SP's mention this in their "About Me" or on their website.
  15. A brand spanking new strap-on! Im so excited!! :dncdick:
  16. I suppose I have to agree with you here. Those darn vows are based on mainly Christian values brought over from Europe. I often wonder when we will eliminate those and create our own to suit our needs. Perhaps never. Certainly not in our lifetime. However, I am seeing more and more people opting out of religious marriages and seeking out other means of becoming partners. Writing your own vows is also very trendy right now, and I have been to church weddings where the faithful issue isnt even mentioned. Similar to the obey vow that is now more or less obsolete. I must say I was rather stunned waiting for the "faithful to one" clause and it wasn't even mentioned. Did the Priest miss it, was it on purpose? I have no idea because I didn't know the couple well (I was the date of a guest). People are also choosing to cohabitate without the piece of paper. It makes one wonder if monogamy is implied or not. I guess thats up to each individual partnership. Polyamoury is indeed a whole other issue. Perhaps I am blinded in my opinion because quite a few of my friends follow that trend. I would say maybe 50%. So the stigma still stands. I just don't think of it that way. Cheaters (as you put it) usually have a reason. And it's always a well founded one. But do they love their spouse any less? Not that I've seen. Sometimes my regular Gents that trust me, talk about this. It seems that at some stage of a marriage a lot of women (for whatever reason) lose interest in sex and the gentleman is left with a spouse they love but that vow of faithfulness has gone out the window. Not to be harsh, but my view of faithful monogamy means living up to your end of the bargain and working on that aspect to maintain your vow. So who is letting who down?
  17. Cheaters. An interesting choice of word. By cheating you are suggesting that one is deceiving or taking away something from someone else. I can't count how many times I have said that sex and love are two different things. And they really are. At the end of the day, where does your heart go home to? So you've chosen to engage in an activity that does not involve your spouse. Do you do everything with your spouse? Does that make you cheating on them if you don't? I know this is a broad analogy but it really boils down to the same thing. There are too many connected ties with sex and marriage, which unfortunately our culture has bought into and forged. In an ideal world this would not be the case. There are still many cultures on this planet where monogamy is not practiced. It is indeed a shame that we are not one of them. It is the concept that we buy into as a society, and that is most certainly changing. We can see it in the younger generation, who are much more willing to explore with and without their partners. I do not travel in conservative circles by any means and never have. To me, these are enlightened people who understand that monogamy is not a human trait, but rather one that is instilled into us by mainstream culture to be stigmatized if one doesn't fall onto the road of our culture. Stupid as it may be. That makes us different. In general, "different" scares people. It is out of their comfort zone. A place most people rarely like to go. So until it is brought out as a normal activity (in France even today many people expect married couples to have a lover), either stigma will never change.
  18. Today is my day. I've had 3 hours sleep and now I'm going to cuddle with my furbaby.
  19. I've had tons of pets over the years, from livestock to house pets. I especially love birds. My last Finch finally crossed over this year after 15+ years. WHAT Finch lives that long??? We were beginning to wonder if Audubon was playing a joke on us. Jake was my last rescue and he was a gem. The most quiet dog I've ever had and a Yorkie/Silky Terrier to boot. He lived until 17. He declined rather quickly and I spent a month of constant care before "the big decision". I cried for weeks. So after a year I have a new doggie called Marley. She is a rescue and is a stubborn little thing. She is a bit younger than I prefer but fell in love with her the minute I saw her. In people years she is about 19 and acts just like one. She can be a handful, and is as stubborn as a Terrier can be. A few months after she came home, she was hit by a car while on walkies (driver fell asleep and crossed 2 lanes of traffic to end up on the sidewalk at 70kph). Both are lucky to be alive. My bf took the brunt as he shielded her from the hit. She was slightly injured anyway and still suffers some behavioural issues even though this happened at the beginning of August. But she is a little darling, and I am working with her to stop the fear and the need to be around me all the time. Yes I spoil her, it's so easy. This is her bed (similar) "][/url] Which she rarely uses. And this is Marley. "][/url]
  20. It was Mediamass that reported that Lou Reeds death was a hoax. They do this all the time. I fail to understand why. So the hoax was a hoax and he has passed. Can you imagine the roller coaster his family was on today? Disgusting.
  21. You might want to try something that doesn't resemble your furniture, linens, cloth, whatever. Bull Penis (Bullies) are long lasting and engage them for hours. I highly doubt you have any of this hanging around your home so puppy wont associate it with anything. lol Also natural fish and duck chews will be happily chewed to shreds and your shoes etc can be safe. I made the mistake of playing with my dog with a fluffy blanket. I have a pair of shorts made out of the same material. I can hardly chastise her for thinking they are a toy for her to mangle and throw around. :)
  22. When a Gent asks, "why an old/fat/whatever like me?"; I stare them in the eyes and state the obvious. As I said earlier, it's not too difficult to find something that is very charming and alluring with everyone. I will say something like, "Are you kidding me? Yor smile makes me melt; or, you have an incredibly sexy ass; or something equivalent. But I am always honest about it. Saying something like, "You're the best looking guy around", sounds hollow and if it's not true a person will know you're pandering. People know where they stand on our cultures scale of "attractiveness". Why lie? But it is so easy to see beyond that for some of us. This is why, when I do sometimes advertize, I never say words such as "stunning" or "the best" or "ultimate fantasy". That is desperate oversell imo. I am not stunning, nor am I the best (although I am very very good at a lot of things ;) ), and perhaps I am someones ultimate fantasy, but how would I know that? So the reverse is also true. I will tell you the truth from my eyes. I will say what I find sensual or sexy about you and if you make my legs shake and know how to push my buttons you will know that as well. I do not believe the stigma will go away any time soon, if ever. Some people just don't get it, and never will. It will lessen over time with what Nathalie says, but for some folks this will always be an industry of sleaze. Also all people are different and can lower the bar simply by participating in this activity. Yes there is fantasy and illusion in this business, but there is also room for positive honesty.
  23. To be perfectly honest, I do not feel inclined to join this conversation. If I have nothing nice to say, I'll just keep my mouth shut. But those of you that have answered; I applaud you for being diplomatic.
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