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Chanel Reign

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Everything posted by Chanel Reign

  1. This is so true. OTC remedies can play havoc with cognitive behaviour and your physical health I have a form of insomnia. When I went to get tested (and no they didnt stick a thermometer up my bottom!) they woke me up after I had 60 unconscious awakenings. The actual #1 stage of REM sleep and the average person has 12-15 in an 8 hour night. And most people dont need 8 hours of sleep. Some need 6, some need 9; everyone is different, you know what you need. My biggest success is routine, and I dont deter far from it. Not just when I go to bed, but everything leading up to it. What I do to what I think about as I fall asleep.
  2. Thanks Angela. Yes my bad, I get the 2 confused. Apologies for the mistake. :)
  3. Is it just me or is the Escorts Canada web site down? I cant access it to change my calendar. This webpage is not available The server at chanelreign.escort-site.com can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network. Here are some suggestions: Reload this webpage later. Check your Internet connection. Restart any router, modem, or other network devices you may be using. I get: "Check your DNS settings. Contact your network administrator if you're not sure what this means. Try disabling network prediction by following these steps: Go to the wrench menu > Settings > Under the Hood and deselect "Predict network actions to improve page load performance." If this does not resolve the issue, we recommend selecting this option again for improved performance. Add Google Chrome as a permitted program in your firewall's or antivirus software's settings. If it is already a permitted program, try deleting it from the list of permitted programs and adding it again. If you use a proxy server, check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server, adjust your proxy settings: Go to the wrench menu > Settings > Under the Hood > Change proxy settings... > LAN Settings and deselect the "Use a proxy server for your LAN" checkbox. Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): Unable to resolve the server's DNS address."
  4. Have you seen my new favourite? Even sticks to the wall!
  5. Good points. Being a birthday present to a bi-curious wife or even worse; a complete surprise, can be hazardous to their health. At least their marital health. Also, being bisexual is a bonus in being an SP in my opinion. There are quite a few of us on board here. I tend to call it being non gender-biased and I love having female clients. Additional Comments: Crosspost LOL You caught me posting while you were.
  6. Oops I thought Porthos was already a God. My bad! ;) Congrats!
  7. Myself and Angela, Annessa, Nicki, Carrie and Berlin. All stunningly lovely Ladies to play with! Trust me!
  8. The realization that I have about 2 weeks left with my doggie.
  9. It sounds to me like you are pretty sure what you are looking for. May I suggest perusing the Ladies pages and develop a rapport with the Ladies you are interested in. You have a veritable buffet in front of you! :) Most SP's welcome and treasure their regulars. The ones that treat you respectfully and develop a peer-to-peer relationship with the understanding that it's a friendly sexual relationship, nothing more. Also, most SP's do not want the "puppy dog". When the line blurs it can become complicated for an SP and usually doesn't end up well. I do not fall into what you are looking for other than I am low volume, seeing one Playdate a day that are mostly regulars. I too like the chemistry and ability to explore regularly with one person (or three). And yes sometimes you are the proverbial "bartender" and listen to what is personally shared. I am positive there is someone out there in CERB Land that fits your preference perfectly. :) Chanel
  10. I just figured out why I'm a puddle of mush around you and I can't Domme you. ;)
  11. Absolutely not. Unless the variables come into play. Does the SP have cuts in her mouth (rare and one would know) You have a yeast infection (we can tell, and I for one will gently inform you if I ever cross that path) You have any lesions on your member (one should always do a visual) You are knowingly HIV or Hepatitis positive (it is illegal for you to engage an SP) Additionally, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report there have only been a few documented cases of HIV transmission during oral sex. Ever. Most STI stats are seeing a rise in the 16-25 demographic as opposed to a lowering in the 35-55 range. This is due to unprotected sex period imo. It's that immortal feeling we all have at that age I believe. An SP that offers this should: Not brush our teeth just before our playdate for a variety of reasons. Use an oral rinse with Hexetidine in it, before and after. (After discussion with a Dentist, I use Steri/sol.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexetidine) Be comfortable with your partner Take care of your oral hygiene (it is part of your appeal) and visit the dentist every 6 months. Anyway that's my take on this and my mileage. :) Chanel
  12. I can put on a sexy voice, but I think I sound silly. My voice is better built for talking dirty and orgasming. I think I probably look silly cumming too but I don't know, I've never seen me except in pics and some of them are just plain hilarious! What I like is a person who is not afraid to let go vocally. THAT is music to my ears and gears!
  13. I agree. She makes my legs a lil shaky. ;}
  14. No this hasn't happened to me. But I suspect some SP's may have experienced this, which is why it might be offered, but perhaps don't mention it. And if this did happen to me, they wouldn't get a word in edgewise. But I don't attract a lot of drama anyway. ;) C
  15. For me YMMV has a few criteria. The first is chemistry of both body and mind. The second is don't grab my head and slam it into your crotch expecting me to do it because I offer it please. That will get you a one way ticket to my front door with some spit fire lessons in manners. Chanel
  16. Exactly. This is a YMMV activity, even with SP's that offer it.
  17. Oh that's hilarious! The adults never had a clue? I'm still laughing after reading this. I am sorry however that the SP was offended. I think I would have peed my pants a lil laughing if you texted this to me.
  18. Not everyone thinks like you do hun. Some folks just don't understand that common courtesy goes a long way today. I was just at a personal appt, and I had to wait for my drive so I walked around the Mall. It is amazing the confused looks you get if you smile at someone, or say excuse me, or allowing someone to go first.
  19. Thank you for this thread. I am looking for a Domme for 3sums at the moment and just remembered that some of my "before I was an SP" bdsm friends are SP's now.
  20. Like Ive said before; this is Mod's livingroom, we are guests, act accordingly. Another rule I practice (tends to keep me under the radar - whew) is that I wont type what I wont say to your face and if I have something to say to you that might be negative or private or to answer a question, I take it off of the public forum. Just reread this. It sounds preachy, but Im not really trying to come off that way. :redface:
  21. I have had female Clients. Usually they are single, tired of the "bar scene", or they just don't have the resources to meet other like-minded women. A lot of them are career oriented as well and just don't have time. I have not come across anyone yet who buys into society's attitudes and assumptions regarding same sex couples. Most Bi and Lesbian women are quite comfortable in their sexuality. I have had a Gent book me first, to see if I would be compatible with his wife while he watched. (She was aware as we had met for drinks a week beforehand). And then there are the bi curious. They tend to be the nervous ones and I always start our session in the livingroom chatting until they are ready to proceed to my bed. Essentially they are virgins and I treat them with kid gloves and proceed in a "may I?" fashion until they are totally comfortable.
  22. So even after all this time, I am still exploring this site. Today I came across "Who's On First...errr...Online. At the bottom there is a Display Tab. You are given the option to see something called "Search Bots". What are they?
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