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Everything posted by wellie

  1. Best wishes for the Holidays, Cato. Good Health, Prosperity and Peace to you and all members of CERB. May 2011 be equally enjoyable. :grin:
  2. wellie


    A Beautiful angle shot
  3. Well said, Cato. You are an invaluable source of knowledge and wisdom here at CERB, and probably elsewhere. :-)
  4. Has anyone had experience with grape seed oil? I have read that it has medicinal benefits as well as being a good lubricant for sensitive parts of the body. I have googled the term, but I have not used it or talked to anyone who has. :-D
  5. As an immigrant myself, I find this thread interesting. On the one hand, giving information on one's heritage might compromise one's identity (Here on CERB, most of us prefer anonymity). On the other hand, recognizing that someone I meet is also an immigrant provides a common element for idle chit chat and/or significant information about their personhood. BTW I have no idea why the topic of "race" and "racism" got into this thread. :smile:
  6. Now I feel terrible. I just said on the Bresty thread that you had the best breasts on cerb. Honestly, Megan, I do not reduce you to body parts. You are a wonderful human being who, who among other things, has gorgeous breasts. :-D
  7. Megan, They are SO gorgeous and also SO on topic. :-D
  8. I do nor know exactly what Scott had in mind with this thread. But I suspect that the examples Pete, Sara and Cat brought up would not fall under hijacking. To bring up a hypothetical example of hijacking would be a thread devoted to the beauty of female breasts, and a poster starts to rant about the adequacy (or lack thereof) of Canadian men. This example is purely fictional and is only meant to illustrate the meaning of hijack. :grin:
  9. Your posts are always refreshing to read. Please keep them coming. :-D
  10. wellie

    thigh highs

    Looks like you spend some time in the weight room, too. Those arms are toned.
  11. wellie


    More than cutie !!
  12. Two Thirty's news is hopeful. Hang in there Tess. We are supporting you. :-D
  13. Thanks MrGreen for starting this thread. I enjoyed many of the verbal responses, but in my mind, the winning contributions were the videos contributed by OldDog. They best exemplified the theme of the thread, and they had an exhilarating effect in contrast to some of the rants that detracted from the theme. :razz:
  14. The best won. Everybody is happy. Congratulations Meg and Cato. :p
  15. Drama: A Few Good Men, Frantic, Cape Fear, Patriot Games Comedy: Something About Mary, Trading Places, A Fish Called Wanda, Hear no Evil See no Evil, The Fokkers, Meet the Parents :p
  16. The number of replies to this thread was not overwhelming. I believe there are many more people with a great sense of humor on CERB than would appear from this survey. Anyway, here are the results (numbers in parentheses refer to number of nominations). For Ladies: Carrie Moon (3) MegForFun (2) Sara MQ (2) Erin xo (2) Nicolette (1) For Guys: Antlerman (3) Seymour (2) Old Dog (2) Pistol Pete (2) Whatsup (1) Roamingguy (1) Capitalman (1) Have fun everyone :p
  17. The author of that video must have read the CERB rants. :p
  18. I agree: Carrie Moon for ladies and Antlerman for guys should be on the list. :p
  19. What makes the CERB board so interesting and entertaining is that many members have a great sense of humor. I would like you to nominate those members that you consider to have a special sense of humor. You may nominate as many as you like. I will perodically tally the nominations, but unfortunately there is no special award for those who appear at the top. To start things off, I nominate the following: Men: Seymour Ladies: MegForFun :p
  20. Angela, you make a great contribution to CERB. Keep those thoughtful comments and observations coming. :p
  21. Carrie, I do not understand how you can find the time to study the Old Testament so thoroughly, particularly Leviticus. There is some awful stuff in there. :p
  22. Could this refer to Shy-Ebony who is a member of CERB? :p
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