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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Tom will be missed. He was a positive presence in this community and we all will feel his loss Condolences to Tom's family and friends And thank you Charles for keeping us informed. It must be a difficult time for you, my thoughts go out to you and your family RG
  2. Well for those of us who are older may remember the cartoon Hercules One of the villains was Daedalus (as a kid I thought it was Devilus LOL) and his cat Dido RG :-)
  3. Personally I don't use reviews at all in deciding who to see. That's because I'm on a recommendation board, not a review board ;-) And for me, recommendations don't play a part in who I'll see. Well except for feedback from a trusted companion. If she says this lady you'd like that I listen too. Why you may ask. That lady has been with me intimately. She knows my tastes if you will, and whether a lady and I would connect With that said, I know a lot of guys do use recommendations and I respect that. So when deserved, and most of my encounters the ladies deserved a good recommendation. So I do write them. But no one should expect that if they book with a lady based on a recommendation, they will have the same encounter. No two encounters are the same. Each date is unique and special. Even a repeat encounter with the same lady will be unique, not the same as previous encounters But as much as I don't use reco's myself I do write them. I don't want too be just a consumer of information on this board, I hope I'm a contributor too ;-) Just my honest opinion here. Sometimes a guy may have an encounter with a lady and there is no chemistry. Is that a reason for writing a negative review or no recommendation. No. If the lady was a professional companion, and did everything "right" she is deserving of a recommendation. It's just a case of two people not clicking and that in and of itself is not a reason for negative reviews. Any more than the lady blacklisting him, and putting him in the Ladies Only Section. Not everyone will have chemistry with everyone, and that's not right or wrong, it's just life. But a recommendation or review is just one man's opinion of his encounter with a lady. Remember a recommendation comes from, really a "board handle" which brings with it some anonymity. Some recommendations/reviews are honest, some are bashes, and some absolute works of fiction (more a case of the on line version of a guy bragging in a locker room) Recommendations are but one tool a gentleman can use in deciding who to see. I also look at board presence (posts) PM's and EMails. But at the end of the day, a first date with a companion is a blind date...the ultimate blind date. And both the man and woman are seeing someone for the first time, someone they don't know till they meet A rambling. Hope it makes sense RG
  4. Tonight it's Chicken Hawaiian, served with egg noodles Washed down with water For desert, mixed berries RG
  5. Saw John Wick on VOD last night Typical action yarn...lighthearted entertainment RG
  6. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mike-duffy-s-lawyer-says-no-deal-as-trial-preparation-begins-1.2948203
  7. Also to keep in mind, CERB, well Lyla isn't Canadian society bound by the Charter of Rights and we are not speaking in public. It is a private board where the members are bound by the rules of that board. The owners and Mod have to contend with the laws imposed by MacKay's draconian law, not the board members. They are the ones who have to worry about legal ramifications, not us Now if a member here wants an uncensored board, start one up If you don't like what's happened to Lyla, remember this at election time and kick the CPC out But as MightyPen says, I'd rather have a censored CERB to no CERB at all RG
  8. Went to Toronto today to Bass Pro Shops. Picked up a few odds and ends, well actually a sweatshirt, coffee mug and some hooks. I'm pretty well stocked up tackle wise at home (could open my own tackle shop LOL) And ladies, I honestly had the best intentions. I was going to go to Yorkdale Mall and pick up some VS gift cards for door prizes for the social on the way to BPS but traffic was crazy, I missed the exit. So I picked up door prizes while at Bass Pro I hope this is OK for a door prize...and honest I tried to get to Yorkdale Mall And isn't it the thought that counts ;-) RG
  9. Car is warming up (love remote start :-) ) In about five minutes I'll be out the door, first stop bank, then Bass Pro Shops here I come Just an outing for the day RG
  10. Some guys may negotiate but I think it's pretty much frowned upon in the community as a whole A lady choosing to lower her rates is not the same as a guy dickering her price down. And many ladies do clearly state no negotiating on their websites. And just my opinion, but negotiating in this lifestyle must be demeaning to a lady. In what other businesses is the person the business and the person is intimate with her client? Negotiating, well haggling, must make the lady feel cheapened Here are just a few threads on the topic http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=125152&highlight=negotiating and http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=141558&highlight=negotiating Anyhow, a quick morning rambling from a non negotiator RG
  11. Falling in love sounds great...but when the fall turns into a crash, well lets just say I'm now single....happily single :-) RG
  12. How about him Just a bit of humour RG
  13. Forget basket weaving and weightlifting. Had an encounter with a lady. Hotel room was on a high floor btw. And she gave me skydiving lessons. No details, except to say that night gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "hitting the silk" RG
  14. Problem with the blocked profiles, and JMO, is those with blocked profiles look at those members' profiles who aren't blocked. Kind of a one way street (and yes, I've had my profile read by those with blocked profiles) There is an expectation of openness from others by those with blocked profiles How many times do we read on ladies' websites, not to mention etiquette sections, No Blocked Numbers Same principal applies here JMO And only what you put on your profile is what is going to be seen...no one is asking for your home phone and address...and photos, entirely up to you Anyhow, a rambling RG
  15. Some Bond Villians Xenia Onatopp Goldeneye Guys watching the movie (this scene) thinking, "I'd like to, but I'm too scared too" LOL Need I say more or Red Grant From Russia With Love A cold blooded sociopath Here he is fighting JB. JMHO the best Bond movie and probably one of the best fight scenes. and Raoul Silva Skyfall What makes him so good a villain is you can kind of sympathize with him too. Just the effect of chewing his cyanide capsule must have made him bitter LOL Just a few Bond villains RG
  16. Emily's Scalloped Potatoes....Yummmmmm Delicious It's definitely a keeper recipe. And my apartment smells really good right now Thanks Em RG :-)
  17. Just finished prepping dinner. It's in the oven cooking away, kitchen cleaned up. Now just surfing Lyla, watching tv and looking forward to a delicious dinner RG
  18. M is for The Many Wonderful Memories Made RG
  19. Here is the recommendation thread for Toronto You might have better luck if you contact a lady who interests you rather than writing a post asking for ladies to contact you. https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=136 RG
  20. Let see First a stop at the bank (does withdrawing money count) Then groceries Stopped at the gas station for a little air in a tire (cost a $1.00) Then to the Hardware Store to get windshield washer fluid and a storage bin RG
  21. Well my age preference since embarking on this lifestyle, has been ladies from their mid twenties to early fifties Ladies early twenties and teenage girls (18-19 yrs old) too..... (word opposite of old ;-) ) for me. That said it is more important to me who the lady is, not how old she is with the proviso mentioned My two cents worth RG
  22. Jack Reacher If you get the chance to see this movie....DON'T RG
  23. Wishing you all the best Steve Good Luck RG
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