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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I like eating a hero This type of hero that is Did I digress LOL RG
  2. Happy Birthday Emma Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  3. OMG!!! That sounds like the makings of a Star Trek episode Hey, a Google search, it was a Star Trek episode http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Deadly_Years How did escort discussion for Winnipeg segue into Star Trek RG :-)
  4. Just back from breakfast with a few other friends /former co-workers/retirees....The Breakfast Club LOL Then picked up some groceries and now enjoying a coffee, surfing Lyla and watching tv. About to read and reply to a couple emails ;-) RG
  5. Phaedrus is absolutely correct in what he says. A polite email goes a long ways in meeting a lady. I would add, in addition to your email being polite, provide all other screening information a lady requests (real name, phone, email address, board handle confirmed by PM etc) This shows an openness and honesty on your part, which goes a long ways to secure trust. Even if you don't see the lady, your personal information is safe with a professional companion. Safer than a confession shared with a Priest LOL And just keep the email to at the most, time and companionship, nothing more. Just keep in mind current the current law Good luck RG
  6. Graphic...just running through the channels and Avalanche Shark Attack is on Showcase now. Talk about graphic and not for the faint of heart LOL Don't know if it's a comedy or horror or just the dumbest movie ever made But I'm watching a tv show I recorded on my PVR RG
  7. Recommended by a lady on Twitter, saw it today on VOD "The Good Lie" About refugees from Africa. And what one man did for another man (the good lie) Things we take for granted here (well in the movie the US) we are really fortunate to have RG
  8. Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol RG
  9. It's cold, snowing out...and I've got a fully stocked kitchen, so I can stay inside where it's toasty warm Don't even think I'll walk across the parking lot to get my mail today The life of a retiree RG
  10. Happy Birthday Toine Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  11. True but this is in answer to the OP's enquiry which is in the Ottawa Discussion forum. So I assume he is in Ottawa, and not outside of a major city. And Lyla has a bit of a presence in Ottawa, OK a big presence. RG
  12. Nope, going out to dinner with Hubby 1 we're going to reconcile RG
  13. I've never had to provide a face picture. I've gone through verification/screening including reference, but never asked for a photo (they'd need a wide angle lens for me LOL) I'm actually surprised this is requested by some ladies. A lot of guys are reluctant enough to provide screening information, a photo I could see a guy cringe and just not book a date But if requested and you really want to see her, check the lady, her recommendations, Cowboy's Diary etc If a lady off BP, especially someone new, just move on to the next lady A rambling RG
  14. and Just no Sudbury anymore a shit disturber is up there spreading falsehoods :-) RG
  15. About to get up and get supper going Then watch a movie, recorded a bunch on my PVR in anticipation of Super Bowl :-) RG
  16. As the song is playing in my head, a thought, bets on who wins the next federal election I bet 90,000 (Mike Duffy) dollars the Liberals win RG :-)
  17. That's not good. First what does that say about the electorate preferring him and the CPC over Trudeau and Mulcair Harper alone resigning not good...all that would do is replace one a$$hole with another a$$hole Only a mass resignation of the cabinet and caucus would be a good thing Or the CPC not elected in the first place RG
  18. Need more than three, or maybe just a reminder of three already around election time Senators, ummm EX-Senators Duffy, Wallin and Brazeau Speaking of which, perhaps this is a perfect segue to hear Mike Duffy's view of the Senate...some of us old enough to remember the names mentioned http://www.cbc.ca/archives/categories/politics/federal-politics/federal-politics-general/mike-duffy-on-senate-reform.html RG :-)
  19. The Expendables 1, 2 and 3 and They should have quit at number two LOL RG
  20. impressed. RG quick thinking says we'll go to Yorkdale Mall (fyi as a sidebar there's a VS store there, JMO nicer than the one at the Eaton Centre) RG
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