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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Fifty four days and counting down :-) My first social Already have my ticket bought, hotel reserved and shortly going to Bass Pro Shops to buy new waders and BPS tshirt to be appropriately dressed;-) RG
  2. says to meet him in Kingston for a second Honeymoon
  3. January Is Over!!!!...It's Feb 1 :-) And its a short month too :-)....Then March RG
  4. got weak kneed as he always does around beautiful women :-)
  5. Agree about the no more hidden profiles. Good decision by Mod and Council RG
  6. Braved the frigid cold this morning (-22) to get groceries for dinner Dinner is now in the slow cooker cooking away And the smells in the apartment...well it smells like a Mexican restaurant And a bonus, as cold as it is, today is the last day of January RG
  7. Salsa Chicken...it's already cooking in the slow cooker. Shouldn't, but it'll be washed down with a beer...a no alcohol beer:-) A Thank You Goes Out to the Very Good Cook who gave me the recipe My apartment smells like a Mexican restaurant right now :-) RG
  8. Making a shopping list (someone gave me a slow cooker recipe to try) Surfing Lyla and otherwise doing nothing RG Additional Comments: Finished dinner a short while ago (a delicious recipe btw, a keeper) Kitchen is cleaned up, including the slow cooker Now sitting back, watching tv (a show about the Titanic), surfing Lyla and just relaxing RG
  9. http://www.wtsp.com/videos/news/weird/2015/01/30/22588169/
  10. Spring On the same vein Fall or Winter RG
  11. Really it's not a client versus companion thing. Some guys do it, some guys don't But some ladies do negative things too. Quick examples (not hypothetical real) -steal from clients (had it happen to me) -steal other lady's photos and put them on their own website -plagiarise ad titles and ad content -threaten to blacklist a client, well me, because he's late (happened to me, I did call her, saying I would be late...btw the reason, police closed the 401) I tipped her for having to wait, which I would have done anyway, but the tip smaller because of her threat and no recommendation and no repeat. -tell a guy "great now I can buy groceries" (spoils the mood) -show up late, then start talking about getting a recommendation, after all that's why she joined CERB -keep hinting she wants dinner These are just a few true examples I know of But they are very few and far between...maybe I'm getting better at who to call for a date And instead of focusing on those few from my experience, I focus on the majority. Those ladies that, well the companionship they provided and provide has an intangible value far exceeding the donation they asked for. And even the poor encounters, well they have one positive thing going for them...they make me appreciate, really appreciate the GREAT ENCOUNTERS I've had with the true professional companions So if anything, focus on your good clients, not the bad ones. I know while I remember the bad dates, it's the good dates I focus on and have memories of A rambling from a glass half full type of guy RG
  12. No Country For Old Men RG
  13. Nope not any more :-) RG
  14. I read the Boredom Thread LOL RG :-)
  15. They definitely need to bring this to trial for a number of reasons First, it could help bring closure for the family. Second, while it doesn't affect sentence, it does affect how that sentence is administered. There is little chance he will ever get a parole, but other decisions CSC and PBC make (such as prison security level, visits, temporary absences, yes even, well especially parole etc ) is based on the offender's true criminal history. This crime needs to be part of the official record Third, people in positions of responsibility dropped the ball big time. It wasn't the daughters vertebrae held in storage, it was the RCMP and Coroners who stored a VICTIM of a heinous crime. This will come to light through a trial, and bureaucracies, for all their faults, will hold enquiries to address departmental problems and implement corrective measures. That way a mistake like this won't happen in the future. A rambling RG
  16. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/robert-pickton-stephanie-lane-s-family-seeks-new-murder-trial-after-remains-returned-1.2934834
  17. Half watched "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" a couple nights ago. Need to re-watch it wasn't paying close attention. This much I can say, the girl, well don't cross the girl. She got revenge on someone who deserved it and last night Watched "Fury". Personally not too impressed with it, can't see me watching it again RG
  18. A justifiable highlight of her day https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=661358&postcount=3780 But a milestone like this is deserving of a thread of it's own Congratulations Jessica on 1000 posts Looking forward to your next 1000 contributions RG
  19. Well I picked up some salsa cheese and mozzarella with red chilli's and jalapenos yesterday from the cheese factory. So tonight it's nachos for dinner I like my nachos to have a kick :-) RG
  20. Happy Birthday Maraena Enjoy Your Special Day RG
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