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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Relaxing watching tv, having a coffee...hey time for cup number two, surfing Lyla and some other sites, paid my bills :-( and reading/writing emails RG
  2. Well not sexy but just paid my bills Rent, cell phone, cable/internet Does that count RG
  3. Happy Birthday Mistress Pandora Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  4. If smoking a pipe in a bathrobe, pj bottoms and slipper is acceptable would just wearing a nightshirt (and cap) instead be OK RG
  5. It's probably because of the cold he came into your house...don't worry there are places on a house that small animals like a mouse can crawl into. He came in once, he'll be in again I've had friends say this winter they've seen small animals like mice in their homes, never seen them before On a pleasant note, in repayment for your warmth and hospitality he'll likely crawl under the covers with you when you go to bed at night...be forewarned though...squirrels aren't the only animals who like nuts :-) RG
  6. So dress code is very liberal, does that mean I should wear this or maybe be a bit more discrete and wear this instead Not quite black tie but....LOL Now on a more serious note, what is the start time...just for planning purposes on my part Counting down the days to the Social RG
  7. Honey Heard bad things about Sugar :rolleyes: Plane Train or Automobile RG
  8. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/premier-kathleen-wynne-wants-ontario-students-to-learn-about-sexual-consent-early-1.2932627
  9. Yesterday I had some coins to drop in the coinstar machine. A few weeks of putting change aside yielded me $90.00...consider that found money :-) About the only highlight yesterday And today, I'm back home after a day and half away...a long day and half away RG
  10. Finally (THANK GOD) back home after a long day and half away Surfing Lyla, reading/replying to emails and just de-stressing:-) Oh and checking the weather forecast, going to Bass Pro Shops Thursday/Friday or Saturday depending on weather to ahmmm, errr, buy a door prize or two for the Ottawa Social...OK I may go to another mall first for the door prize;-) RG
  11. Happy Birthday Monique Enjoy your special day RG
  12. Still sitting in a waiting room And it's not me that has the appointment RG
  13. It is part of your own personal health. Me, I get testing done every couple months when I go in to have blood levels taken (I take meds for something unrelated, once every couple months I have blood levels taken) At that time I also get tested for std/sti's But frequency of testing should be determined by frequency of encounters. Someone having fifteen encounters a month will need more frequent testing than someone having an encounter once a year Your personal dating history dictates testing frequency It's done through my doctor, he is aware (only one outside this lifestyle) that I see companions And while the testing is for your own personal health (each and every person is responsible or should be for their own health) if I tested positive for anything I would contact ladies I have seen to let them know This is not to assess blame, in this lifestyle we are all opposite sides of the same coin no one is to blame. But it is to tell ladies I know, like and respect that they should get tested. Fortunately I haven't had to contact a lady for such a reason Anyhow a rambling RG
  14. Just had lunch, a BLT and since I had no L I had double B :-) Then did the dishes, and now enjoying a coffee, a Italian Roast Decaf, my last one (but lots of other ones :-) ) RG
  15. Happy Birthday Peachka Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  16. roamingguy


    Hmmm How could I forget. I went skydiving once, in Kingston https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=68254 Thanks Again Em :-) RG
  17. roamingguy


    Back in my younger days I wanted to skydive I'd still try it except I have a bad ankle and two bad knees, and a bad back plus I'm a little heavier now which doesn't bode well for skydiving And during the bungee jumping craze thought of doing it but no places nearby that did bungee jumping. As for now, well for the old decrepit reasons I've already mentioned prevents bungee jumping too BTW the reasons I mentioned aren't made up, my doctor said absolutely not to do them RG
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