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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well just my take on the compensation matter. It is I, the client that initiated contact with the lady, not the lady with me. I am fully aware of what she looks like (and if her face pics are hidden I take that consideration) I also understand that the lady has set aside a block of time for me, based on me saying I want to meet her, time she could have used for another client. Me refusing to see a lady based on her looks when I didn't know what she looked like to begin with but booked her anyway doesn't seem right. So she'd get full compensation from me Now this doesn't apply to a bait and switch situation, that's something different. As for paying in full for an encounter I haven't shown up for, well I have In my case I cancelled an encounter at the last minute due to illness. But why should the lady be out her donation, it wasn't her fault I didn't show. I gave her the donation for our planned multi hour encounter, just seemed the right thing to do. And if I did any last minute cancellation of a lady it just seems to me the right thing to do Anyhow, back to our regularly scheduled program RG
  2. Short answer NO!!! You book an encounter with a lady with the full knowledge ahead of time you don't know what she looks like. If you don't like her looks well fine, cancel, BUT ONLY IF YOU PAY A CANCELLATION FEE EQUAL TO HER DONATION That's no different than being a no show How many ladies now do you think will think twice about booking an encounter with you...wondering if you'll back out at the last minute If you commit to an encounter, you follow through with it The lady is getting paid for time and companionship. Not for being attractive/unattractive in your eyes. Who is to judge beauty anyways. And any guys on here sitting in judgement of beauty better score a 10/10 on the male attractiveness scale before they even start to be critical of female beauty. If you are not one hundred percent sure you will commit to a date (the lady hides her face) then don't even contact her, much less book a date with her And while you say you wouldn't hurt a lady on purpose, I'm sure you've already offended quite a few ladies RG
  3. Well I guess you could say I tour too, living in smalltown Ontario I have to travel to see ladies. Our town is so small even BP ladies wouldn't come here LOL I've been to (distances approx. based on an online distance calculator) Toronto Approx 120 miles distance Kingston Approx 85 miles distance Hamilton Approx 140 miles distance London (Ont that is) Approx 210 miles distance Niagara Falls Approx 155 miles distance Ottawa Approx 190 miles distance Most of the time I drove, a couple times took VIA or the Airport Shuttle (it picked me up right at my door and dropped me off right at the airport hotel doorsteps, and returned me the next day...or day after ;-) ) So when I read posts about the difficulties going across town, well I go just a little further than that, and don't understand what difficulties there really could be. And touring ladies especially, they travel much much much farther than that Knowing that, to all the ladies I say thank you, but a special thank you is given to all touring ladies...lets just say after my past year+ I have a special appreciation for what you do for us gentlemen Anyhow, a rambling RG
  4. Well I know it isn't even 9am, but supper today is going to be the same as yesterday...leftover beef stew :-) RG
  5. As MightyPen pointed out, and has been mentioned more than a few times in this thread the focus is primarily on breaking the university code of conduct and falling below the professional standards of the profession they wish to embark on That said, while no criminal charges filed, it is of interest that the actions of the thirteen dental students did in fact cause the police to make enquiries. As for your assertion that all men would be thrown in jail...speak for yourself and your thoughts only. A lot of men respect women. We find enjoyment and pleasure from consensual sex. We don't have thoughts of drugging women and hate f**king (what I call rape) them. As a sidebar, it's because, in part of "men" who have such thoughts , that in this lifestyle ladies screen potential clients. I'm sure one or two (or more) ladies have taken notice of your post RG
  6. Just finished dinner (leftover stew...even better the second day :-) ) Dishes done, now relaxing watching another movie on my PVR, Enemy At The Gates RG
  7. Enjoying a coffee...Vermont Country Decaf ;-), surfing Lyla, Twitter and a couple other sites and watching a movie on my PVR...The Book Of Eli RG
  8. The Day Of The Jackal RG
  9. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/canadians-going-to-u-s-for-long-stays-need-to-be-mindful-of-changes-says-mp-1.2912096
  10. The Bridges At Toko Ri RG
  11. Enjoying an IV of coffee :-), surfing Lyla and watching tv RG
  12. Sitting Back and Digesting Supper...my stew was yummy. And leftovers for the next few days to boot Recipe a keeper RG
  13. Just one thing, you may want to see ladies who require full verification/screening which requires amongst other things, your full real name. Now with that said, my experience has been ladies are Very Trustworthy with your personal information, phone number included. There are pay as you go cell phones available. The big thing is not so much keeping your name/number anonymous from a companion. It's keeping your lifestyle information (hobby phone, Lyla account profile, etc etc etc) secret from your "civilian" friends/acquaintances and of course family A rambling RG
  14. If memory serves (this was a few years back) when I got my pay as you go phone from Virgin I had to set up my account on line, although my number was provided to me by Virgin at time of purchase So I could put any name down on the on line registration (although I used my real name) and that would be the name linked to that number. Long story short, maybe pay as you go is the route to take, registering your phone number under a anonymous name/handle BTW I don't know if Virgin pay as you go still works that way now RG
  15. Just finished putting everything together for my stew tonight and it's cooking away in the slow cooker Dishes soaking in the sink, have my feet up surfing Lyla, enjoying a coffee (a Dark Magic decaf ;-) ) and watching tv Shortly I'll get up, make a light lunch and then do the dishes RG
  16. Garlic/Rosemary Beef Stew In the slow cooker right now cooking away RG
  17. Beef, although I do like lamb too :-) Knife and Fork or Chopsticks RG
  18. Well I actually bought my ticket yesterday but just looking forward to attending the Social...my first one ever Still have a couple things on my plate, but doing more things for me now RG
  19. Quantum Of Solace (James Bond) RG
  20. My question out there to everyone, you the person be it lady or gentleman controls exactly what information is put on your profile. Your profile contains as much or as little information as you want. So I'm not understanding the need for anyone to set their profile page as hidden BTW I say this as someone who prior to retirement was LE and it could have been considered by my employer very indiscrete (although not against the Code Of Discipline...I checked ;-) ) to partake in this lifestyle. Coupled with that I lived/still live in smalltown Ontario, where everyone knows everyone. Or at a minimum, someone knows someone who knows me...my profile has never been private Anyhow, a rambling over cup number three...Morning Blend Decaf now RG
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