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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Up...well been up since 345am...thanks Nabob Enjoying a coffee, surfing CERB, some other sites and reading/replying to a couple emails Oh, and guess who's back snoozing and snoring away, my cat RG
  2. Gas was down to 80.4 litre today That sucks you say...well yes, my tank was filled RG
  3. Happy Birthday amberxx Enjoy your special day RG
  4. I've never gotten spam emails from ladies. Gawd I have to beg borrow and steal to get one to email me LOL. I have received mailings from ladies, but only after I subscribe to the mailings. Yes I'm so lonely I subscribe to email mailings just so someone will talk to me LOL I find more spam emails from on line pharmacies selling Viagra from Mexico cheap, or women wanting dates and it turns into a link to a porn site, things like that. Just go to email settings, block the email address and that's it. Honestly, the question of texting someone confuses me. Phoning a client out of the blue, yes, indiscrete and shouldn't be done. I've even had ladies who want a phone call and I email what is a good time/day/date. Don't want her getting a phone call if family/friends around. But both in the case of text and email, it's read only. So as long as you have a phone password protected, just yours (not a community phone) I can't see the problem. And if being texted out of the blue would be an issue for someone they should let ladies they contact know that. Unless there is something in the picture I'm missing As for approaching a companion in public, never, never, never would I. She may appear to be alone but maybe family/friends might be nearby and they could see her if approached by someone and start asking her questions later. Safest bet is if you see someone, lady or gent alike, don't publically acknowledge them...but maybe later send a text or email saying words to the effect "I saw you, wasn't being rude, was being discrete" Anyhow, a rambling RG
  5. Well at least one ticket has been sold ;-) Being an optimist that life isn't going to throw me a curve Or I'll be better at hitting those curves RG :-)
  6. A ticket for the Ottawa social :-) I'm being optimistic life doesn't throw me a curve RG
  7. Having a coffee, checking emails, surfing Lyla and a couple other board. Shortly will be hitting the road, have to be away from home overnight :-( RG
  8. I'm not driving 3 1/2 hours (one way)to shovel a driveway LOL RG
  9. The second James Bond, IMHO the best JB movie From Russia With Love RG
  10. Congratulations silverado17 on the 1000 post milestone Looking forward to your next 1000 posts RG
  11. The Bond that started them all Dr. No RG
  12. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can finally attend a social...hopefully this one A question, for us living a ways away, how would you like us to pay in advance, email money transfer, money order mailed???...some other way Thanks RG
  13. Leftover pork chop Sautéed mushrooms, onions and garlic And a baked potato RG
  14. Actually we have an LCBO and a Brewers Retail Never go to the Brewers Retail And hit the LCBO just prior to a date...a good host has to have wine to serve RG
  15. Well frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn :-) LOL (said very tongue in cheek) And btw I also haven't seen it Reminds me, also haven't seen Titanic. Ran through the channels late one night. Stumbled upon Titanic. It's at a scene when the ship is sinking and they are making their way to the lifeboats. The girl stops and goes (words to the effect) "Jack This is where we first met" Dump her Jack, some are too dumb to live...I kept channel surfing RG :-)
  16. Haven't watched Breaking Bad, Mad Men or The Walking Dead I did see Expendables 1, 2 and 3...they should have quit at 2 Also never saw Scarface Or Harry Potter, Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings Just a few movies I can remember not seeing :-) Funny hard to remember the movies I haven't seen, but helpful when others remember and post the movies they haven't seen RG
  17. Got my mail today. One envelope had two windows, one with my name/address and the other saying amount $50.86 to RG (well my real name) Paper was blue, looked like a cheque...I'm all smiles, found money you know Open it up, no cheque, hidden print was rate adjustment, a two year magazine subscription for $33.00 instead of $83.86 Making a magazine subscription offer seem like a cheque, not too f*cking impressed RG
  18. Well a few things. Gas and gas line anti freeze Then bought breakfast for six people Coffee at a Timmies to go And a couple odds and ends at the grocery store RG
  19. Back home from a morning out with friends, a weekly breakfast get together. Now surfing Lyla.com and some other sites, and enjoying a Italian Roast Decaf RG
  20. No that's me, where I live, smalltown Ontario, Barry (lol) is kind of a big city, well 187,013. For comparison Kingston is 123,363. BTW where I live, population 7900 (and no Tim Horton's or Canadian Tire)...even Sudbury is bigger RG :-)
  21. Back to Winter deep freeze temperatures It's -21 going to a "high" of -13 RG
  22. Happy Birthday Claire Enjoy your special day RG
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