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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. X-15 A movie I must confess I haven't seen, or if I have I don't remember it RG
  2. No one, well I believe no one, is talking about censoring someone (like those thirteen students) for their "ideas" as repugnant as they are. What is being said is that they, as everyone, have to be held to account, within the confines of law and policy, for what they say RG
  3. Sorry that happened to you. Unfortunately it isn't a new story for Moncton http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=81546&highlight=moncton and this thread http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=49878 RG
  4. Tonight, pork chops cooked in garlic/onions/mushrooms/mushroom soup&white wine with a baked potato Still have one beer left from New Year's Eve so washed down with a beer For desert, nothing RG
  5. Watching Lord Of War (recorded last night on my PVR) and having a coffee...a Dark Magic Decaf Just a nice relaxed afternoon RG
  6. My hopes weren't crushed, and highlight of the day today, it was a balmy -2 degrees :-) Mind you it was grey, overcast and some snow flurries RG
  7. No Country For Old Men RG
  8. Hair...or hairbrush??? If the former well, at least on my head I'm folliclly challenged And elsewhere on my body well those spots you just don't use a hairbrush for RG :-)
  9. I'll stick to riding my bike through Pike's Peak, or occasionally a trip around the Pyramids. Insanity got it's name for a reason LOL I'm sure insanity would kill me As for your puny pickerel, well Em's seen my big muskie, had to hold it with two hands...btw this isn't code for anything, and not a fish story either RG :-)
  10. Congratulations Katherine On The Cusp of 2000 Contributions Looking forward to your next 2000 contributions RG
  11. The first movie from the dark years of James Bond...The Roger Moore years Live and Let Die RG
  12. It appears (I'm not a Facebooker) that this type of FB group didn't even comply with FB Terms Of Service https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms Scroll down to Section 3 Safety Possibly Para 6 Specifically Para 7 and 10 BTW if this is available on the internet to a non Facebooker so I'm sure that it is not just available but required part of the sign in when you join FB RG
  13. Weather forecast...going to balmy tropical temperatures on Sunday Expect a high of -3 (well in my neck of the woods) Up north, around -6 Can almost feel Spring coming LOL RG :-)
  14. Restorative Justice works when ALL stakeholders in the process are involved. It is less focussed on the State imposing it's sanctions and more on the victim(s) and offender(s) mediating and coming up with some form of restitution that acknowledges the wrongdoing done. All the stakeholders must want to participate in this process And the goal is restitution that acknowledges the wrongdoing done. The goal is not how the offenders can remain in dental school. In fact the very real outcome of restorative justice in this case hypothetically speaking would be the victims agreeing with the police and Crown that they don't pursue any charges and in exchange the thirteen students agree to leave dental school and not attempt any career in a dental/medical profession Restorative justice doesn't mean restoring these thirteen men back to dental school as students and graduate them. It means restoring back to normal, as best as possible, considering the damage these thirteen men caused to their victims, without police/Crown laying charges and removing the possibility of these men serving time Just off the top of my head, and I'm not a lawyer, but it appears they could be charged with utter threats to cause death/bodily harm Or Criminal Conspiracy, or both. Mind you I'm no lawyer, I've only heard third hand about the FB postings. But the fear these thirteen students should have isn't graduating, it should be wondering if this is going to proceed criminally RG
  15. Well Lyla.com is very helpful, especially this section https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=153 Did that help ;-) RG :-)
  16. Recorded Chinatown on my PVR Had time to watch it this afternoon. Watched it almost to the end, then the screen froze up and the last I'm guessing half hour didn't record Hate watching a movie and can't watch the end of it:-x RG :-(
  17. Groceries today...and a bunch so if this cold snap lasts I can brave the cold from the warm inside RG
  18. Just back from grocery shopping...stocked up (usually get enough for a day or two) so if this cold snap lasts I don't have to go out in it Came back, had for lunch a BLT without the L so I added extra B :-) washed down with water About to have for dessert a coffee...haven't picked which one...yet RG
  19. That is so creepy, so stalkish a type of behaviour. What man, definitely not a gentleman, would think that any lady would welcome an anonymous text message the gist of which I am looking at you, I know where you are going, and you don't know who I am. That's the type of behaviour a stalker would do, not what a gentleman would do. Sorry you had to go through this Emily. No lady deserves to be treated in such a creepy manner. RG
  20. Happy Birthday Rebecca Enjoy your special day tomorrow RG
  21. Speaking Of This Cold Snapppp!!!! I had to take a day trip today to a city I fondly call Hell LOL Well Hell was frozen over The good news, for Leafs Fans at least, with Hell freezing over, a chance for past glory, yes they might finally win this and have a picture like this too RG :-)
  22. Renewed my membership in Ontario Federation Of Anglers And Hunters RG
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