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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Happy Birthday Zoe Zee Enjoy your special day RG
  2. Again to reiterate, no one I believe is talking about criminal sanctions. The sanctions are administrative in nature (ie The Code Of Student Conduct) And this is not a lynching, no one is dragging these thirteen students out to a tree, and hanging them. If you want to call this a lynching be very clear then, students are to read the Code Of Student Conduct. They would know this sort of behaviour is not acceptable. If one wants to argue that terminating a person's career is akin to a lynching (I don't agree with this btw) then these students would be the cause (their careers haven't been terminated yet) of their careers being terminated. They knew of the Code Of Student Conduct yet chose to form a FB group to discus hate sex (rape) of some female students, a clear violation of the Code Of Student Conduct. So if one wants to argue they were lynched, didn't they really lynch themselves, or career suicide. They chose to put a hateful FB group membership ahead of becoming professionals. And as such they were the makers of their own demise RG
  3. Happy Birthday bigdawg Enjoy your special day RG
  4. You keep talking about a lynching...what lynching??? The Dalhousie Code Of Student Conduct http://www.dal.ca/dept/university_secretariat/policies/student-life/code-of-student-conduct.html Take a look at the PDF document, specifically Offences Against Person. Clearly what these thirteen men did constitute at a minimum sexual harassment, threats of sexual assaults, harassment based on sex just to name a few. A lynching, give me a break. From the Merriam Webster Dictionary "to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal sanction" What is happening here hardly rises to the level of a lynching. Not even in the same ballpark. In fact using the term is beyond insulting to the memories of those who really were lynched RG
  5. Posting about chloroforming women, specific women by name, and having hate sex (rape to me) with them...that isn't far enough for you to have the university to expel these 13 men. We aren't even talking criminal prosecutions here, just expelling them from university. Or is it more important to you that they continue with their education, become dentists, and in a few years down the road be in a position where they have the means and opportunity to practice what they uttered about doing on FB The real protection of women is far more important than the abstract protection of FB hate postings. If that makes me Orwellian so be it RG
  6. I4F is right, privacy would be an issue if the State, or in this case the media/university attempted to, without a warrant read and act on the private words of individuals. But this isn't the case. These individuals, these "gentlemen" volunteered their thoughts to the public. The university and media were recipients of these men's words and thoughts, from these men. And the university would now be negligent if it didn't act. Privacy isn't the issue at all. They can't have an expectation of privacy when one of their "exclusive" group lets it blurt out publically for all to read RG
  7. First, are they being denied the chance to explain themselves? It would be nice to hear their side of the story. They are the ones choosing to be silent, and not explain themselves. So all we have to go on is the CBC story and the FB posts. Second was their privacy really invaded? They used social media...social media gets it name for a reason. Only a fool would believe that what is posted on the internet is really private irrespective of the settings on your FB account. The minute you share your thoughts with anyone on the internet you give up any control of privacy. The only way for your private thoughts to remain private is to share them with nobody Third, as of yet, no one, I believe is treating what these guys did as criminal...I may be wrong here. The university is reviewing their status as students and they may not graduate, and Ontario wants the names of those students in case they try to get licenced in Ontario as dentists. It sounds more like some are being proactive, showing concern for possible future patients (and maybe victims)...but that is not the same as treating them as criminals, with arrests, prosecutions and possible incarcerations Fourth, yes it is words they are being judged on. Prejudicial, far from it though. Everyone gets judged on their words. A person's words reflect a person's thoughts. And his/her thoughts control his/her actions. And a person controls what he/she says. These "men" freely chose to post those words, so how can one say it is now prejudicial that those words are used to judge them. With all that being said, wouldn't the university and various licencing bodies, be it Nova Scotia, Ontario or whichever be negligent not taking action under current circumstances. If they allowed these students to graduate and the licencing agencies licenced them, and subsequently they did drug and rape a patient what sort of liability would they face. Put another way, doesn't the university and licencing agencies have a duty to protect future possible patients from students they know have expressed thoughts of drugging and raping women. RG
  8. Why wouldn't you think they would drug and rape. They want to enter a profession where they can in fact have the means and opportunity to do what they post on FB they want to do A person's words reflect his thoughts. His thoughts guide his actions Do you think rapists don't think about rape Dumb rapists just post about their thoughts on FB RG
  9. Really the thoughts aren't that private...anyone who communicates on social media runs the risk of his/her thoughts being seen by people who were not intended to see it. That said, even if the intent was to keep the words private, those words indicate hateful thoughts. And thoughts affect one's actions. Those "men" shouldn't be in a position where they can be alone with anesthetized ladies. Ladies who could be your wife, daughter, mother, sister, girlfriend, friend well you get the idea. These "men" showed everyone who they are. They showed they aren't worthy to be entrusted with a patient's well being Restorative justice isn't the only consideration. What confidence would the public have in the school and licencing agency if they were granted their degrees/licences...not to mention legal ramifications they could face if they granted a degree/licence to one of these guys and he in the future sexually assaulted an unconscious patient A rambling RG
  10. The Bridge On The River Kwai RG
  11. Maybe it was the way it was asked...seemed more prying and personal than an attempt to make conversation. RG
  12. Look at a lady's website, she will tell you her preferred form of payment But if in Canada, pretty safe to say cash in Canadian dollars. Some ladies accept payment via email money transfer And don't negotiate her rate. RG
  13. I've noticed the same thing, and not questions to ladies of course, but some posting still wanting a board that spells out explicitly what a lady provides...and this is from members who do know what the current law is. Then there have been some ladies who's websites, ad posts and profiles still have contained the alphabet soup of acronyms. This new law sucks, I'll be the first to say it. But until the law is overturned there are restrictions. on what can be posted and can't. Nothing wrong with seeing a lady for time and companionship, just don't be explicit when contacting the lady or in your recommendation of her after an encounter...unless of course you want to risk getting charged under the new law Now strange questions...well when I first embarked on this lifestyle a couple ladies asked me if I was married and why I was seeing companions. For a first time date struck me as kind of personal, and one of those questions that if I asked a lady the equivalent (imagine if a guy asked a lady if she was married and why she became a companion) what a major faux pas that would be. RG
  14. For encounters a couch but if home alone an armchair (recliners count as armchairs don't they ;-) ) Bass Pro Shops or Cabelas RG
  15. Steam Room Victoria's Secret or Mark's Work Wearhouse :-) RG
  16. First Song Of 2015 :-) Waylon Jennings Mama's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys RG
  17. Surfing CERB, watching Quantum Of Solace and recording You Only Live Twice and then Goldfinger RG
  18. Laptop Christmas/New Years Holidays or back to normal routine RG
  19. Happy Birthday Mod Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  20. Congratulations on your 2000 post milestone Annessa RG
  21. Happy Birthday Loneskater Enjoy your special day RG
  22. Well quite a few people I knew (know) had Keurigs or other single pod coffee machines. They kept telling me to buy one. But I had my cheap $20.00 coffee machine which made good coffee and the coffee they made wasn't too good (imho) Then when I went to Florida to see dad in 2013, the coffee machine they had was a Keurig. So handy, no tins of coffee to scoop coffee from, filters to put in the filter basket, measuring the right amount of water etc etc etc Just put in a K-Cup, put your cup on the machine hit brew and a few seconds later a hot cup of coffee...VERY IMPORTANT FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!!! So I bought myself a Keurig and have no regrets. Coffee as good if not better than what I brewed. No mess, no fuss easy to make. And no waste. I can't count the coffee dumped down the drain from my old filter coffee maker. No coffee wasted on my Keurig...I just make exactly what I need And the flavour choices...so many. Couldn't try that many flavours of coffee with a conventional coffee maker, unless you want to be inundated with tins upon tins of coffee. Not to mention they make nice presents ;-) Posted as I'm sipping a French Roast decaf, one of a few flavours I get to sample and enjoy because Santa, well she ;-)was very nice to me this year RG :-)
  23. What is everyone doing for New Year's Eve Me, after an overall bad two years I'm spending a quiet evening home alone, no family. Looking forward to the end of this year and 2015 arriving My dinner, homemade beef stroganoff over noodles washed down with a beer and followed by apple crisp I'll spend the afternoon and evening watching movies already recorded on my PVR I know, I'm boring LOL RG
  24. Most groceries for New Year's Eve dinner and for lunch and dinner tonight Tomorrow morning bright and early and get the ingredients for apple crisp, a recipe given to me by someone special ;-) RG
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