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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Forget the naked twister, I would much prefer to go skydiving ;-) And I think in 2015 I'm going to have to renew my vows ;-) RG
  2. You got to be kidding. Heard of a new legislation that was passed down affecting this industry. And this board has to navigate the new law by restricting what is posted or risk possible legal consequences...consequences the owners and Mod of Lyla.com have to bear, not you. You don't like positive opinions, maybe you need to re-read the rules, rules you were supposed to read when you joined CERB two years ago. https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_rules If you don't like those rules, why did you join. Lots of other board catering to negative reviews, join one of them. That's what gives RG
  3. I've found 99 percent of the ladies are very good at hiding their disappointment when they see me for the first time LOL The other 1 percent, no matter what, would be disappointed anyway, glass is half empty outlook on life RG :-)
  4. Not sure yet, probably a plate of wings or souvlaki haven't decided yet...meeting some former co-workers for a Christmas dinner/party at a restaurant Good to catch up RG
  5. A reference is a lady you have seen for an encounter who will, when contacted by the lady you want to see, vouch that you are who you say you are, and are a good client. It is part of screening/verification, which is an accepted practice in this lifestyle, designed to keep the ladies safe. You should contact the lady you wish to use as a reference and ask her permission first. If she is willing to provide you with a reference, then give the lady you want to see her name, email and website link (her way to determine that your reference is a bona fide companion) Here are a couple threads on the topic not just references but screening too, very informative http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=166481&highlight=references%2C http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/search.php?searchid=4470641 http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=50295&highlight=references%2C Good luck. And one more thing to add quickly. Some men feel their privacy is of paramount importance. While I don't disagree with the need for privacy the other side of the coin is the ladies need to be concerned with their safety, they are, after all going to be alone with a man they don't know. And safety trumps privacy each and every time RG
  6. No recommendations doesn't necessarily mean the lady isn't a reputable companion. One lady I saw asked me specifically not to write any recommendations, she had personal reasons for not wanting them. So my first four encounters (going by memory here) with her I couldn't write a recommendation. My fifth and sixth encounter, I wrote recommendations for her...with her permission. So a lady with no recommendation may not have them because she does not want them Another lady had no recommendations in the cities I saw her (although very well known and respected) But I'm very happy to say she has a recommendation thread started in those cities we have met in after we had our encounters. Much deserved recommendation threads I might add. As for no websites, one lady (she has a website now) when we met didn't have a website, but she has a recommendation thread pages long...all recommendations deserved btw. And I can think off the top of my head two ladies who have websites and/or recommendations and were ladies I could not/would not ever recommend My point is no recommendations and no website don't necessarily mean that lady is someone to avoid My opinion only, the best tool to gauge if a lady is someone I'd like to meet is a board presence on Lyla. And not just advertising. Take part in discussions going on (gawd there are tons of forums here) Even those in a lighter vein, be it jokes, movies, music. That for me has worked best. Because after a lady has piqued my interest on Lyla, then I might look at her website, profile, and recommendations. Again my opinion only Anyhow a rambling RG
  7. Congratulations Emma on this major milestone Enjoy your writings, looking forward to 4000 more contributions Well Done RG
  8. Personally it seems like Cupids is just seeking attention No need for press release. Just advertise time and companionship. No reference to sex, (ie menus, acronyms) I doubt LE cares about Cupids. Only now Cupids may be on LE's radar, just from her press release. Should have just kept quiet and carried on as usual She Made Much Ado About Nothing RG
  9. I have met (and recommend) this lady. She is Lou Simone Her profile https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/member.php?u=19840 A beautiful woman and wonderful companion Oh and yes, she is a BBW RG
  10. Happy Birthday Miss Jessica Lee Enjoy your special day RG
  11. Happy Birthday Tianna Enjoy your special day RG
  12. It would be funny, except it's true Those three Lego characters...even the cop (has to enforce the law, he didn't write it) have more intelligence than the entire current CPC caucus RG
  13. Sending you Christmas Wishes Mod And hoping 2015 is a smoother running New Year RG
  14. Groceries. Salad for lunch and cold cuts for dinner plus a few other odds and ends RG
  15. Just finished downloading TomTom on my computer. Took quite awhile (over hour and half) since my files from my old TomTom were copied to my new TomTom RG
  16. Back from Walmart, sitting in my recliner having a coffee and watching tv Oh and tip of the day, the worst time to shop at Walmart is before Christmas LOL RG
  17. Problem is, probably be more takers on a guy's side who would be willing to drop their pants LOL I get the strange feeling that this is more wanting a chance to touch a woman's breasts without compensating her (I read some of the OP's previous posts) As has been said though, well till the advent of this godforsaken law, prostitution was perfectly legal, so no need to worry about LE RG
  18. Here is the link for NB recommendations including Fredericton https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=260 I can't recommend any local ladies because I don't live in NB However there are touring ladies who do (or have) go to Fredericton, well more accurately NB (Saint Johns, Moncton or Fredericton) that I can recommend. Even if they plan a tour to NB in the future, but to Saint Johns or Moncton, and you could drive to see them and they are all worth the trip to go and meet These ladies are Emily Rushton https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/member.php?u=22822 Gabriella Laurence https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/member.php?u=46192 If meeting one of these ladies for her time and companionship interests you send her a respectful email and follow her screening process. Good Luck RG
  19. A used car...2007 Pontiac Torrent Well more accurately the last thing, gas for the car I bought today :-) RG
  20. My thoughts, frankly I'm getting kind of annoyed with the ones wanting to challenge the law, be it through their websites which they advertise on Lyla.com and their posts, but expect Mod and the owners to be the ones to stick their necks out legally speaking Anyone so bold as to post in contravention of the new law, start up your board, and take the risks yourself. Even if your defiance is morally right, find out how many dollars it'll take to prove it in court. But don't expect someone else to stick their necks out for you. The risk taken is by lyla.com, not members posting in defiance of lyla.com policy If I'm getting annoyed I can only imagine how pissed Mod must be getting by now RG
  21. Slow times in this business has been discussed before http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=33294&highlight=slow+times+business and here http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=31629&highlight=slow+business RG
  22. Been awake for a bit (my alarm clock...The Cat :-( ) decided to get me up early today Surfing CERB, gulping coffee...lottsa coffee LOL and watching tv RG
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