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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Since it follows yesterday's news story I just added it to this thread Searches must be directly related to arrest, police must keep detailed notes http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/cellphone-searches-upon-arrest-allowed-by-canada-s-top-court-1.2869587 RG
  2. To me the donation is for the lady's time and companionship. Now strictly speaking, if just a business arrangement that should be fine. But and speaking just for me, the human connection made has an intangible value that far exceeds the donation asked for. A tip and gift are just a way for me to show my appreciation to the lady for the companionship she provided. Just one minor comment. I'm not worried about standing out compared to other clients. First I don't know all the lady's clients (nor is it my business) and second, all I can be is the best client I can be. Anyhow, a rambling RG
  3. roamingguy


    And probably the tags will be reintroduced once the words and acronyms that offend Peter MacKay are removed But that would be a back burner issue...Mod has much more pressing things to immediately deal with RG
  4. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/cellphone-privacy-at-issue-in-supreme-court-ruling-tomorrow-1.2867427
  5. A nice way Refer them to your reco thread http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=18924&highlight=mature+angela Or the alternative "If you are that nervous why did you waste my time contacting me in the first place" Just a couple ideas RG
  6. Forget the bread, here are bacon sandwiches, the bacon used both as bread and bacon Just needs cooking Six Decker bacon sandwiches LOL RG
  7. Remember, back in the old days, if you saw a lady at her place, that was illegal But no one seemed concerned about LE raids or set ups back then However if concerned, see well known and well recommended ladies from Lylas.com...just bookings are for time and companionship only. Avoid BP,CL, etc etc...stick to ladies from reputable communities like Lylas.com RG
  8. So Lee should take a few bacon sandwiches when he goes to the gym to haggle over cancelling his gym membership. Probably will take all day to no avail so Lee should at least take a days supply (breakfast, lunch, dinner plus morning and afternoon snacks) of bacon sandwiches And if they don't cancel, then use the bike and don't wipe it down afterwards, that'll really piss the gym off LOL And a hint for gym memberships. The "Y" is great membership and gym wise. Just pay cash for the months you want, renew if you want...no fear of hidden fees, continued billings etc etc etc RG
  9. Well if concerned about the issue of giving money, I'll go back to something I suggested before. The gift, take her out for a pre Christmas dinner. But in her Christmas card, a donation for her time. That way it doesn't appear you took her out for free time, you respected the money is for her time and companionship. Gift cards, well if it was me, I like Bass Pro Shops LOL Seriously, the skies the limit, Victoria Secret, Sephora, La Vie En Rose, Apple Store, La Senza etc etc etc. Ummm knowing all those ladies stores, do I lose my man card LOL...wait, did I mention I like Bass Pro Shops...did I get it back LOL :-) RG
  10. The budget is completely dependant on the nature of the relationship you have with this lady. Again, only you and the lady know that, so it's hard for me to say. I would speculate a $100-$300 range is safe As for the 1K that seems a lot. Mind you I'd be willing to be your friend if Santa was that good to me LOL (definite tongue in cheek here :-) ) Sorry can't be more help RG
  11. Hmmm so should I sell my exercise bike then, and with the money buy lottsa and lottsa bacon or Keep the bike, continue my bike treks thru Pikes Peak every day, and on occasion when I feel, ummm how should I say "hungry" just bike a little longer thru Pikes Peak? RG
  12. http://metronews.ca/voices/opinion/1234276/former-sex-worker-on-the-problems-with-canadas-new-prostitution-law/
  13. Wynne said she isn't a lawyer, it seems prudent to go to your Justice Minister before making a policy with legal ramifications, especially since the law just passed. Had MacKay thought like a lawyer and justice minister to begin with, instead of a CPC Neanderthal using the justice portfolio for his own agenda we wouldn't be here now RG
  14. Is there anything in particular she likes? Gift cards to a store she likes is a good idea Maybe a pre Christmas dinner out at her favourite restaurant (mind you you should give a Christmas card with her donation, respects the money is for time and companionship issue) Really it's hard to say without knowing you, her, and your relationship with one another But most important, It's the Thought That Counts Giving a lady a Christmas present no matter what (well no Tim Hortons cards LOL) she'll appreciate the thought RG
  15. Well on Saturday I treated myself and drove to the cheese factory all intent on buying 5 year old cheddar. Imagine my surprise, they have it on occasion and did on Saturday, 6 year old cheddar. So tonight, macaroni and cheese made with 6 year old cheddar And why did I not have it last night? The cheese factory also had mozzarella with red chilli's, mozzarella with jalapenos, and salsa cheese. So I made nachos last night Been biking quite a bit thru Pikes Peak lately LOL RG
  16. Happy Birthday MsManda Enjoy your special day RG
  17. Just taking a drive in the country. Stopped right now enjoying a Timmies dark roast and surfing Lyla.com on my phone (don't text/post and drive...safety message of the day) Going to drive to the cheese factory next pick up some 5yr old cheddar and then head home RG
  18. Happy Birthday LanaLee Enjoy your special day RG
  19. This is Harper and MacKay's solution Free handouts to men so we won't see ladies Good enough for the Army... All tongue in cheek btw:-) RG :-)
  20. http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2014/12/05/john-ivison-ontario-government-may-fire-first-shot-at-tory-prostitution-law/ I confess, just saw this Tweeted on Twitter but thought I'd post here. RG
  21. Don't open your text messages when you're around anyone else That's the benefit of texts versus phone calls, you can reply to a text in private, whereas a phone call could come anytime RG
  22. Leftovers...spaghetti with meatsauce Washed down with water Followed by six small clementines And a bike ride through pikes peak RG
  23. roamingguy


    Well I'll leave that as a no comment then :-), can't lie and don't want to lose a friend over something as trivial as ketchup RG
  24. Surfing Lyla.com :-), reading a couple emails, replying to a PM, and watching a movie Shortly going to pause the movie, and do the dishes :-( RG
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