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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Nutmeg, need it for my New Years Eve dinner And someone felt he deserved ice cream, so Haagen Dazs RG
  2. I don't know if there is any such service in the Ottawa area, but the service this lady offers is, well best described in politically correct terms, "platonic cuddling", or "PJ's on" And cuddling by this lady is not secret code word for something else, it would be "platonic cuddling" If you want a cuddling session by one of the ladies here ask, I'm sure they would be happy to offer it. But the ladies here are compensated for time and companionship, so whether you have a dinner date, or cuddles or whatever their rate is the same, it's for their time. Don't expect a reduced rate for snuggling. A morning rambling RG
  3. Well out of ideas for dinner tonight so I was bad, had nachos. Nacho chips, chedder, mozzarella and monteray jack with jalapeno cheese I went thru the grocery store fast today, and didn't look closely when I grabbed the Tostitos. Got home, it was hint of lime...aw f*ck I thought, well I tried them, damn they are good RG
  4. roamingguy

    sound file

    Agree with BRM and Phaedrus on that too Hate opening up a website which has music or sound automatically coming on. Shouldn't have to set my speakers to mute before I surf the web Just a third opinion RG
  5. http://metronews.ca/news/vancouver/1229047/b-c-woman-offers-cuddling-sessions-for-60-an-hour/
  6. Wishing You (and Everyone ;-) ) A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Too Share more with intimate friends, well one special friend The fact she allowed me to share is why she is so special and she was a very bright light at a very dark time for me Now a stupid one (I'm only on cup number two LOL) NCIS, or NCIS Los Angeles or NCIS New Orleans RG
  7. Actually equal...some days nachos, some days pizza Holiday season, or everything back to normal Jan 2 RG
  8. The best part of the Christmas Holidays is Jan2nd when things get back to normal. No I'm not a Scrooge just holidays don't mean what they used to RG
  9. According to this, I think the answer is no https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=deleteaccountsfaq#faq_howtodeletepost RG
  10. Highlight of the Day...All of my Christmas shopping is now done For most everyone (family) shopping is obligatory but for friends it's a joy A smiling RG
  11. Happy Birthday MissEva Enjoy your special day RG
  12. roamingguy


    Well the secret to fries JMO, don't cook them in the same oil that other foods are cooked in If the chip truck, or restaurant also has onion rings and both the chips and onion rings are cooked in the same oil, fries aren't good...again JMO As for how I like to eat my fries...when I have them First with salt and vinegar Second, which I picked up in Germany, with mayonnaise And I have also dipped fries in Renee's Bleu Cheese dressing (I like bleu cheese dressing, well bleu cheese) I absolutely detest ketchup...yuk RG
  13. To Answer Cara's question one possibility. Can pick it up at a pharmacy Dove Unscented Body Wash Yes for sensitive skin but if sensitive skin can handle it, all skin should be able to handle it RG
  14. A Pyrex dish. Although sworn off deserts (well except fresh fruit and an occasional Haagen Dazs shared with my cat :-) ) come New Years Eve having Apple Crisp for desert. Don't have any baking dishes, and until very recently not a desert maker(making desert for me was opening the ice cream and if I got fancy, nuking some chocolate sauce and pouring it over it LOL) But a very special teacher taught me how to bake. First tarts, next is apple crisp. But I need a Pyrex dish, now I'm ready :-) My mouth is watering already RG
  15. Dirty Harry Not really a super hero per se, but think of everyone kept off the streets to keep the public safe And insightful too. Too much sugar in his coffee was a clue that a hold up was taking place.Imagine that,ahead of his time. Sugar equals trouble;-) RG
  16. November is usually a cold grey month. The winds just add to the foreboding that winter is around the corner. I say usually, because this November, weather aside, was a bright sunny month. That's because I had a five hour date with Emily when she came to Kingston. We don't know if it's our ninth or tenth date, because one date was a weekend escape together last summer, how many dates does that count for. But then again does it really matter Emily arrived at my hotel on time and greeted me with a smile, hug and kiss. Em just has a smile that brightens up a room. I invited her in, and we proceeded to the living room of my suite, where we got caught up on respective things going on in our lives. But our conversation was short lived, sort of. I had dinner reservations for us at a nice restaurant. We headed over and continued our conversation over drinks and a delicious dinner. But it wasn't the food and drink that made the dinner so good, although it was pretty good, it was my dinner date. She made the dinner great!!! After dinner, we headed back to my suite, and continued catching up over drinks After a bit, our conversation had an awkward pause. Then I saw the twinkle in Emily's beautiful green eyes. Neither one of us said anything. Neither one of us had to say anything. We left the living room and our date continued with snuggles and more. Details of which are a Magical Memory for Emily and me. I should rephrase that, the whole date is yet again another Magical Memory, just some details to be shared only between two friends. Unfortunately, as unrushed as our date was, the clock had the final word, and Emily and I had to hug and kiss goodnight. For those who have yet to meet Emily, first off her photos aren't accurate. She is even more beautiful in person than her pictures show. Once you get to know her, you'll meet a bright intelligent woman. But her true beauty is her inner beauty. She is a kind, caring person, with a big heart. Adjectives to describe a date with Emily, fun, gentle and romantic, and she exudes sensuality. Emily is the quintessential girl next door. Personally I feel very lucky to have met such a wonderful lady, and developed a cherished friendship with her. If you are looking to have a Date Of A Lifetime, contact Emily through her preferred method of contact. If you are like me, a date with her will be a Magical Memory for you too. And to Emily, once again, Thank You for our date. I'm looking forward to our next time together A minor caveat. You may notice I use some of Emily's title lines in this recommendation. I did so to first, reinforce the honesty of her ads, and second, it is done with Emily's knowledge and permission
  17. Groceries (well Sumatra coffee for my Keurig, cream and a salad for lunch) and some Christmas cards...getting a jump on Christmas RG
  18. Just back from the grocery store. Sitting down now watching Das Boot, over a third cup of coffee and writing Christmas cards (I don't do a lot, just a couple to people important to me) RG
  19. The conclusion of a productive multi tasking day Finished writing my recommendation Biked through Pikes Peak Cooked and ate a delicious dinner Got the dishes done Now sitting back relaxing watching tv and surfing Lyla.com RG
  20. Just a quick comment. I've heard mention about mouthwash with dixie cups. No offence, but me, if I saw a large opened bottle of mouthwash in a bathroom, even with dixie cups I wouldn't use it. As a client, well as anyone, I don't know who has used it. Someone may have drank from the bottle, irrespective of cups being available. Small one time only bottles of mouthwash to me would be the way to go Second thing, any mouthwash should be alcohol free. Some people, like me, can't touch a drop of alcohol, even if in a mouthwash A quick two cents worth RG
  21. Multi Tasking Writing the first draft of a recommendation Reading/Replying to a couple emails Surfing Lyla.com And eating lunch RG
  22. Personally although I usually host ;-) there was one time I was hosted ;-) at a lady's condo. She did not have body wash...instead a bar, used bar, of soap...GROSS Always a bottle of body wash, or a sealed bar of soap, never used When it comes to other hygiene products, and this is just my opinion, small one time use only (like hotels have) should be out, be it small bottles of shampoo, body wash, mouthwash, etc Anyhow my two cents worth RG
  23. To top off another Great Date with a Great Lady (recommendation to follow in a day or two) when I got home, I got something back. Something which never should have been taken from me in the first place RG :-)
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