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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Maybe a pet peeve of mine, but plagiarism, whether in ad title or content When a lady takes another lady's ad title or content and passes it off as her own ad it is a major turn off. Ladies spend a lot of time and effort in their ads to present an image of themselves. Their writings reflect their personality. So plagiarism, is the stealing of another's thoughts and passing them off as her own,and is that lady no less than trying to pass herself off as another lady IMO. And they are in intent, in my opinion, no different in intent than a lady using another lady's photos and trying to pass them off as her own. This is why ladies watermark photos. But you can't watermark an ad title or ad content. Some ladies may not have a knack for creative writing. But a simple descriptive ad would work, and be honest. And much better than what is to me a stolen ad from another lady A rambling RG
  2. Just a few quick thoughts over my second cup of coffee First, and as cliché as it sounds, remember, It's the Thought That Counts Second, a gift for a client should only be reserved for regular clients. It isn't something for a first (and maybe only time) client who sees you just for a gift A gift could be a gift certificate/gift card/small present. Personally the idea of a discount I'm uncomfortable with. I never forget that this is the lady's livelihood. A discount is a reduction in income for the lady. For me, if I received a discount all I'd do is increase the tip so the lady still receives the same donation (plus tip) that she'd receive on other encounters Gifts can be of all shapes and sizes. I have a gift from a lady, well friend, on display in my living room. Won't say what, except the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge means something special to me. And I'm not a Royal Watcher ;-) But a nice way to say thank you. First thank you can be said year round. Not just at Christmas. And not by a gift, well gift in the conventional sense of the word. But, well, if you look at my profile page, under "About Me", "Recommendation Or URL Of A Page..." click on that link. It is something that is very special to me, so much so that when I saw it I included it in my profile page. Not a gift in the conventional sense of the word, but something very special to me. Anyhow, just my opinion A few quick thoughts over my second coffee RG
  3. Justice Department sure cleared that one up Remember an English teacher saying when defining a word don't use the word you are trying to define in the definition. He would follow with "a dog is a dog" That doesn't define what a dog is In this case, a sexual service is a service that is sexual Dumb question for the Justice Department. If you engage in a non sexual act that gives sexual gratification OR a engage in a sexual act but received no gratification from it is does that mean it is no longer legally a sexual service. AND who determines if you received sexual gratification...some justice department lawyer? This confusion has me so frustrated I need to see a companion :-) Even more frustrated since I'm rambling without a full first cup of coffee :-) RG
  4. Dinner for two last night at the Keg in Kingston RG
  5. From smalltown Ontario I see ladies primarily in Toronto, then Ottawa, London, Niagara Falls ,Hamilton and oh since I'm posting this in a hotel room in Kingston Ont the morning after a wonderful date, Kingston Ont too :-) RG
  6. Just out of the shower a few minutes ago Hearts just a pounding away now, weak in the knees BTW a good thing, if I didn't feel this way I would hang up my hat so to speak Have a dinner date at 5pm with a special lady, Goddess and most of all Friend Then after dinner we're coming back to my hotel to sit, hold hands and watch a G Rated movie ;-) RG
  7. Sitting in a train station waiting for my train to arrive RG
  8. Oh I knew you were joking about the macho thing. But I'd rather snuggle with a lady than be a macho man any day Not that's there anything wrong with that ;-) RG
  9. My signature says it all...I like cuddling As part of a date, not the sole reason for it though. I like kissing and hugging too, but would not want to have a date just kissing and hugging And, well without spelling everything out (now) I like a date in it's entirety, drinks, dinner, conversation,----------cuddling, well everything. Seeing a lady is not just about one thing,jmho It's about a complete interaction with another person A rambling RG
  10. Caller ID Spoofing? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caller_ID_spoofing Have you used Canada411 or similar look-ups on the internet to look up each number? Sounds fishy to me RG
  11. Happy Birthday Sasha Enjoy your special day RG
  12. Symptomatic of the CPC's attitude towards the electorate, not to mention their contempt of the SCC and Charter of Rights. Sona probably saw a Cabinet post as a reward...not 9 months behind bars. He didn't IMO do this on his own
  13. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/11/19/robocalls_exconservative_staffer_michael_sona_learns_his_fate_today.html
  14. It was the seeing her at her place that was illegal But the actual act of prostitution itself was not If the lady saw you at your place that was legal And I do agree that since the ladies were trusted before, and they can be trusted now RG
  15. Happy Birthday sweetshay Enjoy your special day RG
  16. What was illegal under the old laws? Prostitution was a legal activity. Certain activities surrounding prostitution were illegal, but prostitution itself was legal And the activities could take place perfectly legally in the past within certain parameters. Such as she meets you at your place, not you at hers. Now not the case Concerns, if there were truly any, about outing, might be because a client did not want his family to find out, his workplace to know, if a politician, could cause a scandal. But why would LE have cared, the core activity, prostitution was legal I do agree, the ladies could be trusted before, and they can now. A rambling RG
  17. Finished doing the dishes (not many) Gave Nabob a treat...his favourite Haagen Dazs dulce de leche ice cream And while he's in heaven in the kitchen I'm surfing CERB and watching the movie Stalingrad RG
  18. Probably just the same type of guys who object to being screened/verified. And they believe their privacy is most important. More important than a lady's safety and security RG
  19. Ladies would no more do that to their clients than clients would do so to the companions they see...generally speaking And me thinks the threat made of being outed by Terri Jean Bedford was when (btw not justifying, but trying to understand) she was treated badly during hearings and ousted. Her threat was less a threat (I'm guessing, don't know for fact) against her former clients as a whole, as it was against clients who may be politicians (maybe cabinet ministers) supportive of this legislation publically while in private practicing what they preach against (is that making sense) Clients have nothing to fear, ladies respect their confidentiality. Besides, nothing except a handshake, watching some tv, discussing great works of literature, maybe dinner out at the most, that's all that takes place. No special hugging takes place god forbid LOL A rambling RG
  20. Happy Birthday Yabut Enjoy your special day RG
  21. Happy Birthday Reuben Sandwich Enjoy your special day RG
  22. I happen to go to Toronto so my two cents Back when I worked, Saturday evening was the best for me Now that I'm retired, everyday is Saturday LOL My preference is for the airport (Dixon/Airport Road side). It is easier to get to IMHO. Second a general observation, hotels are more expensive downtown than by the airport. Third I have yet to pay for parking at an airport hotel (and I have stayed at a few different hotels) but downtown hotels, parking runs about $40 night And the hotels by the airport, besides less expensive, seem to have larger rooms (or suites) every bit as nice if not more than a downtown hotel Anyhow my two cents RG
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