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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Thinking of what loftier pursuits I can pursue now that the CPC has made me seen the error of my ways Maybe Lyla should have a book review section...read a work of philosophy or Classics, or great works of literature and do a book report On second thought trash that idea... Signed Still A Wayward RG
  2. Just had a one hour bike ride through Pike's Peak...then went for a shower (when the cat says you stink, you better listen LOL) now in the recliner, debating whether to have a coffee or not...hell I will, so easy on a Keurig RG
  3. This weekend is movie weekend Recorded the following movies The Departed The Gathering Storm Taken and the documentary/miniseries The World Wars (all episodes) RG
  4. Well a few things today. Birthday present and card for my nephew (he actually wanted money for a trip he's taking, does money count as a purchase LOL) Ordered a Christmas present for someone...does that count Belt (smaller waist size :-) ) And groceries RG :-)
  5. Highlight Number 1 Went to the bank machine, withdrew money, bank machine didn't laugh at me LOL Highlight Number 2 Splurged, well it wasn't a super expensive purchase, on a new belt...highlight, it's a smaller waist size , and fits :-) RG
  6. Well the electricians late leaving, no time to shop so up the street to get a cheeseburger and fries. I was good though...only had a couple fries RG
  7. Chemistry, connection, shared memories, shared history. And as there are more encounters, there are more memories and shared history. RG
  8. You might do better by sending the mod a PM. It may be awhile before he sees your post RG
  9. And no more double, queen or king size beds, even for married couples Just two single beds in a bedroom, just like from the Lucille Ball, or Dick Van Dyke Show era This is what MacKay envisions, people won't be focused on sex, instead more focused on loftier pursuits...philosophy, literature, the classics RG :-)
  10. This is the enemy And so is the Conservative Party Of Canada Remember anything, don't vote conservative, whether federally, provincially whatever...election time is when we have power RG
  11. My CERB bookmark worked fine But I deleted it, typed in lyla.com in my browser window, went thru log in procedure and now lyla.com is my bookmark RG
  12. I'm no lawyer but my guess is the police would need to do more than ask, they would need to get a warrant http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=182967 Internet User's Privacy Upheld By Supreme Court. Again I add the caveat I'm no lawyer, but if internet users privacy is upheld, that would include things like emails, pm's, etc Pesky thing for police, the SCC and the Constitution RG
  13. Come on so simple From http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lylas Lyla Lylas are usually beautiful, flirty, sweet and funny girls. They know how to have a good time. The party doesn't start until they show up. You never know what to expect with a Lyla around. They always surprise you. Lylas don't give a crap about what you think of them. They have more important things to worry about. They enjoy dressing up and looking nice, but are confident enough to know that they would look just as stunning in their sweats. Lylas really are very special and rare. You are lucky if you got one. or more likely Londonderry Youth Lacrosse Association I know when I log on to CERB lacrosse comes to mind LOL RG :-)
  14. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/tattoo-removal-procedures-leave-clients-horrified-scarred-for-life-1.2838498
  15. Well this draconian law doesn't change anything for me I contact the lady using her preferred method of contact usually, well always has been thus far email I introduce myself (that's name, phone, email, well full verification information) to the lady and that I'd like to meet her I don't ask anything about ......... All communications are about setting up a date...yes a date meaning time and companionship, nothing else What happens during that date is between two consenting adults and unfolds naturally I learned the best dates are the unplanned dates...no scripts no nothing expected, and judging from the recommendations I've written, seems to be working. My dates have been for the most part positive experiences in my life, and (I hope) mutually beneficial A rambling RG
  16. A lady, one a very special lady (and now retired), wore sweat pants. She did so, she told me, so as to not draw attention to her when she walked through the hotel. Always clean clothes mind you. But she looked GREAT!!! Clothes, well for me, it's whatever the lady feels comfortable in...I'm happy when I hear the knock on my hotel door, and the lady shows up with a big smile on her face, and we greet with a hug and kiss. She can wear sweats, jeans, dress, skirt, burlap sack whatever she feels most comfortable in, I'm happy I keep in mind this, a lady dressed at her worse still looks far better than me at my very best My two cents worth RG
  17. OOPPPS You booked late Katherine, we're nearing the end of 2014 now ;-) LOL RG :-)
  18. Don't know why, but this came to mind It could be the card to send along with the poop...imagine, the parcel isn't worthless, but the addressees are RG
  19. Batteries for my tv remote Had to go all day with low batteries...nice to be able to change channels without leaving the recliner now LOL RG
  20. Told the electrician was coming back today to replace the fuse box with circuit breakers. Made sure I was up early, stayed in all day, no electrician showed. Not too impressed. Maybe the snow in Toronto prevented him from coming up...as if there aren't a few local electricians around :icon_mad: RG :-(
  21. Appreciation has been expressed to Mod (and owners) for all the headaches they must be going through adjusting CERB to be compatible with this new draconian legislation But to the ladies we adore, they too are having to make similar changes to their websites. Changes which are time consuming and except for this draconian law, absolutely needless. I think all the ladies are also due a BIG THANK YOU for the time and trouble they are also going through, changing their websites etc. So to all the ladies, your efforts do not go unnoticed and are appreciated Thank You A rambling RG
  22. Some threads to read http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=198629 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=645317#post645317 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=645912#post645912 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=181850 There's a little light reading for you RG
  23. No such thing now...we are all law abiding citizens Thanks to MacKay,Harper and the CPC sex for money has been eradicated from Canada...well except for marriage LOL It just doesn't exist anymore RG
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