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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. You may wish to read this post from Mod who most certainly would know that the server is not located in Canada http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=637416&postcount=16 It is the sentence beginning "Also who told the government they have any right in policing the internet...."(read the line in brackets) and "Sorry but I can't see the government..." Read the line in brackets RG
  2. http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/national/Maher+Jason+Kenney+could+prime+minister+before+next+election/10382419/story.html Doesn't matter to me, there is no good CPC PM RG
  3. Tom I'm poor at words at times like this I truly admire your spirit, never giving up, living life to it's fullest My thoughts and prayers are with you Although not a drinker, I'll raise a bottle of no alcohol beer (my beverage of choice) to you You are as others have said, an inspiration Tom aka RG
  4. Well some oldies On Wednesday watched Das Boot Yesterday, saw Battle Of Britain And in a few minutes The Caine Mutiny This has been a pretty good week for movies RG
  5. Thanks Buddy Electrician showed up at 230. First words out of his mouth...going for a smoke break Put the new outlet in, but in the process the one outlet they ran off of now needs replacing...soooo back on Monday or Tuesday Plus, on Monday or Tuesday they're replacing the fuse box with circuit breakers (building is old) I said I have a bunch of pennies just in case a fuse blows, what's the problem LOL RG
  6. At around 1030 today the super knocks, saying the electrician is putting in another electrical outlet, and will be in in about an hour, maybe two. Well it's now 1pm, still no sign of the electrician. Bad enough waiting, but the super is supposed to give 24 hours notice unless an emergency, no such notice given Meanwhile had to put the cat in the spare room, he may like the electrician but I'm sure he'd get in his way And I didn't request nor need another outlet Still Waiting RG
  7. Probably this guy is (the one in the kilt) a turn off for a lady Looks like he wouldn't see a female companion so no worries ladies, well about booking him at least Geez I seem to be in an anti cpc, anti MacKay mood lately LOL RG :-)
  8. Funny this came to mind A Seinfeld episode for every occasion :-) RG :-)
  9. I agree with you...except for the two seats part, they should be wiped out........! Having 2 cpc MP's gives two useless people a chance to breath air that could better be breathed by more useful MP's...geez do I sound a little bitter LOL RG
  10. MacKay wasn't replying to the Tabatha Southey column. Nor was he addressing concerns of ladies and gentlemen. He used the column to provide a rote response on what his law in his mind is about. And that response is directed to his "moral minority" followers, it's sort of a MacKay way of telling his constituents and CPC followers, "look what I did for you", hidden meaning, vote for us (especially me) next election Are we really surprised he doesn't know his own law. He and the CPC don't seem to care about that other little law, commonly known as The Charter Of Rights and Freedoms. Nor does the SCC seem to be important to them. He probably thinks a clever (in his mind) title is all that is needed to address the concerns of the Bedford decision. Probably get a more intelligent discussion about this legislation talking to a brick wall. And a brick wall could likely come up with better legislation than MacKay and the cpc regime A rambling RG
  11. I'll chime in with my two cents here...maybe not even worth that. I've noticed some complaints about how CERB is dealing with the new laws but nothing about CERBies against one another...but maybe I'm blind LOL First CERB (Mod & Owners) are trying to navigate the legal minefield brought about by MacKay's Draconian legislation...bolded because lets remember who the enemy is here. With that said, we, each other aren't the enemy...it's that cpc moral minority that is the enemy Two There is going to be a bit of a learning curve for everyone, better to learn than fight. Three the adjustments CERB just made is so this community can continue Four if there are some who are baiting others (not saying this is being done) something to remember. CERB metaphorically speaking isn't a lifeboat that can hold 10 survivors and there are 18 in the water, so 8 need to go...the lifeboats don't need to be deployed because the good ship CERB hasn't sunk...hope that metaphor makes sense Finally, again remember the cpc is the enemy, one I'm going to remember at election time. But this community shouldn't get divided amongst each other because of the cpc That is if I read this thread right Time for a bike ride, then a coffee RG
  12. Just made dinner reservations for two. I have a date coming up with a special lady and we're going out for a nice dinner RG
  13. The site is already outside of Canada But it is owned and operated in Canada Simple, do you think Mod and other CERB/EC employees should leave Canada and operate CERB outside of Canada so you aren't disappointed assuming they can get a work visa The simplest thing they could do is shut it all down. But at least Mod and everyone, they are trying to find a solution and keep CERB going RG
  14. It'll take a bit of time for CERB to iron out the kinks because of Harper's/MacKay's brave new world. None of us like it but I guess it's better than this community shutting down I think a big thank you is due to the Mod for his hard work keeping this community going while dodging the minefield from this legislation Just remember all this bs when we go to the polls next federal election A rambling RG
  15. Just an observation I've noticed from seeing many amazing ladies. When I introduce myself I let the lady know I'm bald, wear glasses, perfect weight if I was eight feet tall LOL oh and I'm in my fifties. I'm not what you call easy on the eyes LOL...definitely not cover of GQ material. All that has mattered to the ladies I have met is that I am a gentleman, and that I treat them with the utmost respect, which they deserve btw. My guess, what will be important with any lady you meet is that you are a respectful gentleman. You may wish to tell a lady you want to meet about your surgery, my guess, she's more interested in the man you are Good Luck RG
  16. Just finished cleaning the kitchen, now sitting back, surfing CERB and watching tv. Shortly time to cook dinner Been an unproductive kind of day, but a good day too :-) RG
  17. Pamela Wallin Definitely just kidding...3 strikes against her. Ex Media (can't remember if CBC or CTV but is that important), Conservative Party of Canada Member and corrupt Senator...I feel dirty just posting this LOL RG
  18. A grey plastic water bottle...colour matches to my exercise bike, which btw has a water bottle holder LOL RG
  19. Happy Birthday Lexy Enjoy your special day RG
  20. Just for fun tried on a old pair of jeans, even a size smaller than a pair I bought a couple weeks ago...they fit!!! :-) :-) :-) I seem to be losing it around my waist, not my belly though :-( But going smaller is better :-) RG
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