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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Got my exercise bike assembled today, just went for a half hour bike ride (over mountains). Not only does the bike run right, but the console (electrical) working right too...amazing for someone mechanically inept LOL RG
  2. Wish you all the best in your future Good Luck RG
  3. I think, and just my opinion, but ladies are going to have to get away from menu driven ads and gentlemen are going to seek companionship avoiding references to menus. A good example of how ladies can proceed is in a post by Emily Rushton http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=641091&postcount=2 in this thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=197803 BTW the word blocker blocked out the acronyms she used in her post LOL In a lighter vein Gabriella Laurence in this post http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=644034&postcount=8 basically suggested no menu isn't the end of the world It was from this thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=644034#post644034 Pick the fights you can win. Which is more important. Continuing to partake in this mutually beneficial lifestyle? Or seeing ads websites and posts with menus in them? Seeing an escort for time and companionship is legal. Seeking the ........ of a ........../sex worker/hooker for sex for money (or is that money for sex) is illegal. I will be legal, and private details will stay that way Do I like C36, no. But instead of head on battles about advertising/reading menus, is that really the immediate concern, or is partaking in this non exploitive mutually beneficial lifestyle the issue at hand. A rambling RG
  4. Congratulations Emily J on your 2000 post milestone Looking forward to your next 2000 contributions RG
  5. Congratulations on your 3000 post milestone Christine Looking forward to your next 3000 contributions RG
  6. I've certainly argued this from the outset. This is MacKay's baby, not the police departments'. Even if the Chief or Mayor "cleaned up Dodge" the question needs to be asked then, first, where are the dollars to clean Dodge up with???...and second, why didn't they clean up Dodge under previous legislation. Remember, ....... were illegal, using escort agencies (living off the avails for example) illegal, yet how many CERBite's here did ......., or use escort agencies without worry. And how easy arrests could have been. But the police aren't after who is operating privately and discretely, they are after visible targets, street prostitution Discretion is the biggest concern. Read between the lines in a lady's advertising/website. No need to spell out everything. Ladies aim to please, not disappoint, so even if not spelled out in their ads just means what happens privately stays private A rambling RG
  7. Take a perusal of CERB, menus are gone in the recommendation section. Both in the template section and also in the content of a recommendation. That includes past pre C36 recommendations Getting rid of one menu isn't an invitation to create a new menu. C36 sucks, no question. But lets adapt so we can continue to partake in this non exploitive mutually beneficial lifestyle. A rambling RG
  8. That'll be the next federal election when we can kick them out of office Remember this at election time RG
  9. Strange the resemblance PM and SH have to the Emperor and Darth Vader...and both backed up by their Imperial Storm Troopers. RG
  10. OMG I'm relieved...for a second I thought I was going to have to get a divorce from my (virtual) wifey. Gawd what does that say about conservative family values, their laws leading to (virtual) marital break-ups Signed (virtual) Hubby
  11. Well actually bought it awhile back but Sears delivered my exercise bike yesterday. Muster the energy up tomorrow to assemble it LOL RG
  12. Not just God and a religious life, but since it was MacKay and the CPC that made me see the error of my ways, I'm going to join the conservative party:icon_rolleyes: RG :-)
  13. The actual date this legislation becomes law according to a tweet I got is Dec 6, 2014 RG
  14. It's illegal to seek sexual services for money. The ladies, for the most part, that I see don't even have a menu. They are escorts and seeing them isn't illegal. When asking a lady for a encounter, I don't ask about any menu, it is about a date and time to meet her. That said, why would I be done. I'm not in breech of C36. Having a date with a woman isn't illegal. Ladies who have a menu I will avoid, they may draw LE attention. But those in this lifestyle who adapt, both ladies and gentlemen alike will still partake in it. A rambling RG
  15. Spaghetti Carbonarra It's spaghetti with bacon, cream, parmesan, eggs, butter Won't have it till New Years Eve...on a diet RG
  16. CERB is already hosted outside of Canada, but owned and operated in Canada. It would also need to be owned and operated outside of Canada Not a lot of people could just pack up and move to another country, I doubt CERB staff (Mod et al) could (I may be wrong) move to another country...just work visas and all Escorts will have to advertise without any reference to sex for money. Offer companionship. There are many ladies out there already who advertise as escorts, not sex providers, prostitutes, hookers etc. Ladies need to change the focus of their advertising. Everyone knows about C36, and should understand. But absolutely do not discuss sexual services, menus, sex for money, prostitution whatever in emails, texts, and phone calls. What happens privately stays that way My two cents RG
  17. VIA Rail tickets for a trip to see a special lady RG
  18. On the eve of C36 passing into law :-( don't list a menu of services on your profile/website. You offer companionship. You do not advertise sex for money (or is that money for sex)...what happens in private stays that way You are escorts, not prostitutes, not sex workers, not hookers, well you get the idea A quick rambling RG
  19. Contact the Regimental Kit Shop, you should be able to purchase a new web belt and buckle RG
  20. Happy Birthday Jay Hope you had a good birthday RG
  21. Happy Birthday AngelMoncton Enjoy your special day RG
  22. Confirmed a date with a wonderful lady later this month so making hotel and train reservations RG
  23. Woke up with a sore throat, went to the Y then came home back to bed Hope this is short lived RG
  24. I think what needs to be remembered is racism is but one form of discrimination There is also discrimination because of age, sex, sexual orientation, weight, disabilities etc But there is also sexual preference, not racism, because of age, sexual orientation, weight, disabilities and race, and there may be a very valid reason for someone's sexual preference. Unless those clients and ladies who label others racist are absolutely without any form of discrimination themselves not just in words but in actions,there should be no painting of others as racist. And I'm sure their preference's could equally be painted as discriminatory God I hate this thread RG
  25. Sounds from the media reports, and with the proviso "presumed innocent until proved guilty" but Ghomeshi wasn't so much a practiser of BDSM as he was someone who got off on beating up and sexually assaulting women RG
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