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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Sale at Mark's. Got a couple flannel shirts and a hoodie Set for winter RG
  2. Recommendations are about experiences that make you want to recommend a certain provider What you ask about is more akin to a negative review Just my opinion but the answer to your question I believe is no that wouldn't be acceptable JMO RG
  3. Well I said right at the outset this topic is always heated, apparently with no right answer. This is the third thread on this topic, and I guess I was right Let's see now, I won't see girls who are teenagers (18-19) and early twenties. Guess I'm guilty of age discrimination Hmmm, I won't see gay male SP's...does that make me homophobic or does it make me a heterosexual man. Anyhow, I'll see who I'm comfortable seeing. As should everyone. And isn't it preferable to know ahead of time whether a lady or gentlemen will enjoy your company rather than show up and find out she/he doesn't like your company for whatever reason No not defending racism, it's ugly and indefensible. But instead of having a date with someone who doesn't wish to see you for whatever reason, see someone who will offer you the companionship you want and deserve Put another way why would a client give his hard earned money to a lady who doesn't want to see him, and not date (and pay) a lady who would like to see him that night. The one really being shortchanged here is the client's ideal companion, who he doesn't see A rambling RG
  4. Happy Birthday The Liquor Enjoy your special day RG
  5. Just paid my cable/internet bill...does that count LOL RG
  6. Just thinking outloud here...but what is wrong with companionship (yes even paid companionship), a real date. Conversation, dinner out, going out somewhere. Yes it may include sex. But sex isn't the reason for the date. Meeting (or reconnecting) with someone is the reason in and of itself of the date Or am I just getting older A rambling RG
  7. I'll use this post as a segue. It is unfortunate there are "men" like that, that ladies have to contend with. Common courtesy, common respect, and common sense, unfortunately are not so common. Ladies provide us with a gift of their companionship...and I say gift because it has a intangible value far exceeding the donation requested. Ladies are three dimensional people, much more than just providers of sex. And specifically directed to "Jeff". I have met and had a very memorable encounter with Victoria. She is a beautiful lady. If you had been fortunate enough to meet her you would have met a down to earth, pleasant and fun lady. When I answered my hotel door for our date last February she greeted me like we were long lost friends...keep in mind this was our first date. As for "Jeff's" last comment, all I will say is Victoria is beautiful, with model looks, and comments like yours are ignorant, childish and an attempt to be hurtful...more the signs of a childish reaction than that of a man And to Victoria, Thank You again for a wonderful memorable encounter last February (Feb 15th to be exact ;-) ) Our date was one of my highlights of 2014 RG
  8. Well what should happen is with this diversion program, a bunch of ladies and gents should get together at the diversion program for a poly party LOL Oh wait, I'll bet no diversions like that for the guys is there? Does that mean the CPC encourages poly amorous lesbian encounters LOL RG
  9. A new vacuum cleaner which also has a built in steam mop Not exciting but necessary RG
  10. About to vacuum this morning, vacuum started up then died...did a bit of tinkering, she's dead. It seemed to be slowly dying over the past little while Ironic, a vacuum that no longer can suck is a thing that sucks (but not in a good way) RG
  11. This subject has been extensively discussed before, always heated, apparently with no right answer http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=181140&highlight=blacks http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=151618 Some things to keep in mind 1. A lady has the absolute right to choose who she is intimate with, irrespective of a clients race, creed, colour, religion, age, body size, hair/lack of it etc etc etc 2. Forcing a SP to be sexually intimate with a man she does not wish to be with is akin to a sexual assault. Doesn't no mean no...even if the reason is skin colour 3. Often ladies may have a BF/SO (some who may not know their GF/SO is an SP) who is for lack of a better phrase, part of a small ethnic group in her city, and seeing someone of the same ethnic group as a client could publically expose her to that small community where her profession as an SP could be discovered. Racism may not be the reason, it may be because of discretion and anonymity. 4. Yes maybe racism too. Not saying it doesn't happen. But that said what man would really want to see a woman who doesn't want to see him. There are many beautiful women out there that aren't racist and would love to spend time with a respectful gentleman of any ethnicity. That's just off the top of my head. I'll guarantee this thread will end up heated. I'm already feeling uncomfortable posting RG
  12. Somehow "G" got missed ;-) So...James Bond fan that I am you might think I'd pick Goldfinger But no For "G" The Godfather (the first one, and IMHO the best one) RG
  13. And that is why the United States does not have, never has had, nor never will have prostitution And you can take that to the bank Stephen Harper & Peter MacKay Your Dream Team ..........................................- Egad, my post has been hijacked by the Goddamned CPC's LOL RG
  14. Good advice. Also you mention a friend warned you that you could be accused of stalking. You don't want to be accused of that and subject to a police investigation. Right now, think of yourself. If she wants to continue to see you let her contact you. This is a hard situation to deal with. Are you in love with her, or is she someone you dated and you're wondering where it's headed Also, not to put a damper on a bad situation, but are you sure she isn't seeing anyone else...she may be playing the field not ready to settle down Just it sounds to me that it is hard to make plans for the future when just day to day is uncertain. And it sounds like you don't matter to her as much as she matters to you Good Luck To You RG
  15. Because sex for money will become illegal A lady's website needs to post her rates. Nothing illegal about paid companionship, being an escort and so on But being a prostitute, sex provider, hooker etc, those are ladies advertising sexual services for money. That will be illegal And gentlemen seeking to buy sexual services are going to be breaking the law Not only are ladies' websites going to need to be changed, emails/texts/phone calls to and from companions are going to have to be changed, no mention AT ALL of sex for money At least that's my take on it RG
  16. I'm comfortable , and more importantly the ladies are comfortable with the payment methods I use already...cash, email money transfer and in one case, one other payment method ;-) I don't know enough about BitCoin, nor do I guess do most ladies to start using it as a new currency Call me an old dinosaur, but I'll stick to the proven payment methods But that's just me RG
  17. One thing, it shouldn't be hard, or you'd think it wouldn't be hard, for existing ladies and gentlemen to adapt. Unless you've stuck your head in the sand, everyone here knows about C36 and it's ramifications to this lifestyle. But we should all be able to adapt, and enjoy this lifestyle as we have before It is the ladies and gentlemen who want to start in this lifestyle post-C36 that will need to learn. Ladies need to learn they offer time and companionship and gentlemen need to look for companionship. Terms like sex provider, prostitute, hooker etc can't be used. Terms like escort, companion are used. And absolutely no mention of sex for money This lifestyle exists in the United States where prostitution is for the most part illegal, it will still continue on...well unless the government plans to add saltpeter to food LOL A rambling RG
  18. Didn't notice a Warnings Section for Niagara Falls but you may wish to also post in the Canada Wide section http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=198 After all what are fake photos for except for Bait & Switch Good Luck RG
  19. Roast chicken (picked up at the grocery store), small salad washed down with water For desert an apple RG
  20. I learned (well taught by a certain lady ;-) )early in my newbie days that seeing ladies was not about the sum total of menu items she offers...it was about the companionship a lady provides. In fact most of the ladies I see now do not even have a menu of services. And I don't even ask about the lady's menu (if she has one) when booking a date. There is so much more to a date with a lady Whatever happens in an encounter is private, and unfolds naturally, not to a prearranged script This has been my experience and dating life with professional companions since learning there is much much more to seeing ladies than the sum total of her menu (if she has a menu) And this is pre C36 That said, all of us, SP's and Clients alike know about C36 and it's restrictions. But contrary to MacKay's delusion this lifestyle will continue. Offer time and companionship as an escort. But not as sex provider, prostitute well you get the idea. No discussion of sex for money, or is that money for sex It's means changing practices. But what happens privately, well that's no one's business but yours and your client's. The ones who adapt will continue on in this lifestyle, those that can't adapt, they're the ones who may find trouble with C36 A rambling for what it's worth from a client who reads lady's websites ;-) RG
  21. Just my opinion but this "relationship" doesn't seem too healthy. The lady and you seem to have different expectations . As OBE suggested, if contacted, tell her you have a date planned, but suggest an alternate day/date. It may let the lady realize you have a life too. If she sees you on the alternate date see where it goes. If not, if she seems disinterested, you should move on. Relationships should be mutually beneficial. It seems like this "relationship" is just causing you grief, not any benefit. Better to break up now if she isn't interested, than continue to grasp at straws at a relationship that isn't meant to be My two cents RG
  22. Happy Belated Birthday Hope you had a Great Day RG
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