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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well there are bald kitties Some who may use a sweater on those cold days. And furry kitties too Shorthairs And longhairs This one thinks he's a lion And why do I know this, because I'm a cat guy, and I thought this thread was about cats, hairless, shorthair and longhairs Oh and..... Now if this thread was about something else, well I'm with Lee and echo what he said "Yup I do" Although I will say I'm a hobbiest with a hairy pussy LOL A Nabob approved rambling RG
  2. Well you know who was a frequent customer at the chicken ranch and explains the smile on his face Yup, Col Saunders LOL Although now got to wonder what he meant when he said finger lickin good Oh stop groaning, if I didn't say it someone else would have LOL RG
  3. Cashless...story of my life LOL With cash...cash in pocket, it works Cashless...because Sweden does it. Didn't they bring us the Nordic model that's enough reason to reject anything else they might have Seriously, cash works If power, computers go down, then what If your identity is stolen and the bank freezes your accounts till you come in an see them (btw just happened to me a couple months ago...thank god I had a few bucks in my pocket till the bank (my branch) opened (I was out of town) I keep a small emergency fund at home, just in case something goes wrong now. But I like cash. Cash works. Cash doesn't bounce, cash doesn't get declined, using cash doesn't get you in debt. I like having a cc, but only to use for reservations or in an emergency A rambling for what it's worth RG
  4. Hair up or down...hmmm I'd be grateful if I just had hair LOL Seriously, down, although nothing wrong with up...I'm easy to please Guys with bald heads, short hair or long hair RG
  5. This year added to the mix (just for myself) apple crumble tarts and apple crisp...got a couple good recipes And my first time tart cooking turned out GREAT!!! RG
  6. Crying Well not really, I just chopped an onion...onions always make me tear up Actually making a minestrone right now RG
  7. You'd think when someone posts a "resume" listing...well here's what's listed According to the FBI affidavit, Hillar's website, now taken down, claimed extensive experience with the U.S. Army in tactical counter-terrorism, explosive ordnance, emergency medicine, psychological warfare and law enforcement ethics. Extensive experience in all of these...not to mention a Bachelor's and Doctorate degree...eyebrows should have been raised when anyone claiming experience, well extensive experience in all of these diverse areas. Maybe he got a book on tape, or a mentor (just a little humour here):icon_rolleyes: Seriously, while I don't condone or excuse his fraud, some people should have looked at the resume he offered and been just a bit more skeptical, and not taken his claims at face value Anyhow, my two cents worth RG
  8. Password Manager may also be called Credential Manager You should be able to access it through your Control Panel-User Accounts & Family Safety-Credential Manager Good Luck RG
  9. Never ran into a password problem. First quick question, when you enrolled on CERB did you use a different email than the one you use now Second if the same email, is CERB's email being blocked or put in your spam folder in your email and not in your in box But what I would suggest if that isn't the problem, then if the reset password isn't working for you, contact Mod, he may be able to assist you. Good Luck RG
  10. I actually don't know what to expect, I'm not a massage guy But if a SP for example charged hypothetically $2000 for a half hour, guess what, I wouldn't complain about her rate,I just wouldn't see her. Point is, if a SP/MA/MP charges too high then she'll just price herself out of the market, because there are a lot of other ladies out there But if she's been in business for 20+ years she must be doing something right One quick thought, is she a RMT, not a MA/MP. Just asking don't know And prices at conventional ("civilian" spas) which don't have anything sexual charge in some cases even more RG
  11. A lady's rates are hers alone to decide, not for anyone else to tell her. If she finds she doesn't get a lot of clients, then she could adjust her rates If you find a SP/MP/MA's rates too high, simple solution, don't see her But it really isn't for you to say you are shocked at what others are paying for her services The fact she has been in business for twenty+ years indicates at least to me she knows what she is doing Shouldn't tell her she is charging too much, that could possibly be construed as a client trying to negotiate/haggle a cheaper rate Long story short, if you don't like her rates, see someone else My two cents RG
  12. But it's $200 US if you want to be kicked in the nuts by both feet at the same time
  13. That might cover most of dinner and a movie...just the cost of dinner and a movie that is The guy will still need to pay the lady's donation, likely three hours, one hour for dinner and two hours for the movie RG :-)
  14. Nothing wrong about keeping contact information on your friends and wives (ok wife) is there? ;-) And nothing wrong with getting together with your friends or wife is there? When seeing ladies I have already met, scheduling the date has nothing to do with services or donation or anything like that. It has to do with setting a date, place and time to get together again Frankly even with new ladies, booking an encounter is just about setting a date, place and time...with the addition I'll also provide screening/verification information too (btw that won't change, if a lady I want to see requires verification info it will still be provided) A quick rambling RG
  15. I know most of the ladies I see don't have menus at all, and are GREAT companions. These ladies didn't need to advertise a menu of services because, as Emily says, they were booked for their time and who they are. And when C36 passes, the ladies I would avoid are those who have profiles/websites which list a menu of services or make it clear they are providers of sexual services. Those are the ones who, in my opinion will bring attention to themselves and their clients, and it will deter new clients. My experience in this lifestyle has been great, and that is in large part to seeing ladies who offered their time and companionship, not a menu of services. And that was pre C36. Ladies and gentlemen who are menu focused now need to adapt. It doesn't mean your experiences in this lifestyle will be bad, just you can't discuss specific services. But what a lady and gentlemen do in private will now have to be just between you two The only menu to come into play now is when the waiter/waitress hands a lady and gentlemen their dinner menu when you take the lady out for a dinner date ;-) A rambling RG
  16. Unfortunately, if true, the individuals lashing out are targeting the wrong people,...not that I'm condoning in any way shape or form what they are doing...but it's innocent bystanders if you will being targeted, not policy makers I agree, it isn't surprising that some may act this way with policies the government brings out, but definitely not condoning or suggesting anyone even politician or policymaker should be shot I'm more inclined to think this is part of a bigger picture, first the driver who ran down two soldiers in Quebec, who apparently embraced extremist ideas. Now today, three shooters in Ottawa. RG
  17. So these guys aren't getting dates I assume LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDTZCgsZGeA RG :-)
  18. What I have always provided when a reference is requested, is, well first, I ask the lady I'm going to use as a reference for her permission. Once I get her OK, I give the lady I want to see my reference's name, email, and website. Here is a thread started by Emily Rushton which may be helpful http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=166481 Just a comment about seeing a lady only once makes for a weak reference. Some gentlemen just beginning in this lifestyle haven't seen a lot of companions, nor had a lot of encounters with just one lady In my case the first time I had to be verified, I had four encounters, of which one was Great, the other three, well if I was on a review board you might have heard of them LOL. The lady who provided me that Great Encounter was my reference for the other lady I wanted to see. Was her reference weak because I saw her, at that time, only once. I'm sure glad the reference wasn't considered weak by the lady I wanted to see because she and I have enjoyed many wonderful memories. Oh and the lady who was my reference, she and I have since that time had many wonderful escapes too. I think if a prospective client, especially a newbie complies with screening, is open and honest, but only has one reference, that in itself shouldn't be a weak reference. I can understand a reference from a lady who a guy hasn't seen for over a year being questioned, but just one encounter. A rambling RG
  19. Some are even worse, they hold kittens LOL Or pet a dog It doesn't mean anything, they're still dorks And cruel to animals RG
  20. I was just making a general comment, because there has been some revealing of clients in the United States. My comment was not directed at anything you posted But thinking of running for the Conservatives, why, why, why.???..don't go to the dark side Luke LOL RG :-)
  21. And one can't really compare what has happened in the U.S. with Canada Prostitution for the most part is illegal in the United States. LE likely puts pressure on an escort to reveal her client list in exchange for reduced/no charges. In Canada however, well until C36 becomes law, LE has no such leverage because prostitution is legal And the ladies in the US who have revealed client's names, IMHO are not professional. A rambling RG
  22. In the news this morning, only five years for a life Oscar Pistorius sentenced to 5 years in jail for girlfriend's death Reeva Steenkamp, 29, was shot and killed Feb. 14, 2013 http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/oscar-pistorius-sentenced-to-5-years-in-jail-for-girlfriend-s-death-1.2806959 Only five years for killing his girlfriend...that sucks, the only thing that sucks more is she was killed RG
  23. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/negative-online-reviews-led-to-threats-of-legal-action-from-targeted-businesses-1.2803572
  24. Pork Hocks and Sauerkraut Would be good washed down with a beer but I'm going to wash it down with water Followed by mixed berries for desert RG
  25. Out today and a person I talked too said they were up in Bancroft yesterday and it was snowing with some accumulation Winter's around the corner RG
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