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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Some heavy wool socks for winter :-( And a new pair of jeans...with a smaller waist size, my diet/exercise regime is working RG
  2. Just for fun tried on an old pair of jeans (smaller waist)...THEY FIT ME!!! :-) My diet/exercise regime is working No I'm not a spinner LOL and a long ways to go but getting there RG And a thanks for the thanks Emily, amongst other things, your my Jillian Michaels
  3. I think with C36 it'll be dangerous to start talking/texting/emailing about money for services. Keep talk/texts/emails to money is for time and companionship, nothing about sex for money A rambling RG
  4. Happy Birthday Jolie Enjoy your special day RG
  5. There are ladies provide Wonderful Companionship and Magical Memories, but a look at their websites, not a mention of a menu at all. Most ladies I see don't even have a menu.. Companionship, and this is just my opinion, is more than looks and a menu of services. A lady's personality, chemistry/connection, what is undefinable, makes for a Great Date. Again, just my opinion, menus will have to go out the window once C36 passes. Ladies will have to redo their profile and websites removing any mention of menus and being prostitutes. Websites like that I can see drawing attention, unwanted attention that is. Guys, well those menu focused will just have to understand about C36 and realize advertising services will be a thing of the past A morning rambling over coffee number two RG
  6. Finished dinner (homemade Caesar salad...btw note to self, lo carb diet or not, next time put croutons in the salad) Dishes done, kitchen cleaned up Now feet up, changed to sweat pants and a hoodie, lounging,enjoying a hot coffee, berries and surfing CERB RG
  7. CERB isn't just a board, it's a community CERB isn't a boy's club, Ladies can come here and they feel safe. Here, we, ladies and gents alike are all opposite sides of the same coin, not us versus them RG
  8. Tonight...wow already decided on dinner and it's not even 7amLOL, I'm going to have a Caesar Salad...no not the store bought ones, I'm using the homemade recipe (well one picked up from a chef many years ago)...only thing that will be missing from it is croutons, because I'm on low carb diet Washed down with water For desert, berries RG
  9. Just finished paying some bills (cell, cable, internet) :-( Having my second coffee now and surfing CERB RG
  10. Hmmmm and I think I saw this somewhere else before :-) Just needs an angel on top Next Katsukawa Shun'ei RG
  11. I've been saying this from the get go. No extra money has gone to police for enforcement of C36. And the police aren't parked at Timmies right now having a donut just chomping at the bit waiting to enforce it. This isn't even a police driven legislation. This is a MacKay bill in response to the SCC decision on Bedford. But to the police, this is just a new law used to enforce prostitution offences...it's not some ideological/philosophical /quasi religious calling for them as it appears to be for MacKay, Joy Smith and others Some simple common sense solutions, no discussion of sex for money, ladies, call yourselves escorts, not prostitutes. Guys, don't look for a menu of services, nor ask, and ladies, don't advertise one We all know what's going on with C36. The ladies and gentlemen who can adapt will still carry on in this lifestyle. Those that don't adapt, they're the ones who may be the first C36 casualties A rambling RG
  12. To which I have to add the acronyms "GGAJM" (which stands for Goddess, Goddess and Just Me) aka "TBTR" (which stands for Thorn Between Two Roses) Ah fond memories of a Very Special Night With Two Very Special Ladies And Friends RG
  13. Well a phrase "Kisses and Snuggles" RG
  14. My first pension cheque finally deposited into my bank account..Yayyyyy:-) I'm a happy boy Someone I need to contact:-) RG
  15. Another word Memories (or Memorable) RG
  16. An early Christmas present for myself, on sale at Sears, an exercise bike Put a deposit on it, pick it up mid November and went to Mark's Work Wearhouse...bought a pair of winter boots. Bonus they were on sale, regularly priced $129.99, surprised at the checkout, $99.99 Things that suck...first pension cheque goes to pay the credit card...hate using it, cc company is probably surprised I'm alive LOL RG
  17. Goodbye Vito Hope everything is OK Wishing you all the best in your future RG
  18. In addition, there are two ladies I know that tour and have come to Kingston , and may again, who knows. You may wish to contact about an encounter. I can wholeheartedly recommend them as Great Ladies to see Gabriella Laurence Her profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=46192 A caution about Gabriella though, encounters with her can lead to marriage...well a virtual marriage that is ;-) and Emily Rushton Her profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=22822 I've had a few encounters with Emily, including one in Kingston where she gave me "skydiving" lessons :-)...I'll leave that to your imagination Both these ladies are wonderful ladies and have been to Kingston Good Luck RG
  19. Happy Birthday tsdee Enjoy your special day RG
  20. I think if you go over 1000 then you have problems...since I'm nowhere near that ;-) I don't know what the problems are Hope that helps RG
  21. Happy Birthday CK Enjoy your special day RG
  22. I agree, she seems contemptuous of, well men at least...sees men imho as just "wallets". And those "wallets" in her view want nothing more than sex. She no more represents all escorts than a client who is a bad date represents all men. Her opinion is the viewpoint of just one lady, she isn't a spokeswomen for all SPs...I'd use the term courtesan but she really wasn't one was she? A rambling RG
  23. FYI I wasn't airing any dirty laundry, nor suggesting anyone air dirty laundry. Just a general comment about not using another ladies photos or plagiarising when doing their own website BTW recently a lady had her photos stolen from her website and used on another SP's website. The offending SP not on CERB so she couldn't be reported. I personally have seen (and reported) a few plagiarised (some verbatim) ad titles on CERB But always reported, never aired publically. But I don't want for one second anyone thinking I am suggesting to anyone to air out dirty laundry or that anyone should be airing out dirty laundry. Any issues, take it to Mod, he'll look after it RG
  24. A lady's website should be a reflection of herself. Don't plagiarise titles/content from another lady's website (btw not saying, not even suggesting you do) By the same token, use your own photos. Don't use other ladies photos. (And again, not saying nor suggesting that you do) Photos should be clear, not grainy. You may wish to invest in getting professional photos taken down the road, although your pictures are good. But keep your photos current. I've seen one lady's profile and her photos haven't been updated for four years (at least)...too long Personally, I think any talk of services, acronyms etc is risky given C36. Keep your website to offering time and companionship nothing more. And no discussing of services/acronyms in emails either I said at the beginning that a lady's website should reflect herself. JMHO but a lady is not in competition with other ladies. A gentlemen may be looking for a lady just like you, and the only one who is really like you, is you. So be yourself, and your website should reflect who you are BTW your site looks good Hope that makes sense A rambling RG
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