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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Happy Birthday Ladyluck Enjoy your special day RG
  2. Congratulations Daniel Boone on 500 posts :-) Looking forward to your next 500 posts RG :-)
  3. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/twitter-sues-for-right-to-release-surveillance-data-1.2791738
  4. Not to mention it's not as if LE can just arbitrarily pick someone's name out of a hat to check their email. It would require warrants which means the police have had to do some investigating already to have grounds to check your email. And that means you would have had to do something to draw the attention of LE to investigate And searching emails is not going to be easy for LE when the SCC has already upheld internet users privacy http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/internet-users-privacy-upheld-by-canada-s-top-court-1.2673823 My opinion, LE is going to focus on street prostitution not on seeing escorts/courtesans operating discretely Just my opinion RG
  5. Cheese omelette washed down with water Mixed berries for desert RG
  6. Key is prohibiting purchasing sexual services or communicating in any place for that purpose Don't discus money for sexual services. As the saying goes, money is for time and companionship. Keep sex and money out of the discussion. RG
  7. We hear how it is our civic duty to vote in elections. But if the average citizen has a civic duty to vote in elections, then isn't there a higher duty of those elected (and who got elected by average citizens carrying out their civic duty) to carry out both their civic and elected duty by voting on legislation drafted in The House Of Commons. If they are not willing to vote, and take a stand in Parliament they have no business asking citizens to vote them in as MP's. Personally I think those that abstained in this vote just didn't want to upset their Party and also their constituents. The Party may have wanted a vote one way, their constituents another. To me, an abstaining vote is just an empty seat in Parliament, one better used by a politician who will take a stand, even if unpopular. I angers me, they get a healthy income not to mention tax free allowances for being MP's, and they don't even do the job. I personally don't think so. CERB may adapt. And no mention of sexual services in ladies' ads and websites. Escort sites exist (example The Er*tic Revi*w) in the United States. Also there are professional companions in the United States who have websites. BTW prostitution exists in the United States where for the most part it is illegal. Point to this, MacKay thinks C36 will eradicate prostitution. It has existed, and always will exist. But escort recommendation and review board, jmho will still exist A rambling RG
  8. I bet he isn't a returning customer anymore, he's become "date declined" Now me, for the ladies that see me on repeat encounters, I appreciate. It means (in Sally Field voice) "You like me, you really like me" LOL...why try and nickel and dime any lady, especially someone who likes you enough to see you again. That's not just ignorant , it's disrespectful. Ladies don't charge me extra because I'm older, bald, and a tad heavy. Response to that. Why don't you get a girlfriend/CL/wife/SO and then you won't have to contact me. No one in this lifestyle, man or woman should be in judgement of anyone for being in this lifestyle. And to be clear, I'm in this lifestyle because I choose not to date anymore and I have no wife/SO/gf. I am glad there are ladies that are SP's. The companionship they provide has a value far exceeding the donation they ask for. And it is appreciated by this guy RG
  9. Apple peeler...thought I had one, but looked, couldn't find it, so bought a new one. Need it for a wonderful desert recipe I'm going to make this Thanksgiving Day Weekend :-) My mouth has been and still is watering since I saw the recipe :-) RG :-)
  10. I'll echo what has been said. One person's best may not be another person's. One lady may be a 15 out of 10 for one gentleman but not so for another. Intangibles play a part, chemistry, connection, YMMV etc. It's too subjective a question. That said, and as has been suggested, look at the recommendation section for Halifax, it will provide a start for finding a lady who may interest you. Second, there are also some ladies who may not be local but do tour to Halifax. You may wish to contact them too Oh, one friendly tip, and this about ladies in general. It's ok to say they are young, but never call a lady old :-)...btw I've had dates with ladies from their mid twenties to fifties, and never had a date with an old lady Frankly I can't think of any old ladies for that matter on CERB Good Luck RG
  11. Well don't have an answer to your question, but so you know most hotels including major chains accept cash for payment. Usually you pay for your room plus a cash deposit on check in. Yes, you do need to reserve your room using a credit card, but nothing shows up even on your credit card statement. And no hotel is going to release your card information, they all have privacy policies they follow. Besides, why would they? Don't know if that helps RG
  12. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/news/james-cooper-violent-hamilton-child-sex-offender-out-of-jail-1.2788745
  13. Always, always, if you see a companion outside of an encounter in public, don't acknowledge her. Actually acknowledging her in public is impolite. She may have a family that doesn't know what she does. Or a daytime job and those co-workers don't know she is also a professional companion. The lady you see may genuinely like you. You may genuinely like her. But any acknowledgement that you know and like one another is done discreetly within the confines of an encounter or in otherwise private circumstances (ie email) The lady expects you to be discrete the same as she would be discrete if she saw you in public. If concerned about being impolite, you can always text/email the lady after seeing her, and say you saw her but didn't acknowledge her because you were being discrete...she will understand and appreciate it...and consider you polite for not acknowledging her publically A rambling RG
  14. A woman has allowed you to practice your fetish with her using her feet. Possibly, irrespective of the fact that she charges you, and there is no conventional sex, the exclusivity (she sees no one else) leads her to feel she is cheating. And lack of conventional sex doesn't change one fact, a fetish is a sexual fixation with a body part not conventionally viewed as sexual in nature (no I'm not clever, paraphrasing from the definition in Wikipedia). In short you see this woman for your sexual fixation (no not making judgements here) Bottom line, you are seeing a married woman for a sexual fetish. It really doesn't matter what you, or I or anyone (except her husband) thinks. If she thinks she is cheating then she is cheating A rambling before my second coffee RG
  15. Portabello mushrooms stuffed with chopped tomatoes, chopped red onion and feta cheese...fried in garlic butter, covered to melt (as best as possible) the feta cheese Washed down with water Followed by mixed berries for desert RG
  16. Baking pan, cornstarch, vanilla, brown sugar, tart shells. Got a recipe from a special lady for Apple Crumble Tarts, going to make it for desert (my first time ever baking btw) next weekend for Thanksgiving. I'll pick up the balance of things next weekend. But thought I'd get a head start on shopping Oh, and for dinner tonight, got myself portabella mushrooms, feta cheese, tomato, garlic and a red onion. Going to stuff the portabella mushroom with the cheese, chopped onion and tomato and cook it up RG
  17. I'm looking forward to seeing it, wait till it comes out on DVD I remember enjoying the tv series back in the 1980s Recently watched Three Days To Kill. It was ok, not great, not worth watching again JMO Today, on a cold rainy Saturday The Godfather and Godfather II on tv Guess what I'll be watching...some classic movies you never tire of RG
  18. I agree there is a lot of fear mongering over C36. I don't believe for one second the police are even going to beef up enforcement on prostitution. For the police it will be business as usual, just using C36 instead of current prostitution laws, but that's my opinion Companions and their clients operating discretely are not going to find an increased police prescence, again my opinion only. The police will focus on what they always have focused on, street prostitution, they will just use C36 as the enforcement tool. And there isn't a quasi religious fervor by police over C36 the same as there is amongst MacKay et al. C36 is a political ideological based law. My guess the police just view it as a new law to enforce, that's it. And it will be enforced within the budgetary constraints they have As for my other comments, they were just quick off the top of my head based on a news report that Terri Jean Bedford mulling over whether to out politicians. I personally do not support outing, (well unless Harper and MacKay LOL...yes tongue in cheek here) but was pointing out one other aspect of the SP/Client relationship, and that the donation is not just for time and services, but discretion and confidentiality too. And if a client, yes even if a politician, is outed, after he has paid the donation, doesn't the companion who has outed him owe the former client a partial refund. After all discretion and confidentiality is part of what a client pays a companion a donation for. A rambling RG
  19. Winter must be nearing :-( Days are cooler...especially notice it when walking to the "Y" 530 in the morning Plus it's dark out when I get up and go to bed And yesterday saw geese flying heading south Plus went to Costco this week, Christmas wrapping paper already out Speaking of Christmas, a Christmas themed ad on tv for FlexSeal (by tv pitchman Phil Swift) wtf besides too early for Christmas ads flexseal as a Christmas gift. And it's only October 3rd RG
  20. Something else to consider. The donation the client gives to the companion is not just for time and services, it is also for confidentiality and discretion. If a companion breeches confidentiality and discretion by outing a client of hers, shouldn't she return at least a part of the donation the client paid. She violated the client's trust by breeching confidentiality and discretion. Something that the client expected in addition to time and services when he paid the lady her donation. Just a off the cuff rambling off the top of my head, thrown in for what it's worth RG
  21. You don't think police would love to find a companion who would out a client of hers...even if only a yucky conservative LOL. That would be a lady they could pressure to release her client list, knowing if she had already released the names of some clients (politicians) she'd likely find it easier to release other names if expedient for her...and police pressure could make releasing of a client list expedient Companions are discrete. Even bad clients don't get outed as such (short of criminal behaviour) They may get put on a bad date list which is something shared by companions to protect one another , but not posted for public/media consumption. And a bad date list is something clients know about (or should know about) and only happens if they are a bad date An early morning rambling while waiting for the caffeine jolt to kick in RG
  22. Happy Birthday Daniel Boone Hope you had a great day RG
  23. Maybe for you...the day I don't feel that way (excited, nervous whatever you want to call it) I quit this lifestyle. And I feel that way even with ladies I have met many times BTW I have met many wonderful companions since I began this lifestyle A rambling RG
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